
  • 网络QoQ;sequential growth
  1. 我们预计,环比增长势头将在接下来的几个月出现起色,但考虑到根深蒂固的挑战,比如上游产业产能严重过剩的问题,任何好转都仍将是相当脆弱的,野村证券(Nomura)经济学家赵扬表示。

    We expect sequential growth momentum to improve in the coming months , but given the deep-rooted challenges such as the severe overcapacity problem in upstream industries , any improvement will still be rather fragile , said Yang Zhao , an economist at Nomura .

  2. 尽管在一定程度上,一季度经济数据是对去年同期经济低迷的反映,但环比增长同样强劲。

    Although the first quarter numbers reflected in part the slump in the economy at the same time last year , sequential growth was also strong .

  3. 本文以MR(美国《数学评论》)1973~1991年间主题分类变化的计量指标,从其环比增长指数的动态变化上探讨了数学发展的状况,并给出定量分析。

    Using the change of mathematics subject classification as measure index , this paper discussed the state of the mathematics and its development according to the dynamic change of the chair index .

  4. 根据高盛(goldmansachs)的数据,经过季节调整后,中国2月份出口环比增长61.8%。

    According to Goldman Sachs , exports rose 61.8 per cent in February on a month-on-month , seasonally adjusted basis .

  5. 今日发布的数据显示,经季节性调整,日本第二季度国内生产总值(GDP)环比增长0.9%,结束了连续4个季度的萎缩。

    Data released on Monday showed that gross domestic product expanded 0.9 per cent quarter-on-quarter on a seasonally adjusted basis , following four quarters of contraction .

  6. 菲律宾表示,经季节调整后,第三季度GDP环比增长1%,同比增长0.8%。

    Manila said GDP grew by a seasonally adjusted 1 per cent in the third quarter on the second , and by 0.8 per cent year on year .

  7. 分析师预计,日本今日将下调对第三季度国内生产总值(gdp)的估算,最初报告的环比增长为1.2%。

    Analysts expect Japan today to revise down its estimate of gross domestic product growth in the third quarter from the 1.2 per cent quarter-on-quarter expansion initially reported .

  8. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)估计,今年6月燃煤发电量环比增长5%,7月和8月将进一步增长。

    Morgan Stanley reckons coal-fired power production rose 5 per cent month-on-month in June and will rise further through July and August .

  9. MNI中国企业信心指数(MNIChinaBusinessIndicator)录得自去年12月以来的首次环比增长,从4月份的48.8升至本月的49.7。

    The MNI China Business Indicator registered its first month-to-month gain since December , rising from 48.8 in April to 49.7 this month .

  10. 德国国内生产总值(GDP)今年一季度环比增长0.5%,远高于经济学家的预测。

    German gross domestic product expanded 0.5 per cent in the first quarter of the year compared with the previous three months , a much stronger pace of growth than economists had forecast .

  11. 德国和法国上周均公布第2季度国内生产总值(gdp)环比增长0.3%,标志着衰退结束。

    Germany and France last week both reported that gross domestic product had risen by 0.3 per cent in the second quarter , compared with the previous three months , marking the end of their recessions .

  12. 去年12月新批房贷申请数环比增长23%。瑞银(UBS)的数字显示,目前房贷还款额占家庭收入的比例实际上只相当于10年前的三分之一。

    New mortgage applications approved rose 23 per cent month-on-month in December . Mortgage payments as a percentage of household income are virtually one-third those of a decade ago , according to UBS .

  13. 上周二发布的销售数据显示,3月份Jeep的销量环比增长了35%,但同比下降了13%,大部分原因是Jeep自由人车型停产。

    According to sales figures release Tuesday , overall Jeep sales were up 35 % month over month in March , but year-over-year sales dropped 13 % thanks in large part to the end of Jeep Liberty production .

  14. 中国央行在最近一份报告中预测,CPI将在第四季度末见底。尽管7月份物价同比有所下降,但CPI与上月持平,而PPI环比增长1%。

    In a recent report , China 's central bank forecast CPI would bottom out at the end of the fourth quarter and while prices fell year-on-year , CPI was flat in July from a month earlier , while PPI rose 1 per cent from the previous month .

  15. 季度环比增长率是大多数主要经济体所采用的指标。

    Quarter-on-quarter growth is the preferred measure in most major economies .

  16. 而蔬菜价格环比增长了16%。

    And vegetable prices rose 16 per cent month on month .

  17. 尽管台湾4月份的出口很糟糕,但3月份的出口却出现环比增长。

    Although April was bad , the previous period saw month-on-month improvements .

  18. 从3月份到4月份,出口环比增长6.9%。

    Exports rose 6.9 per cent between March and April .

  19. 进口较5月份环比增长15.6%,与去年同比下降13.2%。

    Imports rose 15.6 per cent from May , while declining 13.2 per cent year on year .

  20. 北京咨询公司搜房网的数据显示,3月份房地产销售环比增长了90%。

    Property sales rose by 90 per cent in March from the month before , according to Beijing-based consultancy SouFun .

  21. 唯一或许称得上亮点的是私募股权支持的交易,这部分交易第三季度环比增长了16%。

    The only potential bright-spot is for private equity-backed deals , which climbed 16 % in Q3 from the prior quarter .

  22. 有效边界发现,2011年第2季度的按点击数付费广告环比增长了22%。

    Efficient frontier found that cost-per-click ads increased by 22 per cent in the second quarter of 2011 compared with the first .

  23. 10月份,日本工业产出环比增长1.4%,是自1月份出现4.1%的增幅以来增长最快的一次。

    Industrial production expanded 1.4 per cent month-on-month in October , the quickest pace since a 4.1 per cent rise in January .

  24. 去年第四季度中国经济环比增长接近于零,而今年2月份出口下降了26%。

    Growth slowed to close to zero in the fourth quarter of last year and in February exports tumbled 26 per cent .

  25. 从实验前、中、后的环比增长系数来看,不同阶段对不同关节产生不同的影响。

    From the experiments before , during and after the chain growth factor , different stages for different joints have different impacts .

  26. 然而,在第三季度环比增长,一些银行出现了负增长,显示出放缓的迹象微弱。

    However , in the third quarter than the growth ring , some banks have registered negative growth showed faint signs of slowdown .

  27. 8月份的出口较去年同期下降了23.4%,但经季节性因素调整后,交货较7月份环比增长了3.4%。

    August exports fell 23.4 per cent from a year ago , though shipments rose to a seasonally adjusted 3.4 per cent from July .

  28. 韩国央行周五表示,制造业环比增长8.2%,其中,电子和化工行业发挥了重要作用。

    The central bank on Friday said the manufacturing sector grew 8.2 per cent quarter-on-quarter , with electronics and chemicals playing a major role .

  29. 韩国已经出现了越来越多的复苏迹象,其中包括出口的环比增长和消费的反弹,不过企业投资依然低迷。

    The country is already seeing increasing signs of a recovery , including export growth on a month-on-month basis and consumption rebounding , although corporate investment remains sluggish .

  30. 这是统计局首次发布的当季经济环比增长数据,分析家称这将更好地衡量经济趋势。

    This is the first time the statistics agency has published quarter-on-quarter economic growth data , which analysts say is a better gauge of the economy 's momentum .