
  1. 改进加权D-S证据理论在目标意图预测中的应用

    Application of Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory to Target Intention Prediction

  2. 为了准确对目标意图进行预测,以便我方及时合理地作出战术决策,采用D-S证据理论对目标意图进行预测。

    In order to accurately predict the intention of target so as to make decision reasonably in time , the D-S evidence theory is used in target intention prediction .

  3. 信息化战争条件下,空中目标意图识别面临着新的问题。

    In the condition of information-based war , air target intention recognition is faced with some new problems .

  4. 首先提取出影响目标意图预测的各个态势因素,然后分析每个因素的影响效果。

    At first , the situation factors that have effect on target intention prediction are extracted , and then the effect of each factor is analyzed .

  5. 定义了一种自省Agent的承诺类型,使Agent能够根据自身能力的变化修改其目标和意图。

    Farther more , a style of agent commitment was defined as self-aware agent , who allows an agent to modify its goals and commands as its capabilities changed .

  6. 论文深入研究了Agent的意向观点和可能世界语义,研究了基于BDI理论的Agent认知模型,描述了BDI逻辑中信念、目标、意图等心智态度的语义以及它们之间的逻辑关系。

    This dissertation researches the intentional instance and possible-worlds semantic . Agent cognitive model based on BDI theory is studied , and semantics of the mental attitudes , such as belief , goal and intention , are described .

  7. 研究了空中目标攻击意图判断问题。

    The model for aerial target attacking intention judgment is studied .

  8. 空中目标战术意图层次推理框架及实现

    Hierarchical Inference Frame and Realization of Air Target Tactical Intention

  9. 几种结合目标战术意图的跟踪模型研究

    Research on Target Tracking Models Combining Tactics Purpose

  10. 目标、意图等坚定不移的。

    Immovable in purpose , intent , etc.

  11. 该框架为建立空中目标战术意图的推理实现方法提供了重要的依据。

    An important foundation is provided for the realization method of air target tactical intention .

  12. 虚拟化应用服务器环境中必须提供的第二个属性是某些面向目标的意图。

    The second attribute that must be present in a virtualized application server environment is some notion of goal orientation .

  13. 在简述中医教育创新的意义及以往医学院校教学改革经验和措施的同时,重点从帮助学生树立富于创造性的目标与意图,强化自身内在动机;帮助学生掌握专业知识;

    This paper discusses the significance of nurturing creative talents of Chinese medicine and summarizes teaching reform experience and measures practiced in other medical schools .

  14. 提前一天给员工发放会议议程,列出关键点,阐明会议的目标和意图。

    Disseminate an agenda to employees one day prior to the meeting , outlining key talking points and establishing your goals and objectives for the session .

  15. 情感能够提高机器人的便利性和可信度,同时可以向使用者提供机器人的内部状态、目标和意图等反馈信息。

    Emotion can improve the autonomy and flexibility of robot , and offer the user for feedback , such as internal state , goal and intention .

  16. 它之所以重要是因为,如果我们不了解其他国家的目标、意图和能力,我们就不能有效地寻求我们的国家利益。

    This is important because we cannot effectively pursue our national interests unless we understand the objectives , the intentions , and the capabilities of other nations .

  17. 你还没有将找工作建立成一个系统过程:这个系统应该包括一切事情,从确定活动的目标、意图到面试时的角色扮演。

    You haven 't developed a system of finding a job : The system should entail everything from goals and intentions that dictate planned activity to role-playing of interviews .

  18. 人们在宇航方面已取得了惊人的成就,宇航的最终目标和意图就是使人类能够亲自进入太空并到达其它星球。

    Man has attained remarkable success in the earth of physics the final goal and purpose of which is to acquire for man himself way to expanse and to other earths .

  19. 内源性注意指根据观察者的行为目标或意图来分配注意,外源性注意由观察者视野外部突现的信息所引起。

    Endogenous attention is summoned by the behavior goals or intentions of observer , whereas exogenous attention is deployed by salient information that appeared at the peripheral location of the observer 's visual field .

  20. 在此基础上,根据驾驶员经验将目标机动意图分为9种类型,并采用模糊神经网络方法实现了对目标机动意图的预测。

    Furthermore , the target maneuvering intention is divided into 9 categories according to the experiences of pilots , and a fuzzy neural network method is used in the forecast to the target maneuvering intention .

  21. 这四大功能从政策性银行产生的时候就伴随着它,这些功能作用的发挥使政府能够较好地进行经济调控,贯彻国家实现社会经济政策目标和意图,推动经济增长和社会稳定。

    These four functions followed after the policy banks when they were founded , governments regulate economy by the functions , realize social and economic policy goals and intentions in a country , promote economy growth and society stability .

  22. 所谓策略,就是指教师为实现教学目标或教学意图而采用的一系列具体的问题解决行为方式。

    The strategy means the series of concrete ways of solution , which are adopted by teachers to realize teaching aims and teaching purposes .

  23. 世界上许多国家的政党都把青年工作作为赢得未来的重要战略课题,其中对青年价值观的灌输和改造更是实现其政治目标和战略意图的重要环节和内容。

    Political parties in many countries in the world regard the youth as an important strategy to win the future issue , which to inculcate and transform the values of youth are key to achieve its political objectives and strategic intent .

  24. 近几个星期,政府采取了一系列目标措施,根本意图在于制止个别企业的问题扩散到更大范围。

    In recent weeks the Federal government has taken a series of targeted measures designed primarily to stop the problems of individual firms from spreading more broadly .

  25. 对战场上出现的大量目标隐含的战术意图的正确、快速、自动识别,能大大提高战场指挥人员的决策效率。

    It will improve the decision efficiency of battlefield commander greatly if we identify the tactical intention correctly , fleetly and automatically which behind many objects in battlefield .

  26. 教师应对迁移理论有一个全面而又深刻的理解与掌握,根据学习者的特点,明确教学目标,形成教学意图,制定教学过程,在学习与反思迁移理论中不断提升自己的教学能力。

    Teachers should comprehensive and profound to understanding and mastering for transfer theory , according to the characteristics of learners , teaching objectives , teaching intention , formulate the teaching process , improve teaching ability based on learning and reflection of transfer theory unceasingly .

  27. 铁路电务工程建设项目质量目标是业主建设意图通过项目策划提出来的。

    The quality objective of Railway Electrical Service Engineering Project comes into being from the customers ' quality planning , reflecting the customers ' purpose . During the constructing stage of Railway Electrical Service Engineering Project , the purpose of the customers and designers can be carried out ultimately .

  28. 一方面高技术使空中目标更加难以对付(包括意图识别等),另一方面各种先进的侦察设备和计算机人工智能方法又为分析空中目标的意图提供了新的方法。

    On one side the air targets become formidable ( containing intention recognition ) in area defense system because of high technology , on the other side kinds of advanced reconnaissance equipments and computer artificial intelligence methods provide new methods for the air target intention analysis .

  29. 你能够清楚的知道公司的目标,以及这些目标背后的真实意图。

    You know the goals and the thinking behind decisions .

  30. 因为空袭目标本身对自己的任务是明确的,但我方获得的情报不足以确定目标的真实意图和它对保卫目标的威胁程度。

    Although the air raiding target has its definite task , the information available is not enough for the decision-maker to determine its intention and extent of threat to our defence points .