
  • 网络QOQ;chain;link relative ratio
  1. 通过对不同阳性参考标准的ROC特征进行分析,探索提示暴发出现的最适合环比指标。

    Study characteristics of the positive reference standard of ROC to explore the best chain base index .

  2. 并把消费者物价指数(CPI)评价方法引用到乙烯能效的分析评价中,比较指标包括能耗同比、环比、定基比、累积比。

    And the consumer price index ( CPI ) Evaluation of reference including energy consumption over the previous year , chain , fixed base relative , and the cumulative odds is introduced to ethylene analysis and evaluation of energy efficiency , the more indicators .

  3. 澳大利亚一季度GDP的环比增幅为0.4%。

    Australia 's GDP grew 0.4 per cent quarter-on-quarter in the first three months of the year .

  4. 按照有些计算,中国去年末季gdp环比持平。

    By some calculations , GDP growth in the fourth quarter was flat from the previous quarter .

  5. 诺基亚(Nokia):下滑2.4%(环比下滑17%)

    Nokia ( NOK ) , down 2.4 points ( 17 % )

  6. 索尼爱立信(SonyEricsson):下滑0.6%(环比下滑11%)

    Sony Ericsson ( SNE ) , down 0.6 points ( 11 % )

  7. 私营数据提供商中国房地产指数系统(ChinaRealEstateIndexSystem)公布,4月份该系统监测的44个主要城市房产累计成交面积环比下降9%,同比下降19%。

    Private data provider China Real Estate Index System said property sales by volume in the 44 cities they track fell 9 % in April from the prior month and 19 % compared with a year earlier .

  8. 本文以MR(美国《数学评论》)1973~1991年间主题分类变化的计量指标,从其环比增长指数的动态变化上探讨了数学发展的状况,并给出定量分析。

    Using the change of mathematics subject classification as measure index , this paper discussed the state of the mathematics and its development according to the dynamic change of the chair index .

  9. 宏达电(HTC):下滑4.3%(环比下滑39%)

    HTC , down 4.3 points ( 39 % )

  10. 与之相比,第一和第二季度的GDP环比分别增长了45.7%和24%。

    That compares with growth of 24 per cent on the same basis in the second quarter , and 45.7 per cent in the first .

  11. 不过,德意志银行(deutschebank)指出,在对月度环比交易天数进行调整之后,潜在趋势看上去与10月份基本相似。

    Adjust for the number of trading days month-to-month , however , and underlying trends look broadly similar to October , Deutsche Bank points out .

  12. 根据高盛(goldmansachs)的数据,经过季节调整后,中国2月份出口环比增长61.8%。

    According to Goldman Sachs , exports rose 61.8 per cent in February on a month-on-month , seasonally adjusted basis .

  13. 今日发布的数据显示,经季节性调整,日本第二季度国内生产总值(GDP)环比增长0.9%,结束了连续4个季度的萎缩。

    Data released on Monday showed that gross domestic product expanded 0.9 per cent quarter-on-quarter on a seasonally adjusted basis , following four quarters of contraction .

  14. 之前美国商务部宣布的数据显示,2015年一季度GDP初值环比仅增长0.2%。

    Last week , the Commerce Department announced that GDP growth in the first quarter of 2015 fell dramatically to 0.2 % on an annualized basis .

  15. 经季节性调整后,6月份居民消费价格(CPI)可能会连续第四个月环比上涨。

    Seasonally-adjusted , month-on-month consumer prices are likely to rise for the fourth consecutive month in June .

  16. 这导致一些国家的经济季度环比增幅出现剧烈波动,例如,新加坡第三季度GDP环比降幅达到了创纪录的19.8%。

    That has led to extremely volatile quarter-on-quarter growth in some countries , with third-quarter GDP down a record 19.8 per cent in Singapore , for example .

  17. 英国国家统计局(officefornationalstatistics)公布,英国第一季度国内生产总值(gdp)环比下降2.4%,明显大于最初计算的1.9%。

    The office for national statistics reported a decline in gross domestic product of 2.4 per cent compared with the previous quarter , significantly sharper than the 1.9 per cent it initially calculated .

  18. 房地产经济公司KnightFrank的调查表明,按季度环比计算,在全球45个国家中23国的住宅不动产价格持续下降。

    On a quarter-on-quarter basis , residential-property prices are dropping in23 of the45 countries surveyed by Knight Frank , an estate agent .

  19. 菲律宾表示,经季节调整后,第三季度GDP环比增长1%,同比增长0.8%。

    Manila said GDP grew by a seasonally adjusted 1 per cent in the third quarter on the second , and by 0.8 per cent year on year .

  20. 符合市场预期的是,在昨日公布的日本国内生产总值(GDP)初步数据中,公共投资领域增长最为强劲,较第一季度环比上升1.7%。

    As expected , the strongest line yesterday 's preliminary gross domestic product figures came from public investment , which rose 1.7 per cent from the first quarter .

  21. 分析师预计,日本今日将下调对第三季度国内生产总值(gdp)的估算,最初报告的环比增长为1.2%。

    Analysts expect Japan today to revise down its estimate of gross domestic product growth in the third quarter from the 1.2 per cent quarter-on-quarter expansion initially reported .

  22. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)估计,今年6月燃煤发电量环比增长5%,7月和8月将进一步增长。

    Morgan Stanley reckons coal-fired power production rose 5 per cent month-on-month in June and will rise further through July and August .

  23. MNI中国企业信心指数(MNIChinaBusinessIndicator)录得自去年12月以来的首次环比增长,从4月份的48.8升至本月的49.7。

    The MNI China Business Indicator registered its first month-to-month gain since December , rising from 48.8 in April to 49.7 this month .

  24. 目前水平的中国pmi似乎表明,若按月度环比衡量,制造业增长已近乎停滞。

    At its current level , the Chinese PMI suggests that manufacturing growth has nearly stalled in month-on-month terms .

  25. 据中国国家统计局(NationalBureauofStatistics)称,受访城市中,新建商品住宅价格最大环比降幅为1.9%,其中北京和上海环比跌幅分别为0.7%和0.9%。

    The National Bureau of Statistics said that prices for new homes fell by up to 1.9 % in the cities surveyed , with drops of 0.7 % in Beijing and 0.9 % in Shanghai .

  26. 政府统计学家现在表示,2010年第四季度的GDP环比降幅为0.8%,远远高于最初估算的0.3%。

    Government statisticians now say that output fell 0.8 per cent quarter-on-quarter in the last three months of 2010 , a much sharper decline than the 0.3 per cent initially estimated .

  27. 素以波动著称的日本国内生产总值(GDP)数据本季高于预期,不过实际经济增长率上升是受到了GDP缩减指数环比下降0.3%的影响。

    The notoriously volatile gross domestic product numbers were better than expected , though the real rate of growth was flattered by a quarter-on-quarter 0.3 per cent fall in the GDP deflator .

  28. 德国国内生产总值(GDP)今年一季度环比增长0.5%,远高于经济学家的预测。

    German gross domestic product expanded 0.5 per cent in the first quarter of the year compared with the previous three months , a much stronger pace of growth than economists had forecast .

  29. 绝大部分台湾供应商2月份的表现都要差于往年,苹果头号供应商、鸿海精密仪器(HonHaiPrecision)也不例外。它2月份的营收环比下滑了25%。

    Most of the preliminary Taiwan Monitors experienced weaker than average trends this February including Apple supplier Hon Hai Precision with a 25 % MoM sales decline in February .

  30. 有报道称,中国一季度gdp增长滑落至历史低点,这给市场带来了更多的不确定性不过分析师表示,环比数据可能显示出复苏的迹象。

    More uncertainty for the markets came from reports that Chinese annual GDP growth had slipped to a record low in the first quarter although analysts suggested quarter-on-quarter figures might point to a recovery .