
  • 网络Syndicate;underwriting syndicate;underwriter syndicate
  1. 嘉能可告诉其ipo承销团背后的九家银行,它对风险值设置了1亿美元的上限,但又补充称,至少自2008年1月份以来,它从未超过这个限额。

    Glencore told the nine banks behind its IPO syndicate that it had a $ 100m limit on VaR , but added that it had not exceeded that limit since at least January 2008 .

  2. 承销团应当由主承销和参与承销的证券公司组成。

    The underwriting syndicate shall be composed of the leading underwriting security company and participating underwriting security companies .

  3. 融资客户的承销团往往是事先指定好的。

    Underwriting syndicates for raising capital were predetermined for each client .

  4. 自那以来,爱尔兰纾困行动起起落落,而比雷埃夫斯银行的承销团则岿然不动。

    The Irish bail-out has since come and gone , and Piraeus ' underwriting group remains in place .

  5. 在特定的股票发行中,投资银行建立承销团共同创造市场和分销公司证券,在长期合作中形成战略网络。

    In IPO investment banks always build underwriting syndicates to make market and distribute shares and an underwriting network is formed in a long period .

  6. 承销团由三家以上承销商组成的,可以设副主承销商,协助主承销商组织承销活动。

    If an underwriting syndicate comprises three or more underwriters , it may have a deputy lead underwriter to assist the lead underwriter in organizing the underwriting activities .

  7. 第二十五条向社会公开发行的证券票面总值超过人民币五千万元的,应当由承销团承销。承销团应当由主承销和参与承销的证券公司组成。

    Article 25 . Where the total face value of a public stock issue exceeds 50 million renminbi , the issue shall be underwritten by an underwriting syndicate , which shall include a principal underwriting securities company and other companies who participate as joint underwriters of the share issue .