
  • 网络mortgage-backed bond;CMO;collateralized mortgage obligation
  1. 美国政府接管“两房”之后,抵押担保债券价格上涨。

    Mortgage-backed bond prices rose after the US government seized control of the agencies .

  2. 房利美和房地美发行的抵押担保债券收益率更是大幅下挫,这引发了人们对于两家公司支持的房屋贷款利率下降的预期。

    Yields on mortgage bonds and debt issued by Fannie and Freddie fell particularly sharply , raising the promise of lower rates on home loans backed by the companies .

  3. 现如今,光是在美国公开上市的股票就有数千只,全世界有好几万只,另加数千种公司债券和资产抵押担保债券。

    Today , there are many thousands of publicly traded stocks in the United States alone , and many tens of thousands worldwide , plus thousands of corporate bonds and asset-backed debt securities .

  4. 近年来,该领域一直是抵押贷款担保债券市场中增长最快的领域之一。

    In recent years , this area has been one of the fastest-growing parts of the market for mortgage-backed bonds .

  5. 此次反弹仍然使抵押贷款担保债券的风险溢价(即与国债等资产之无风险利率之间的利差)比信贷危机之前水平高出若干倍,也远远超出推动按揭放贷所需的新交易的水平。

    This rally still leaves risk premiums , or spreads over risk-free rates on assets such as government debt , on mortgage - backed bonds many times higher than pre-credit crunch levels and far above rates that would encourage the new deals that are needed to help mortgage lending .

  6. 央行干预已帮助推动优质抵押贷款担保的债券强劲反弹,尽管目前市场环境尚未强劲到足以推动新的抵押贷款放贷。

    Central bank interventions have helped drive a sharp rally in bonds backed by good-quality mortgages although conditions are not yet strong enough to boost new mortgage lending .