
  1. 首先,介绍了国内外关于危机管理理论与营销渠道危机管理理论的研究现状。

    First of all , the author introduced the research status about crisis management theory and marketing channel crisis management theory .

  2. 在营销渠道危机的修复与再开发子系统里,介绍了营销渠道危机修复管理的主要内容,以及营销渠道危机预控与预警系统再开发的主要内容。

    In the crisis recovery and redevelopment sub-system , the author introduced the main contents of marketing channel crisis recovery management and the redevelopment of the crisis forearm and alarm sub-system .

  3. 在营销渠道危机控制与处理子系统里,介绍了控制与处理营销渠道危机的六大流程:确认危机、调入资源、隔离危机、控制危机、解决危机、危后寻机;

    In the crisis control and management sub-system , the author introduced six procedures of marketing channel crisis control and management : affirm crisis , import resources , control crisis , solve crisis and find chances after crisis .

  4. 这句话上下文是政府在危机中一味严控信息发布是无效的,因为公众会从多种渠道得到危机的相关信息。

    Barring total government control over the flow of information-as in situations of military censorship-there are many ways in which news about the crisis reaches an already aroused public .

  5. 其次,通过采取多种途径培养大学生危机意识:集中强化危机意识,多渠道渗透危机意识,教学评估中体现危机意识指标等。

    Secondly , through adopting multiple approaches to cultivate college students ' crisis consciousness : crisis consciousness , multi-channel concentrated strengthening infiltration crisis consciousness , teaching evaluation are reflected in crisis consciousness index , etc.

  6. 没有一个企业的渠道不会出现危机;

    No one enterprise 's channel has not been able to appear the crisis ;

  7. 动脉危象则始终不能观察到甲襞毛细血管襻。没有一个企业的渠道不会出现危机;

    But the NFC did not appear in all cases with artery crisis . No one enterprise 's channel has not been able to appear the crisis ;

  8. 在双边问题和涉及第三方的问题上,需要完善政府间的直接沟通渠道,建立危机防范机制。

    On bilateral issues and issues affecting a third party , it is necessary to improve direct communication channels between the two governments and establish crisis prevention mechanism .