
láo wù ɡuān xi
  • labor relations;service relations
  1. 劳动关系与劳务关系区别的再思考

    A New Reflection on the Difference between Labor Relations and Service Relations

  2. 首先,立法应该明确区分劳动关系主体与劳务关系主体的标准。

    At the first , the legislation should improve the distinction standards between labor relations and labor service relations .

  3. 论劳动关系与劳务关系

    On the Labor Relation and the Service Relation

  4. 本案主要法律点在于劳动关系、劳务关系以及它们之间的区别。

    The main point is that the case law of labor relations , labor relations and the differences between them .

  5. 个人劳务关系因当事人双方都是平等的自然人,而区别于一方是用人单位另一方是自然人的用工关系。

    Individual labor relation is distinguished from employment relation which one party is a company and the other one is a natural person , because of both parties are equal natural persons .

  6. 劳动受损赔偿纠纷在司法实践中数量多、种类复杂,特别是事实劳动关系与劳务关系极易混淆。

    The dispute of labor damage account for a great part in judicial practice , and it has a variety of types , especially the easily-confused relationship between factual labor and labor service .

  7. 通过劳动法的调整对象以及劳动关系、劳务关系的特征、性质的研究,对劳动受损赔偿纠纷正确适用法律提出具有现实意义的解释。

    Through the adjusting the object of labor , and making research on the characteristics and the qualities of labor relationship , it has a significance to apply law to the dispute of labor damage .

  8. 随着社会的快速发展和不同经济体之间的沟通频率的不断提高,各个行业雇员和雇主之间签订一份劳动合同以建立一种合法的劳务关系变得越来越重要。

    With the rapid development of the society and the accelerated frequency of interaction between different economic entities , signing an employment contract between the employer and the employee has become increasingly important in different walks of life .

  9. 在工伤认定的实体问题中,本文认为确定劳动法律关系的是否存在十分重要,要正确区分合法劳动关系和非法劳动关系、劳动关系和劳务关系的区别;

    In the substantial problem about identification of injure accident , it 's quite important to ascertain whether there exits labor relation , we must properly distinguish legal labor relation from illegal labor relation and the labor relation from personal relation ;

  10. 经过改革开放,市场经济体制逐渐在我国确立,教师人力资本产权完全归自身所有,教师与工作单位通过权利义务约定的形式确立劳务关系。

    Through nearly thirty years reform and opening-up , our country has built up the socialist market economic system , teachers own their property right of human capital , teachers make service relations with their working units by the form of contracts .

  11. 劳务关系是指两个或两个以上的平等主体之间就劳务事项进行等价交换过程中形成的一种经济关系。

    The labor relation refers to the social relationship which is established in the process of working , while the service relation refers to the economic relationship which is established in the process of exchange of equal values on service issues between two or more equal bodies .

  12. 成建制外地施工企业进入北京后,与用人单位结成较为固定的劳务合作关系。

    In Beijing , the construction enterprises of other parts of the country have established more fixed labor cooperation relations with employing unions .

  13. 在法律关系上,外派企业与境外雇主之间的法律关系是劳务合作关系,劳务人员与境外雇主签订了境外就业劳动合同,是一种劳动关系。

    From the perspective of the legal relationship , it is a labor cooperation relationship between the oversea employment service agencies and overseas employers and it is a labor relationship between the expatriate labors and the foreign employers as they have overseas employment contracts .

  14. 首先,本文对劳务派遣基础法律关系进行了分析。

    To start with , the basic legal relation in dispatching labor is analyzed .

  15. 劳务派遣使劳动关系短期化,降低就业的质量,损害派遣员工的利益。

    Labor dispatch tends to make short-term labor relations , and reduce the quality of employment , bring damage to the interests of the dispatched staff .

  16. 基于以上的分析,本文最后提出了我国劳务派遣中劳动关系调整模式的选择和具体对策。

    Based on the above analysis , this article concludes with the selection and specific measures of labor relations adjustment model in the labor dispatch of our country .

  17. 另外,本文还分析了劳务派遣的法律关系,阐释了谁是被派遣劳动者的雇主以及劳务派遣中雇主承担法律责任的情形。

    Besides , the thesis analyze the legal relationship of dispatched employment and explain that who are employers of dispatched employment and that the legal liability of dispatched employment .

  18. 文章第一部分,对劳务派遣基础法律关系进行了厘清,并提出准双重劳动关系作为进一步研究的基础。

    In the first part , the author analyses the basic legal relationships of the labor dispatching , and advocate quasi-dual employment relationships as the basis for the further research .

  19. 消费结构是在一定的社会经济条件下,人们在消费过程中所消费的各种不同类型的消费资料(包括劳务)的比例关系。

    Consumption structure is in a certain socio-economic conditions , consumer information on a variety of different types of people in the process of consumption spending ( including labor ) proportional relationship .

  20. 这些理论包括:劳务派遣的基本含义及其法律特征、劳务派遣的法律关系和劳务派遣雇主理论。

    These theories include : the basic meaning of labor dispatching and the legal characteristics , dispatching of legal relation of and dispatching employers theory .