
  • 网络Channel member selection;Selection of Channel Members
  1. 渠道成员选择评价体系及其优化方法研究

    Research On Evaluation System and Optimizing Method of Channel Partners Choosing

  2. 第二、三章是对渠道成员选择和控制的分析。

    The second and the third chapters is analysis on choosing and controlling channel members .

  3. 参照营销渠道成员选择和管理理论,制订了渠道成员之一&合作售票处的选择标准和评分系统。

    The selection criteria and evaluation system of cooperative sales outlets are established with the reference to the theories of marketing channel member selection and management .

  4. 本章设计了延川红枣营销渠道成员选择指标体系,并运用德尔菲法对现有的营销渠道参与成员进行打分排序,在此基础上,设计出了新型的延川红枣营销渠道。

    This chapter designs the selection index system of the marketing channel member of Yanchuan Jujube , and uses the Delphi Method to scoring and sorting with present marketing channel member .

  5. 结合营销渠道成员选择和管理理论,制订了渠道成员之一的三方大客户代理人的选择标准和激励、考核原则。

    Combining with the sales channel member choice and management theory , choice standard and encouragement , examine rules for the three VIP agents which are one of the channel members .

  6. 对东南汽车公司在渠道成员选择、渠道层次划分,渠道冲突解决,价格体系的制订、今后服务体系的建立等几个方面进行分析,分析其存在的问题;

    To analyze several problems as follows : The choosing of sales channels members , the dividing of sales channels stages , the resolution of sales channels conflicts , the establishing of prices system , the construction of service system in the future .

  7. 提出了渠道成员的选择原则、标准和方法,给出了不同中间分销商的选择建议:接着对公司分销渠道成员管理进行设计。

    The selection principle , standard and method of the charnel members and the proposal of different distributor are given .

  8. 本文以KT公司的渠道设计和成员选择、控制为对象展开研究。

    This dissertation researches on the design and management of channel of KT .

  9. 从长期来看,这两种权力组合也是最有益于维系渠道成员关系的选择。

    In the long run , this is the best option to maintain relationship between channel members .

  10. 结合渠道成员管理和选择的相关理论,制定出选择合作售票处合作伙伴的标准,以及日常管理中的评分系统。

    With the related theories of channel members management and selection , the standard of choosing the ticket office partners for cooperation , and daily management of grading system is established .

  11. 实证分析选择了目前国内市场比较有代表性的两个品牌&摩托罗拉公司和波导公司,比较分析了他们在渠道模式、渠道成员选择、渠道设计等方面的特点所在。

    Motorola and Bird , two representative products in domestic market , were used as examples to compare their channel pattern , member selection and design as well .

  12. 明确了各类渠道的定义和渠道成员的选择,功能定位和组织实现;

    Thirdly , we have cleared about the definition of all kinds of channels and choices . functional location , organizational fulfillment of channel members .

  13. 渠道包括三部分内容:渠道成员的选择、渠道成员的激励、渠道成员的考评。

    There are three parts of channel such as channel member selection , channel member encouragement , channel member check .

  14. 在此基础上分析了轿车分销渠道结构、中间商类型的选择以及渠道成员的选择和评估,其中对于渠道成员主要是轿车经销商的选择评估重点进行探讨,并给出定量的决策方法。

    And then the design of automobile distribution channels ' structure , selection of the members ' type , and evaluation and selection of channel members are analyzed . Evaluation and selection of the distributor is mainly investigated , and quantitative decision making technique is given .

  15. 并且,专业美发产品的特殊性也决定了其营销渠道的一些特性,影响到其渠道的设计,渠道成员的选择以及渠道的管理等。

    The particularities of the professional hair care product work on how to design , select channel member and manage the marketing channel .

  16. 营销渠道管理是一项比较复杂的系统工程,它涵盖了对渠道成员进行选择、管理、合作、竞争、激励、控制和绩效评估等多个方面,以促进营销系统的整合。

    Marketing channel management is a complicated and systematic project , which covers many aspects of the channel member selection , management , cooperation , competition , incentive , control and performance evaluation , in order to promote the integration of marketing system .

  17. 同时,论文重点论述了渠道设计的影响因素、设计时应考虑的几个主要方面、合适渠道结构的选择方法及渠道成员选择方法。

    Meanwhile , the paper also focus on effect factor of channel design , several key elements of design , way of appropriate channel structure selection and channel members selection method .

  18. 随后,论文对渠道关系的建立过程进行了研究,提出了基于合作的渠道关系原则,并将企业自身渠道实力分析纳入渠道成员选择体系。

    After that , the thesis studies the establishing procedure of channel relationship and propose three principles of cooperative channel relationship . Moreover , this thesis sets up a strategic system of selection of cooperative channel member , which includes the analysis of manufacturer 's channel power .