
  • 网络classified display
  1. 普雷斯科特大学毕业后的第一份工作,就是在这家专业书籍连锁书店管理“货物陈列”——把书籍拆包并且按分类陈列。

    Mr Prescott 's first job after university was in " goods in " - unpacking books and cataloguing - at the chain of specialist booksellers .

  2. 从《中图法》用于书店图书分类陈列的技术措施、网上书店图书分类研究两个方面概述了2000年以来我国书店图书分类的研究进展。

    The author generalizes the progress of book classification on bookstore of china during 20002005 from two aspects : application of CLC to classification arrangement of bookstore and research on book classification of online bookstore .

  3. 第五部分,针对超市的商品经营提出了多种策略性的方法,对超市在商品定位、分类、组合、陈列、定价及自有品牌营销方面的建设有一定的启迪和推动作用。

    The fifth part presents many strategic measures related to commodities operation of supermarket , which are enlightening and helpful to the position , classification , mix , display , pricing and the establishment of self-owned brands .