
  1. 它是随着经济的不断发展,解决银行投资资金短缺,储户存款居高不下,投资渠道缺少矛盾的重要方法;

    With the development of the economy , banks are short of investing funds and investing channels while deposits stay high . The securitization of mortgage-backed loans is an important way to solve this problem ;

  2. 协同营销的冲突问题表象是生产与销售、计划与市场的矛盾,实质是品牌与渠道之间的矛盾,是一种渠道冲突。

    Obstacles in coordinate marketing appear as conflicts between the production and sales , plan and market , and its essence is the conflicts between brand marketing and channel marketing .

  3. 从资金供求两个方面,分析了农村经济发展所产生的巨大的资金需要和目前经济体制和农村金融体制制约下的资金供应渠道不畅矛盾导致的资金缺口的形成;

    Analysis on the supply and demand of funds reveals the gap between the vast need for the development and the impeded fund supply curbed by the present economic and financial systems .

  4. 面对日益严峻的能源形势,扩大能源渠道成为解决供需矛盾的一个主要手段。

    Confronting the increasingly grim energy situation , expanding of energy supply sources becomes the main way to solve the contradiction between supply and demand .

  5. 因此,正视分销渠道管理中的矛盾冲突,深入分析其特点及成因并对症下药,对降低渠道管理成本和经营风险具有重要意义。

    Therefore , facing up to the contradictions and conflicts in the management of distribution channels , making in-depth analyses of their characteristics and causes , and finding the proper solution are of great significance to reducing management cost and operation risks .

  6. 由于我国现阶段营销渠道发展状况还处于从传统型向现代型转化的进程中,所以在这个当中会出现大量的分销渠道成员之间矛盾和冲突。

    Since our country 's distribution channel has been changing from the traditional models to modern models , there are lots of conflicts and disagreements between the channel members in this changing process .