
  • 网络Channel control
  1. 渠道控制中的企业关系及其影响研究

    Research on the Corporate Relations and Its Impact in Channel Control

  2. 渠道控制转变为发展同中间商的长期伙伴关系;

    Channel control changes development into long-term partner relation with agent .

  3. 带观测器的渠道控制系统设计与运行模拟仿真

    Design and Operation Simulation of Canal Control System with State Observer

  4. 营销渠道控制:理论与模型

    Theories and a model of marketing channel control

  5. 南水北调中线渠道控制计算模型

    Computation model for channel flow control of the Middle Route Project for S-to-N Water Transfer

  6. 通信业渠道控制机制对知识共享的影响研究

    The Research on the Effect of Channel Control Mechanisms upon Knowledge Sharing in Communication Industry

  7. 豪华百货店品牌联营模式下的供货渠道控制研究

    The Study of Supply Channel Control under " Brand Pool " Model of Luxurious Store

  8. 基于渠道控制的市场势力构建模式特征分析

    Analysis on Features of Market Power Construction Patterns Based on Channel Control & Case Study on Wal-Mart

  9. 渠道控制强调服务。

    Channel service insists service .

  10. 同时,三种渠道控制机制还会通过影响渠道关系间接对成员间知识共享产生影响。

    Meanwhile , the three kinds of channel control mechanisms can influence knowledge sharing indirectly through channel relationship .

  11. 本文中所涉及的渠道控制与反控制的主体,仅指生产商和中间商。

    Here , the subject of the marketing control and control instead only indicated producer and trade companies .

  12. 第三部分通过文献与理论研究,深度的访谈调查构建渠道控制力的测量维度。

    The third part build the channel control evaluation system through the literature and theoretical research and in-depth interview survey .

  13. 零售商实施逆向渠道控制顺应了渠道权力转移的客观现实,体现了以消费者需求为导向的现代营销理念。

    On the condition of channel power transferred and modern marketing conception appears sales channel controlling inversely is a right option .

  14. 如今,由于内容和新的传播平台呈爆炸式增长,渠道控制权已转到传媒消费者手中。

    Now , thanks to an explosion of content and new delivery platforms , control has shifted to consumers of media .

  15. 中间品渠道控制通常因其采取内部定价策略而具有极强的隐蔽迂回性。

    The channel control of precursors of product usually has a really strong hidden circuitous nature due to the strategies of internal pricing .

  16. 家电行业的销售渠道控制力之争日趋激烈,谁控制了终端谁就拥有了制定渠道规则的话语权。

    The companies in household appliances industry are severely competing for controlling the channels of distribution in order to gain marketing channels for the rule-making right .

  17. 摘要营销渠道控制是一个渠道成员对另一个渠道成员的行为与决策变量成功施加影响的过程。

    Marketing channel control is a progress that one channel member successfully influences the behavior decision variables of another member on the different level in the channel .

  18. 东部地区应基于高技能劳动力优势在加工贸易基础上融入全球价值链体系,通过技术溢出效应以及对传统渠道控制力来加快产业升级。

    The eastern area should incorporate the global value chain on the basis of processing trade , through the overflow of technology to improve the industry upgrading .

  19. 然后,根据渠道控制效果理论,构建了烟草营销渠道终端控制效果评价指标体系,并运用实例进行了验证性分析。最后,得出结论及展望。

    Next , the channel control theories of the monopoly industry are applied to analyze the reasons of channel terminal control , taking the tobacco industry as an example .

  20. 基于渠道控制力的要求,尽可能不使用独家经销商,以降低系统风险,避免家电行业零售巨头在IT领域出现。

    Based on the control requirements , it is not suit to use a distributor , aiming to reduce the system risk and avoid the retail giants in IT field .

  21. 第一部分又分为对有形资产和品牌、技术、人才等无形资产的控制,第二部分分为对外资市场占有率的分析和渠道控制,第三部分为对三项主要影响的分析介绍。

    The first part is divided into tangible assets control and intangible assets control . The second part is divided into market share analysis on foreign capital and channel control .

  22. 第五章主要分析哈药集团市场营销方面存在的问题,包括产品创新、渠道控制、定价策略、技术研发、广告内涵、品牌管理等多个领域的问题。

    The fifth part analyzed the problems of HPGC marketing , including the product innovation , channel control , pricing strategy , R & D , advertising content , brand management and other areas .

  23. 欲提高跨区分销企业营运资金管理水平,必须将营运资金管理重心转移到分销渠道控制上来,创新分销渠道管理模式,实施有效的分销渠道关系管理。

    In order to improve the working capital management , we should focus on the distribution channel control , change the models of distribution channel management and implement effective relationship management of the distribution channels .

  24. 算例结果表明,用传统的渠道控制方法需要几天才能使水位恢复到目标水位的渠道,用本优化方法控制,可以在几小时内使渠道水位达到目标水位并达到稳定。

    The example application of this method shows that the time during which the water levels reach the target levels and keep them stable can be reduced from a few days to a few hours .

  25. 在第四章,通过在不同多元化程度条件下、对成本、渠道控制力、市场反应能力的分析,提出了在现阶段,冰箱生产企业选择营销渠道模式的模型。

    In the fourth chart , through analyze the cost , level of diversification , controllability of channel , capacity of market response , I will give a method about how to choose channel model .

  26. 首先,通过对渠道控制理论、知识管理理论和知识共享相关理论研究回顾,明确了研究的理论基础,并对渠道控制机制与知识共享间关系有了初步了解。

    First of all , based on the thoroughly literature review of channel control theory , knowledge management theory and knowledge sharing theory , we can have an initial understanding of the relationship between control mechanisms and knowledge sharing .

  27. 研究结果表明,三种渠道控制机制都会对成员间知识共享产生显著的直接影响,其中权力机制产生的是负向影响,而契约和关系规范则产生积极的正向影响。

    The results show that , three kinds of channel control mechanisms have significant and direct influence on knowledge sharing among channel members , in which power mechanism generates the negative effects , while contract and relational norm generate positive effects .

  28. 对H~∞控制理论进行了深入的分析并将其用于渠道控制中,仿真结果表明该控制器在抑制干扰方面明显优于最优控制器。

    It deeply analyze the theory of H ∞ control and gets the theory in canal control and the results of computer simulation show that , the robust controlled is superior to the optimal controller in respect of preventing disturbances of system .

  29. 合理运用渠道控制机制可以加强渠道成员之间的紧密联系,保障渠道战略的执行力,增强渠道的合作效率,从而有效实现渠道成员间的知识共享,提升渠道整体竞争力。

    Rational use of channel control mechanisms can strengthen relationships among channel members , protect implementation force of the channel strategy , enhance cooperative efficiency of the channel , thus realizing knowledge sharing among channel members and raising the overall competitiveness of channels .

  30. 笔者建议,四川CH公司应调整现有的三、四级营销渠道,控制营销渠道和自建专卖店,进行渠道的整合。

    The author suggested that it should make adjustments to Sichuan CH 34 existing marketing channels , marketing channels and self-control store for the integration of channels .