
  • 网络Educational Leadership;Education Leadership
  1. 重视和加强教育领导学的研究

    Due Attention to the Study on Educational Leadership

  2. 教育领导学是研究与提高教育领导活动的合理性、科学性和有效性相关的一般性的主要的领导问题的理论体系。

    In this sense , the educational leadership is a theoretical system for exploring and improving those key issues in connection with the rationality , scientific basis and effectiveness of educational leaders ' practice .

  3. 在当前,研究这一理论有助于我们在中国现实中创建教育领导学大厦。

    Further study of Herderson 's theory can help us to build an education leadership architecture above the Chinese reality .

  4. 我国的教育领导学研究应主要包括学科性质、基本要领领导行为、领导能力等内容,并且要采取适当的措施,加强教育领导学的学科建设与推广工作。

    In China , the theory on educational leadership should concentrate on the core contents of four aspects and appropriate measures should also be adopted for reinforcing the disciplinary construction and popularization of educational leadership theory .

  5. 领导教育学不同于领导学,也不同于干部教育学。

    Leadership pedagogy different from leaders study , and it is also different from leaders pedagogy .

  6. 主修:教育学管理和领导学,图书馆科学,英文作为第二种语言,辅导学。

    Majors : Educational Administration and Leadership , Library Science , English as a Second Language , Guidance .