
dǐ yā zhài quàn
  • mortgage bond;mortgage debenture;hypothecary bond
  1. 抵押债券。以抵押特定资产作担保的债券称为抵押债券。

    Mortgage bond . Bonds secured by the pledge of specific assets fire called mortgage bonds .

  2. 2007年5月以来,美国发生的次级抵押债券危机席卷整个世界经济,造成国际金融市场剧烈动荡,使我国利用外汇储备在海外的投资遭受巨额损失。

    Since May in 2007 , the secondary mortgage bond crisis in USA has been affecting the entire world economy , bringing up a fierce turbulence in international money market and forcing our country to suffer a large loss in oversea investment .

  3. 公司主席兼首席执行官李国宝(davidli)表示,东亚银行对全部债务抵押债券的处置是“果断的”。

    David Li , chairman and chief executive , said the disposal of its entire collateralised debt obligation holdings was " decisive " .

  4. 债务抵押债券(collateraliseddebtobligations)只在书末的索引中被提到了两次,信用违约互换(cds)只占了两段半。

    Collateralised debt obligations rate just two mentions in the index and credit default swaps get a paragraph and a half .

  5. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)最宝贵的资产其令人敬畏的声誉正变得像一堆正在贬值的债务抵押债券一样有毒。

    Goldman Sachs ' most precious asset its awesome reputation is turning as toxic as a pile of rotting collateralised debt obligations .

  6. 债务抵押债券(CDO)显然是具有破坏性的。

    Collateralised debt obligations were clearly destructive .

  7. 债务抵押债券(CDO)、信用违约互换(CDS)乃至所有可交易的金融合约都受到了质疑。

    Collateralised debt obligations , credit default swaps and the whole paraphernalia of tradable financial promises have been called into question .

  8. 至于金融监管机构,它们正在应付不知从哪里冒出、发展迅猛的新资产类别债务抵押债券(CDO)、信用违约互换(CDS)。

    As for financial regulators , they were dealing with new assets that had grown rapidly from nowhere collateralised debt obligations , credit default swaps .

  9. 美国国际集团的许多与次级债务抵押债券挂钩的不良保险合同都出售给了欧洲银行,以准许这些银行将所持证券视作AA评级。

    Many of AIG 's toxic insurance contracts linked to subprime CDOs were sold to European banks to allow them to treat the securities they held as double A rated .

  10. 在金融领域,普通人不关心“债务抵押债券”(CDO)和“证券化”(securitisation),直到为时已晚。

    In finance , ordinary Joes paid no attention to " CDOs " and " securitisation " until it was too late .

  11. 这么说,令人畏惧的债务抵押债券(collateraliseddebtobligations,cdo)将美国住房市场推上“巅峰”的聪明技巧正在潜入中国吗?

    So , is the dreaded collateralised debt obligation , that clever sleight of hand that helped drive the US housing market into the stratosphere , creeping into China ?

  12. 然而,这种文化占据主导地位的领域不仅仅是债务抵押债券(CDO)或资产支持证券(ABS)。

    But it is not just in the realm of collateralised debt obligations or asset-backed securities ( the clue is in the names ) that this culture dominated .

  13. 这宗受到质疑的DelphinusCDO2007-1债务抵押债券交易当时由瑞穗国际(MizuhoInternational)出面安排,并由特拉华投资公司(DelawareInvestments)担任抵押品管理人。

    The CDO deal in question , known as Delphinus CDO 2007-1 , was arranged by Mizuho international and Delaware investments acted as the collateral manager .

  14. 这一令人震惊的变化,一定程度上反映出所谓贷款抵押债券(CollateralisedLoanObligation)工具,或资产管理机构及其它金融机构投资组合工具的崛起。

    Part of this seismic shift reflects the rise of so-called collateralised loan obligation ( CLO ) vehicles , or portfolios of loan instruments run by asset managers and other financial institutions .

  15. 但是,该部门的扩张计划包括为投资者提供针对债务抵押债券(CDO)的违约保险。

    But part of its expansion plan included insuring investors against defaults on collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ), or pools of securities .

  16. 债券部分出售给多头投资者,其抵押品是为投资者希望押注的抵押债券池安排的金融保险合约(即信用违约互换(CDS))。

    The bonds , secured against financial insurance contracts ( credit default swaps ) taken out against the pool of mortgage bonds on which investors wish to bet , are sold to long investors .

  17. 今年,由于市场动荡的影响,专门从事现金债务抵押债券(cdo)业务的结构性信贷银行家遭受的打击将最为沉重。

    Structured credit bankers specialising in cash CDOs will be the hardest hit this year as the impact of market turmoil takes its toll .

  18. 欧洲市场上只有银行、对冲基金和被称为贷款抵押债券(clo)的结构性工具。

    The European market had been confined to banks , hedge funds and the structured vehicles known as collateralised loan obligations ( clos ) .

  19. 只有上帝才知道我们目前所处的境地,因为只有他知道基于债务抵押债券(CDO)的信用违约互换(CDS)价值几何。

    Lord knows where this leaves us , since only He knows what a credit default swap ( CDS ) on a collateralised debt obligation ( CDO ) is worth .

  20. 但是,金融家获得这些证券和其它类型的债券,以一种所谓的“债务抵押债券(cdo)”结构再次对其进行打包。

    But financiers took these securities and other types of debt and repackaged them again in structures known as collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ) .

  21. aig在为所谓债务抵押债券(cdos)提供此类担保方面表现得尤为活跃,债务抵押债券是指由次级抵押贷款等债务担保的债券。

    AIG was particularly active in providing such guarantees for securities known as collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ) , bonds backed by debts such as subprime mortgages .

  22. SPV最初起源于1676年德国的抵押债券,到了20世纪后半段在美国形成。

    The initial SPV can back to mortgage-backed securities in germany in 1676 . the SPV did not take shape until the later half of the 20th century .

  23. 但最近几周,打包为债务抵押债券(cdo)的抵押贷款证券的价值进一步下滑,导致华尔街银行面临的亏损急剧上升。

    But the value of mortgage securities packaged into collateralised debt obligations has fallen further in recent weeks sharply increasing the losses Wall Street banks face .

  24. 人们将一切问题都归咎于高额奖金:从房产泡沫,债务抵押债券(cdo)市场的内爆,到英美资本主义的衰落。

    Bonuses are being blamed for everything from the housing bubble and the implosion of the collateralised debt obligation market to the downfall of Anglo-American capitalism .

  25. 为了显得规范得体,它们聘请第三方CDO管理机构或筛选代理机构来筛选和照看抵押债券池。

    For the sake of propriety , they employed a third-party CDO manager or selection agent to select and watch over the pool of mortgage bonds .

  26. 摩根大通做出的一个最重要的选择就是:不要把基于住宅按揭证券的债务抵押债券(cdo)销售业务做得太大。

    The most important single choice JPMorgan made was not to be big in the business of selling collateralised debt obligations based on residential mortgage securities .

  27. 这些实体(从货币市场基金到债务抵押债券(cdo)等投资产品)隐藏了真正的风险,因为它们没有受到妥善监管。

    These entities , from money market funds to investment products such as collateralised debt obligations , hid the real risk because they were not properly regulated .

  28. 他们对收益率曲线和债务抵押债券(cdo)熟稔于心,他们既了解外国,又了解市场。

    They are perfectly at home in the world of yield curves and collateralised debt obligations . They understand foreign countries , as well as the markets .

  29. 但目前证券化技术被广泛应用于抵押债券以外的非抵押资产的证券化领域,并发行了以资产支撑债券ABS为主的证券化品种。

    But securitisation technology widely used in to mortgage the securitisation field of the assets mortgage bond at present , and has issued the variety of securitisation of relying mainly on the fact that the assets support bond ABS .

  30. 尽管证交会的重点集中在鲜为人知的“abacus2007-ac1”合成债务抵押债券(cdo)产品上,但它的起诉书只有22页。

    Although the SEC focused on an arcane synthetic collateralised debt obligation known as abacus 2007-ac1 , its complaint is a spare 22 pages .