
  1. 此后,重点研究了欧盟贸易政策的决策机制及其特点,包括欧盟层次各主体的权力划分、运行程序和投票机制,各成员国的作用渠道及影响力,以及欧盟层次和成员国层次的游说活动。

    In particularly , the paper studied the decision-making mechanisms and its characteristic and emphasized on the competence sharing patterns among different entities , the procedures and voting mechanisms , the influences of state members and the lobbying at the EU level and at the national level .

  2. 主办单位将充分利用自身渠道优势和影响力,通过我驻外使馆经商机构,各国贸易促进机构、外医药行业组织及专业展览公司进行海外的招商招展推广。

    The two organizers are joining forces to promote the Healthplex through a strong global network of Chinese diplomatic missions , overseas associations and trade promotional counterparts abroad .

  3. 由于消费者独特的社会属性和行为特征,作为渠道成员的消费者是很难提升其在渠道中的影响力的。

    Because of their special social attributes and behavioral nature , it is very difficult for consumers to improve their power position in the channel network .

  4. 渠道支配理论要着重解释渠道成员之间的非对称关系;渠道影响力与权威概念并不是完全独立于支配力的概念,对深化渠道系统关系研究的贡献十分有限;

    The channel influential ability and the conception of authority are not completely independent with the conception of channel control ability , and their contributions to deepen the research of channel relations system is very limited ;