- distributed processing

New generation of open distributed processing technology & Web Services
Web services are a hot topic in the distributed processing field .
Web Services in Remotely Sensed Image Distributed Processing
Achieving Distributive Processing of Internet Data - base by Power Builder
Research and Design of the Video Detect System Based on DSP Distributed Processing
Distributed controlling model for hubs in P2P networks
RPC ia an efficient and distributed-processing-oriented network pro-gramming interface provided by UNIX .
The distributed processing mechanism of CORBA
Security for distributed processing is affected by the need to transmit information from one site to another over a potentially nonsecure medium ( such as the Internet ) .
We use Hadoop distributed platform to handle mass data pre-processing .
CORBA ( Common Object Request Broker Architecture ) is proposed by OMG to use in interconnection between hardware and software system .
This paper introduces the ISO reference model for open distributed processing and gives the structure of the model .
An Electronic Toll Collection System ( ETC ) based on multi-technology fusion and distribution processing is brought forward and realized for the first time in China .
2 ) A novel Thread Level Distributed Processing ( TLDP ) architecture for high performance network protocol processing is proposed , to cope with the conflict between performance requirement and programmability .
WebSphere , on the other hand , excels at heavy transactional processing , distributed processing and connectors , scaling , and high availability .
NET and Web Services to realize RS image distributed processing , then designs the frame and the work flow , and at last presents a RS image edge extraction example by this technology .
Traditional models of RS image processing are mainly B / S or C / S structure , which are prone to cause network jam when many users visit the system at the same time .
Meanwhile , to facilitate expanding the functions of system , parallel image process real time operation system ( PIPRTOS ) is designed for this hardware platform to accomplish the distributed processing of the software .
Mobile Agent is new-type distribution computing technology , and using the intelligence and the distribute character of mobile agent to solve the routing problems is one of research directions in MANET .
Customer / server computation , distributed treatment , Internet , Intranet and other techniques are adopted and applied widely , and the demand of computer for networking is expanded quickly .
We analyze the structure of Hadoop platform and programming framework and implement huge numbers of data preprocessing in Hadoop platform .
Java is a kind of advanced programming language developed by Sun Microsystems , and it provides a scheme independent of platforms , and it also can sustain distributing processing environment .
Agent can make use of many parallel distributed processing technology and modular design idea ; put a complex system into relatively independent subsystems Agent , by cooperation and competition between Agents to complete the diagnosis of complex problem solving .
The advantage of MapReduce is that it allows for the distributed processing of the map and reduction operations .
The openness , security , reliability and distributing process of CIMS have been analyzed to meet the requirement of database management System ( DBMS ) in CIMS .
As information fusion project is aimed to process the huge information of WEB , this system uses a distributed processing framework called Hadoop , and introduces the related information of Hadoop .
COM ( Component Object Model ) is the main technology of distributed application . The middleware logical tier based on COM can establish a steady , easy maintained and easy upgraded application system .
Because they possess the capabilities to upgrade these two aspects of performance , the load balancing technologies based on distributed systems are widely used in various WWW systems .
With the development of computer network and communication technology , Peer-to-Peer ( P2P ) has become an important architecture of the network computing environment and distributed processing system on high performance computing area .
The Research of Mobile Agent includes the research of Mobile Agent system and the application of Mobile Agent . The research of Mobile Agent system is the foundation of distributed technique . This dissertation mainly focused on the research and development of Mobile Agent System .