
  • 网络Middle East Studies;Middle Eastern Studies;near and middle eastern studies
  1. 复杂性科学与中东研究

    Complexity Science and the Middle East Studies

  2. 而像战略与国际研究中心中东研究主任约·艾尔特曼等其他人表示美国应该参与到埃及的整个政治光谱中。

    Others , such as Jon Alterman , director of Middle East Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies , say the U.S. should engage with Egypt 's whole political spectrum .

  3. 中东研究所主席、美国前驻巴基斯坦大使温迪·钱柏林(WendyChamberlin):很难想象一个完全没有做好准备,没有能力应对这样的危机的国家。

    WENDY CHAMBERLIN , PRESIDENT , MIDDLE EAST INSTITUTE ; FORMER U.S. AMBASSADOR TO PAKISTAN : It 's hard to imagine a country that is least prepared or had the thinnest of margins to be able to a shock of this type .

  4. 美国中东研究所的格雷姆巴纳曼表示,一定要重视像中东这样动荡的地区发出的使馆威胁。

    The Middle East Institute 's Graeme Bannerman says embassy threats in a volatile region like the Middle East must be taken seriously .

  5. 中东研究所教授马文·温巴姆称经过十多年的战乱后,和解有一种更大的推动。

    Middle East Institute Professor Marvin Weinbaum says there is a greater push for that reconciliation , after more than a decade of combat .

  6. 同时,中东研究还需要解决学科发展平衡、创新性、国际影响,以及人才素质等问题。

    In the meantime , some issues like the unbalance of principle research , research originality , research international influence , and deficiency of research talent quality need to be solved .

  7. 中东研究所的分析人士瓦坦卡说,伊斯坦布尔会谈结束时,伊朗需要继续参与这个进程,否则会面临后果。

    At the Middle East Institute , analyst Alex Vatanka said that at the end of the Istanbul discussions , Iran needs to keep that process up , or face the consequences if it doesn 't.

  8. 美国乔治.华盛顿大学中东研究项目的负责人布朗说,巴勒斯坦当局的分裂正在阻碍巴勒斯坦建国,因为巴勒斯坦主席阿巴斯并不能代表所有的巴勒斯坦人。

    Nathan Brown directs Middle East studies at George Washington University . He says a divided Palestinian authority is blocking progress toward a separate state because Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas does not speak for all Palestinians .

  9. 中东研究所的丹尼尔·斯威尔表示随着这个日渐壮大的国际联盟获得对抗伊拉克和叙利亚激进分子的动力,问题就变成了“下一个是什么?”。

    But as the growing international coalition gains momentum in its efforts to defeat the militants in Iraq and Syria , the question becomes " what next ? " said the Middle East Institute 's Daniel Serwer .

  10. 非洲和中东问题研究中心

    Centre for Studies on Africa and the Middle East

  11. 新世纪中国中东非洲研究展望&访中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所所长杨光

    Yang Guang talks on prospects of china 's Mid-East and African Studies in the new century

  12. 1987年爆发的巴勒斯坦大起义是巴以冲突史上的一个重要转折点,对这次大起义的研究理所当然地成为巴勒斯坦问题及中东问题研究的一个重要组成部分。

    The Palestinian uprising that erupted in December 1987 is an important turning point in the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts .

  13. 陈欣是中国-中东欧研究院的副执行院长,这是一家总部位于匈牙利首都布达佩斯的智库。

    Chen Xin is the deputy executive director of the China-CEE institute , a think tank based in Hungary 's capital , Budapest .

  14. 1985年成立的华盛顿近东政策研究所是美国国内从事中东问题研究的专门机构。

    The Washington Institute for Near East Policy was founded in 1985 . It is the specialized agency that engaged in studying U.S. Middle East policy .

  15. 这次的指标是基于对在非洲、亚洲、拉美与加勒比地区以及中东地区研究机构的52项调查作出的,在该讨论会上人们报告了这些调研项目。

    The initiative is based on52 surveys investigating research systems in Africa , Asia , Latin America and the Caribbean , and the Middle East , presented at the symposium .

  16. 彭树智先生是我国中东史研究的奠基人之一,在地区史、国别史、专题史等方面取得了丰硕成果。

    Professor PENG Shuzhi is one of the founders of the studies of Middle East history in China , and he has made great achievements in regional history , national history and special history .

  17. 伯纳德·路易斯是中东史研究领域著作等身的权威学者,他所研究的范围主要涉及中东政治、宗教、民族、文化等方面。

    Bernard Lewis is an authority in the field of the history in the Middle East and he has more works than any other authors . His study mainly focuses on politics , religion , nation in the Middle East and the impact of the western upon the Middle East .

  18. 中东经济现代化研究述评

    The Review of Research in the Field of Middle East Economic Modernization in China

  19. 中国加入世贸组织与中拉经贸关系的发展意大利与非洲、拉丁美洲和中东各国关系研究所

    Institute for Relations between Italy and the Countries of Africa , Latin America and the Middle East

  20. 意大利与非洲、拉丁美洲和中东各国关系研究所拉美国家债务危机中的财政因素与启示

    Institute for Relations between Italy and the Countries of Africa , Latin America and the Middle East Fiscal Causes and Enlightenment of the Debt Crisis in Latin America

  21. 美国今年教育部投入了大约1000万美元,在中东设立语言研究中心,在美国本土设置语言发展中心并提供留学奖学金。

    The Department of education is spending about $ 10 million this year for language study centers based in the middle east , u.s.language development centers and scholarships for study abroad .

  22. 中东区域社会防卫研究所

    Regional Social Defence Institute for the Middle East

  23. 当代中东妇女发展问题研究

    Study on the Development Issue of the Middle East Women after the Second World War

  24. 并对来自亚洲,非洲,拉丁美洲和中东欧的个案研究中的政策和规划进行评价。

    And it valuates policies and projects in case studies from Asia , Africa , Latin America , and Central and Eastern Europe .

  25. 转轨国家的竞争政策及国际协调&以独联体和中东欧国家为研究视角

    Competitive Policies of Transitional Countries and International Coordination & Viewed from the Angle of Studying the CIS and East and Central European States

  26. 9·11后美国中东战略传播管理研究危急事件中对传播的管理以及传播策略

    On US Strategic Communication Management in the Middle East after " 9 · 11 "; The Management and Policies of Propagation in Complex Emergencies

  27. 外资银行进入对转轨国家经济发展影响的实证分析&基于中东欧五国的研究

    The Influence of Entrance of Foreign Bank to the Economic Development of Transition Countries & The Research Based on the Five Countries in Central and Eastern Europe

  28. 这一项目将帮助疏散处于危险中的科学家,在中东和北非地区研究机构中为他们建立授课和研究职位并资助这些职位。

    The programme will help evacuate scientists at risk , and set up and fund teaching and research positions at institutions in the Middle East and North Africa .

  29. 然而日本针对太平洋岛国的援助研究相对于日本对亚洲、非洲和中东地区的援助研究却少之又少。

    Yet compare with the Japanese assistance to Asia , Africa and the Middle East studies , the study on the Japanese assistance to Pacific island countries is far few .

  30. 作为中东和平进程的重要组成部分,巴以和平进程影响着巴勒斯坦和以色列的内政、巴以关系及中东国际关系,研究它具有重大的历史与现实意义。

    As one important component of the Middle East peace process , the Palestinian-Israeli peace process has affected Palestine 's internal affairs and that of Israel 's , Palestinian-Israeli relationship and the Middle East international relation , so studying it is of greatly historical and practical significance .