
  • 网络Labor contract
  1. 过去比较多的是境外加工贸易、餐饮业、劳务承包,近年来扩展到资源开发、产品研发、卫星通信等领域。

    The scope of overseas investment has been expanded from processing trade , catering and labor service to resources development , product research and development and satellite telecommunications .

  2. 国际通行的项目建设体制分为工程总承包、专业分承包、劳务分承包3个层次,形象地称之为梯型模式。

    The international conventional system for a construction project is divided into three levels , total project contract , sub-contract of specialties and sub-contract of services , which is called a " succession mode " .

  3. 很多劳务派遣机构与劳务承包或劳务中介混为一体,无序竞争和侵犯被派遣劳动者权益的情况较为普遍。

    The majority of labor-sending agencies and services contracted or services intermediary is mixing and disorderly competition and violations of labor rights situation in the dispatch of more general use .