
dǐ yā wù
  • collateral;estate under mortgage
  1. 如果英国央行愿意接受范围更广的抵押物,可能就会有更多金融机构找上门,从而可能使NorthernRock的可怕状况看上去没那么独特。

    If the Bank had been prepared to accept a wider range of collateral , more institutions might have approached it , which would have made the condition of Northern Rock seem less uniquely dreadful .

  2. 知情人士称,根据AIG与高盛去年达成的一项协议,高盛同意取消价值大约30亿美元的CDO的保险,条件是把价值大约20亿美元的抵押物留归己有。

    Under a deal struck by AIG and Goldman last year , the bank agreed to cancel the insurance on some $ 3bn-worth of CDOs in exchange for keeping collateral worth about $ 2bn , according to people close to the situation .

  3. 我留下这块手表作为借款的抵押物。

    I have left the watch as pledge for borrowed money .

  4. 抵押物保险金为代位物,实现了抵

    The money of mortgage , as the thing subrogated , has combined the mechanism of insurance and hypothecation .

  5. 小额信贷(Microfinance),指对低收入的人群和微型企业所提供的无需抵押物的金融服务。

    Microfinance is non-collateral financial service which provide to low-income crowd and mini-enterprise .

  6. 军人住房补贴作为住宅消费贷款抵押物的风险评定GERT模型研究

    The Evaluation on the Risk of the Housing Credit With GERT Technique

  7. 论抵押物转让中当事人利益的保护

    Analysis of Protection of Parties ' Benefit in Mortgage Transfer

  8. 对于存货融资而言,抵押物价值的波动是重要风险因素之一。

    For inventory financing , price risk is the most important factor .

  9. 论抵押物范围的设置

    On the Setting up the Scope of the Mortgaged Property

  10. 违法收取保证金、风险担保金、抵押物、质押物的;

    Illegally collecting security bond , risk bond , collateral or pledge ;

  11. 目前银行基本采取土地使用权作为抵押物。

    At present , the banks prefer to land rights .

  12. 抵押物转让效力之比较研究&兼评我国担保法第49条

    Validity of Transferring the Mortgage : a Comparative Study

  13. 发行这种没有具体抵押物支持的债务,是银行传统上的主要融资手段。

    This has traditionally acted as the bread and butter of their funding .

  14. 银行对这样的大笔贷款一定要有抵押物。

    The bank will insist on collateral for a loan of that size .

  15. 试论买卖抵押物的法律调整

    Legal Regulation of the Treatment of the Mortgaged Property

  16. 论抵押物出资及其法律规制

    On Capital Contribution of Mortgage and Its Legal Regulations

  17. 给出抵押物来获得以后再归还的钱的人。

    The person who gives a mortgage in return for money to be repaid .

  18. 而房地产作为不动产的主要形式,成为最常见的抵押物。

    The main form of real estate as real as the most common collateral .

  19. 抵押物一般都是土地或房产。

    Much of this collateral is typically in the form of land or property .

  20. 这样才能实现抵押物出资的功能。

    In these ways , the functions of capital contribution of mortgage can be achieved .

  21. 随着房地产的蓬勃发展,房地产作为抵押物是经常发生的事情。

    With the booming real estate , real estate as collateral is often the case .

  22. (二)债务人或者第三人可以提供一定的财产作为抵押物。

    The debtor or a third party may offer a specific property as a pledge .

  23. 2007年的《物权法》也肯定了动产作为抵押物的合法性。

    In 2007 , the Property Law also reaffirmed chattel as a pledge of legitimacy .

  24. 混合现物出资对抵押物出资的启示

    Enlightenment from Providing Funds by Mixed Subsisting Goods to Providing Funds by Mortgage of Goods

  25. 论抵押物登记的作用及效力

    Functions and Effects of Registry of Collateral

  26. 银行不良资产中个人住房抵押物处置的相关法律问题研究

    Research on related legal issues of the disposition of personal home mortgage in bank non-performing asset

  27. 在抵押物的激励下,毁灭性的强制性债券减值情况有望避免。

    With the incentive of collateral , the devastating consequences of forced haircuts could be avoided .

  28. 目前尚未削减对欧元区银行信贷的债权人,也坚持要求提供抵押物。

    Where creditors have not already cut lines to eurozone banks , they insist on collateral .

  29. 投资者已停止借给银行资金,即使是以美国国债等作为抵押物。

    Investors have stopped lending cash to banks even in return for collateral such as US Treasuries .

  30. 抵押物转让制度是担保制度中的一项十分重要的法律制度。

    The mortgage transfer system , part of the security system , is an important legal system .