
  • 网络Social control theory
  1. 当代中国社会控制理论的前提性问题

    Prerequisite Question of the Contemporary China 's Social Control Theory

  2. 第二部分,确立当代中国社会控制理论的本土意识。

    Second part , Establish the consciousness of " native country " of the contemporary China 's social control theory .

  3. 商鞅法律思想中的社会控制理论管见

    Ideas of Management of Society Control in ShangYang 's Legislative Concepts

  4. 第一章,社会控制理论概述。

    The first chapter , the general introduction to the theory of social control .

  5. 第三部分,当代中国社会控制理论的基本观念与思想维度。

    The third part , The basic idea and thought of the contemporary China 's social control theory are linked degree .

  6. 首先论证了其思想的哲学基础以及社会控制理论,然后从其政治思想对依法治国以及和谐社会的构建等方面加以阐述。

    First demonstrate its thought 's philosophical basis and social control theory , then expound on in the side of rule the country by law and the construct of harmonious social .

  7. 本研究主要依据社会控制理论、般化紧张理论以及社会学习理论之观点为基础,探讨家庭、校及同侪因素与国中听觉障碍学生偏差行为之关联性。

    Control Theory , General Strain Theory and Social Learning Theory , this quantitative study explored the effects of family , school , and peers on the deviant behavior of deaf junior high school students .

  8. 其思想虽有不少已渗入到我国未成年人犯罪的研究中,但目前系统地依据社会控制理论来研究社会转型期未成年人犯罪的还不多。

    This idea has been mentioned in Chinese scholars ' researches on minor delinquency , but at present , the systematic researches on China minor delinquency in social transformation from the perspective of the social control theory are rare .

  9. 笔者主要运用社会控制理论、社会冲突理论来对《管子》社会秩序思想进行了分析,并结合现代社会的具体情况来论述对现代社会主义建设的启示。

    The author mainly uses social control theory , social conflict theory of " Guan Zi " social order thought of are analyzed , and combined with the modern society of concrete circumstance of modern socialist construction discusses the enlightenment .

  10. 然后,针对接受理论思路的单一性等三个方面的理论欠缺,灌输理论对教育者主体地位的充分认识、社会控制理论等都可以对接受理论起到补充作用。

    Then , for the three aspects of the lacks of the theory of reception such as the single line of thought , fully understand of the main status and the social control theory can play a complementary role to it .

  11. 可以说,不对社会控制理论的前提性问题进行彻底的反思,形成逻辑严密、思路清晰的具有当代中国发展特点的社会控制理论是根本不可能的。

    We can say , do not carry on thorough introspection to the prerequisite question of the social control theory , it is impossible at all to form the social control theory with contemporary China 's development characteristic with tight logic , with clear thinking .

  12. 在某种程度上深化了我们对社会控制理论及当代中国社会控制问题的理解,推动了社会控制体系的变革,从而促进了当代人与社会的发展。

    Have deepened the understanding that we control the question to the social control theory and contemporary Chinese society to a certain extent , have promoted the society to control the change of the system , thus promoted the development of contemporary people and the society .

  13. 第一部分,反思社会控制的理论与观念。

    First part , Review the theory and idea that the society controls .

  14. 为了达到研究目的,本文以清代基层组织建构为角度,用社会控制的理论,从制度层面阐述了17&18世纪清代基层社会的犯罪控制。

    In order to make this subject clear , this paper is constructed with the theory of social control , and has elaborated it from institutional aspects of crime control in grass-roots society .

  15. 本文首先对腐败的概念进行科学界定,及中西方关于腐败现象及其社会控制机制理论回顾和综述。

    In dissertation , author strictly and clearly clarify and define terms corruption , review and summarize the theory on the state , cause and mechanism of social control of corruption in China and foreign countries at first .

  16. 然后介绍了分析恶性反社会事件的理论基础,包括危机管理、公共治理、社会控制、心理学理论。

    Secondly , the analysis of theoretical basis of the vicious anti-social events are described , including crisis management , public management , social control , psychological theory .

  17. 并结合污名化、社会控制和谴责理论,呈现莱卡佤族农村社区存在的艾滋病污名化的形成和运作机制,以及污名化的影响。

    Combined the stigma theory , social control theory , and condemn theory to analyze the formation mechanism , operation mechanism and impact of HIV / AIDS stigmatization which existed in the Wa rural community .

  18. 本文分四章展开论述:第一章阐述了社会控制方式的基本理论。

    Chapter one describes the basic theory of the social control mode .

  19. 本文将社会控制作为文章的理论核心,在对学校文化的研究中所着力凸显的是文化作为一种社会控制的手段这一命题的内涵。

    By studying the school culture , the dissertation brings into foreground such a thesis : Culture is means of social control .

  20. 对体育的社会问题进行社会控制,本文从社会控制理论提出控制的途径、控制手段等内容,对体育的有序发展具有重要意义。

    Based on the Research on their social control . The author analyses how , with the help of society , to keep the sports society out of confusion , and go into orderly development by the means of social power .

  21. 第一章,论述法律目的在庞德论理体系中的重要地位,庞德法律目的思想的社会学法学理论基础是通过法律的社会控制理论和法律社会工程理论。

    The theoretical base of Pound legal end theory is the social control theory and the legal social engineering theory .

  22. 虽然他的社会控制概念不可避免地有其缺点,但他的社会控制理论对于社会秩序的研究具有重要的现实意义。

    Though his theory of social control has unavoidable defects , we can still learn something important to deal with existing social problems in modern China .

  23. 本研究根据人的社会化理论,以社会学习理论、心理分析理论、社会控制理论、权利控制理论为背景,指引我们去探讨解释未成年人偏差行为与家庭之间的关系。

    According to people 's socialized theory , this research the society guide us to probe into and explain the relation between teenagers ' deviation behavior and family . With s social learning theory , psychoanalysis theory , social control theory , control theory of the right as the background .

  24. 本文拟就现阶段中国社会控制的手段及功能等有关问题进行探讨,以期增进人们对我国的社会控制理论与实践问题的认识。

    The author inquires into the methods and functions of social control in order to establish harmonious and steady society .

  25. 本文以当代中国正处于由传统农业文明社会向现代工业文明社会、由非市场经济社会向社会主义市场经济社会转型为背景,探讨了建构中国社会的社会控制理论的前提性问题。

    This text is in contemporary China by the traditional agricultural civilized society to the modern industrial civilized society , from market economy society make the transition to the socialist market economy society for the background , have probed into the social control theory of the Chinese society .