
  • 网络Regional companies;Regional Firms;regional corporation
  1. 加拿大航空公司及其地区性分公司jazz每天平均运营1300个定期航班。

    Air Canada and its regional affiliate Jazz operate 1300 scheduled flights each day on average .

  2. 赖穆煦表示,在像联昌这样的较小型地区性证券公司工作的优势之一是,在选择覆盖什么股票上,公司赋予他的自主决定权大得多。

    Mr Lai says one of the advantages of working at a smaller regional brokerage such as CIMB is that he was given much greater freedom in choosing what stocks to cover .

  3. 他表示,这只基金将专注于投资地区性商业服务公司,涉及航运与石油等领域。

    He said the fund would focus on investing in regional business services companies , in areas such as shipping and oil .

  4. 这项研究的数据来自200位首席执行官和首席财务官在今年四月的反馈,而他们分别来自进驻亚太地区的区域性公司和跨国公司。

    The study was based on responses from 200 chief executives and chief financial officers of regional and multinational companies based in the Asia-Pacific region in March and April this year .

  5. 珠江三角洲地区政策性农业保险公司模式探讨

    An exploration on the model of policy-oriented agricultural insurance company in the Pearl River Delta

  6. 经商务部批准,允许被认定为地区总部的投资性公司从事经营性租赁和融资租赁业务。

    If so approved by the Ministry of commerce , investment companies identified as regional head offices are permitted to engage in operating and financing leases .

  7. 被认定为地区总部的投资性公司,可依其在中国从事经营活动的实际需要,经营下列业务。

    Companies with an investment nature recognized as regional headquarters may , according to the actual requirements of their business activities in China , engage in the following businesses .

  8. 过去6或7年,由于基础设施得以改善,地区之间的通讯也更为发达,组建地区性公司已经成为一种可行的提议。

    In the past six or seven years , building regional companies has become a viable proposition as infrastructure has improved and communications between regions have got better .

  9. 然后,重点分析鄂尔多斯地区的经济背景情况以及小额信贷发展的现状,理清影响鄂尔多斯地区商业性小额信贷公司试点发展的要素。

    Then , the paper emphatically analyzed Erdos economic background and the present situation of micro-credit development , found the influence elements of Erdos commercial small-loan company pilot program development .