
  • 网络mortgage trust;Mortgage REIT
  1. 美国已建立起了以房地产抵押贷款和信托投资基金为主,以房地产夹层融资、企业债券为辅的多元化房地产企业融资渠道。

    The United States has established the diversified financing channel consisted by the real estate mortgage and trust-based investment funds mainly , and the real estate mezzanine finance and the corporate bonds .

  2. 作为交换,彭治民及其商业伙伴(包括其妻陆纾)必须将所有股份抵押给这家信托公司。

    In exchange , Mr Peng and his business partners , including his wife Lu Shu , had to pledge all their shareholding rights to the trust .