
chénɡ bāo hé tonɡ
  • contract for undertaking a project
  1. 简论建筑工程承包合同的成立要件

    On the essential elements of establishment for civil engineering contract for undertaking a project

  2. 工程师同总经理一起在承包合同上签字画押。

    The engineers and the manager-in-chief signed or made their marks together on the contract .

  3. 承包合同需要有关部门的监证。

    All contracts for responsibility must be checked and affirmed by departments concerned .

  4. LSE的稳健性最优承包合同的确定

    Robustness of the Least Squares Estimation Determination of the optimal contract form

  5. 但是,作为一个设计、采购、施工的总承包合同,EPC合同又有其独特的法律特征。

    But as a lump-sum price contract of Engineering , Procurement and Construction , EPC contract also has some special legal characteristics .

  6. 在该模型基础上,针对DB模式承包合同独有的特点设计不同的参数,对DB模式进行具体的参数模型推导,得出最优解。通过分析委托代理模型的最优解,研究得出最优激励合同内在特征。

    On the basis of this model , the thesis designs different parameters for unique characteristics of DB mode , and calculates the concrete parameter model to obtain the optimal key .

  7. 第三部分分析农村土地承包合同与农村土地承包经营权的关系。

    The second part analyse the nature of rural land contract .

  8. 论土地承包合同中的违约责任

    On the liabilities for breach of contract in the land contract

  9. 石油施工企业工程承包合同风险及防范措施

    Risks and Precaution Measures of Engineering Contract for Petroleum Construction Enterprises

  10. 工程施工承包合同费用变动管理研究

    Study to the Management of Contract Cost Alteration for Project Constuction

  11. 国际工程承包合同签订阶段的风险

    The Risk of Contract for International Engineering in Signing Stage

  12. 再承包合同,分包合同综合管理子系统包括综合分析、系统管理。

    Sub-contract award Colligation management subsystem include analyze system and system management .

  13. 基于变更的最优承包合同的研究

    Research on optimal construction contract in connection with contract variation

  14. 施工企业工程承包合同管理诌议

    The tentative discussion about the contract management of construction enterprises

  15. 国际工程承包合同签订和谈判应注意的问题

    Some Points to Ponder about Negotiation and Signing of International Project Contracts

  16. 工程承包合同中优先受偿权问题浅析

    On the Payment in Priority in the Construction Engineering Contract

  17. 建设工程承包合同纠纷的解决途径

    Ways of solving dispute for the contract of construction engineering

  18. 汤:这是我的建筑工程承包合同。

    T : Ok . here is our construction contract .

  19. 施工企业签订承包合同时应注意的事项

    Issues be noticed for signing contract by construction enterprises

  20. 论农村土地承包合同的相对性

    Study on the Privity of Contract of Rural Land

  21. 国际工程承包合同法律问题研究

    A Study on Legal Issues in International Project Contracts

  22. 建设工程承包合同需合法有效,非因建设工程合同承包关系所产生的债权不能成立优先受偿权。

    The construction contract must be legal and valid .

  23. 建设工程承包合同专项管理制度的建立

    Establishing special management system for contract of construction project

  24. 针对国际工程承包合同签订阶段的风险进行分析。

    The risk of contract for international engineering in signing stage is analyzed .

  25. 国家建设项目审计决定与承包合同的法律效力及其协调

    Coordination between Auditing Decisions for State Construction Projects and Legal Force of Contracts

  26. 土木建筑工程承包合同建筑及土木工程承建商

    Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction building and civil engineering construction contractor

  27. 业主授予的总承包合同。

    Prime contracts awarded to you by the owner .

  28. 承包合同的签订和履行困难;

    Difficulty in signing and performance of contracts ;

  29. 国际贷款项目施工承包合同中计量和支付条款的编制

    Preparation of Clauses for Measurement and Payment in Construction Contract for International Loan Project

  30. 业主在招标阶段,选择承包商。签订总承包合同后,项目业主便把项目完全交给咨询工程师来管理。

    After tendering procedure , the Employer entrusts the Engineer to manage the project .