
  • 网络window Object
  1. 在PB中用数据窗口对象访问本地ASA数据库

    Use Local Data Base by Data Window Objects in PB

  2. 文章就该问题提出通过移植数据窗口对象SQL语法的方法来实现该类数据窗口对象在应用程序中的动态创建。

    This article puts forward away of transferring data window object SQL Grammar to realize the dynamic creation of data window object in application system .

  3. PB数据窗口对象在成绩录入系统中的应用

    PB DataWindow object in the application of the score-recording system

  4. PFC编程环境下数据窗口对象功能的深入开发

    Develop the Function of Datawindow Object in PFC Environment

  5. CAS的应用程序是一个以消息驱动的、以窗口对象为组织单元的系统。

    The programme of CAS is a message driven system and its units are windows objects .

  6. 然而通过PFC技术,程序员们还可以更简单的方法,开发出功能更为强大、更专业、更规范的数据窗口对象。

    However , programmer can make use PFC technique to design the new data window object , more functional , more professional and more normative .

  7. 本文给出了在PB8.0集成环境中,设计数据窗口对象访问ASA本地数据库的开发方法,并进行了实例分析。

    The article shows the method of using ASA local data base by data window objects under the circumstances of PB8.0 and analyzes the cases of it .

  8. 窗口对象提供了对页面上元素的访问。

    The window object provides access to the elements on the page .

  9. 你可以使用特定的本地窗口对象开始绘画。

    You can use the given native window object to start drawing .

  10. 小型实时控制系统中窗口对象与串口通信线程的同步

    Synchronization between window objects and serial port communication thread in the mini real_time control system

  11. 本文还提出了用于屏幕图像帧间压缩的窗口对象这一概念,并设计了窗口对象编码方案。

    A software scheme of the object-code of windows is designed for the compression of inter-frame .

  12. 不适用于在数据窗口对象的图形,因为它们的数据直接来自数据窗口。

    Does not apply to graphs within DataWindow objects , because their data comes directly from the DataWindow .

  13. 每一个对象映射都使用与作为对象映射层级结构之中父类相同的窗口对象。

    Each object map uses the same window object as the parent for each of the objects in the object map hierarchy .

  14. 本文时基本表定义的变更对表内数据及相关数据窗口对象定义的影响进行了分析整理,给出了一个参照结果表。

    This article analyses the effects on data and datawindow objects by modification of base table definition , gives a contract table on this issue .

  15. 通过一个轻型的类来抽象控制台,提供了代码器,以及其它可能的窗口对象。

    Support is offered through a lightweight class that abstracts the console such that it appears to you , the coder , as any other window object might .

  16. 在PowerBuilder9.0应用程序中,动态创建特定显示风格和结构比较复杂的数据窗口对象是开发人员所面临的一大难题。

    In Powerbuilder 9.0 application system , The specific demonstration style of dynamic creation and the complicated structure of data window object is a puzzle that development personnels face .

  17. 然后确定系统环境的硬、软件支撑,按照设计好的系统结构,对系统菜单、窗口对象、各控件按钮、数据窗口对象等可视化界面和各功能模块的程序进行设计。

    Then in term of the designed system frame , it uses the selected hardware and software environment of exploiting system to design ali kinds of the visible objects and the application .

  18. 如果脚本是网页中的脚本,则全局对象就是窗口对象,允许在清单8所示的网页中引用。

    In the case of a script in a web page , the global object is the window object , which will allow it to be referenced in the web page you see in Listing 8 .

  19. 如果输入沿着视图层次结构一直向上至窗口对象,那么之后,它将被发送到应用程序本身,并最终传递到应用程序委托。

    If input gets all the way up the view hierarchy to the window object , it 's next sent on to the application itself , which tends to pass it off to an application delegate as a last resort .

  20. ID属性包含了窗口的对象ID。

    The ID attribute contains the object ID of the window .

  21. 包含该类的标签其他属性的所有值与以前相同,除了服务器为窗口的对象ID添加的ID属性。

    All of the values of other attributes of the tag containing this class are the same as before , except the ID attribute that is added by server for the object ID of the window .

  22. 默认情况下,已注册的服务器会显示在主窗口的对象资源管理器中。

    By default , registered servers appears above object explorer in the main window .

  23. 表示文本文档上的窗口的对象,可能包含多个文本窗格。

    Object representing a window on a text document , which may contain multiple text panes .

  24. 因此,不能使用Robot的对象识别方法,尽管在终端窗口中没有对象。

    Therefore , we cannot use Robot 's object-recognition method , since there are no objects inside the terminal window .

  25. 基于窗口的面向对象的GUI设计

    GUI Design Based on Windows and OO

  26. GWT提供了$wnd和$doc变量,它们分别代表窗口和文档对象。

    GWT provides the $ wnd and $ doc variables to refer to the window and document objects .

  27. InterfaceBuilder属于头一批允许通过鼠标来排布按钮、菜单、窗口等界面对象的商品化应用程序。

    It was one of the first commercial applications that allowed interface objects , such as buttons , menus , and windows , to be placed in an interface using a mouse .

  28. 当从JSNI访问浏览器窗口和文档对象时,必须将其分别作为$wnd和$doc加以引用。

    When you access the browser 's window and document objects from JSNI , you must reference them as $ wnd and $ doc , respectively .

  29. 接下来,在调试器窗口中单击对象链接

    Next , click on the object link in the debugger window

  30. 返回表示主环境窗口的窗口对象。

    Returns a Window object representing the main environment window .