
  1. 教育要素的缺憾与研究性学习

    The Lack of the Essentials of Education and the Research-oriented Learning

  2. 教育要素包括教育目标、教育内容、教育主体。

    The essentials of education include educational objectives , educational contents and tht subject .

  3. 思想政治教育要素论

    A theory of fundamentals for ideological education

  4. 面对全球网络化的大潮,经济全球化趋势和信息技术的广泛应用正深刻地改变着人们的生产、生活以及学习方式,迫使我们重新思考教育要素。

    Facing the spring tide of the global network , we must consider the " educational elements " renewedly .

  5. 第二部分是对八套小学《语文》教科书中的科学教育要素进行频度统计与分析。

    The second part is the frequency statistics and analysis on the elements of science education in the eight sets of primary Chinese textbooks .

  6. 最后,探讨总结了进一步加强高校网络思想政治教育要素建设的相关对策。如:通过更新观念,深化认识,加强队伍建设,来强化高校网络思想政治教育者的主导作用;

    Finally , the paper probes into and summarizes the countermeasures of further reinforcing the factors building of the network ideological political education of college and university .

  7. 践行学习自由思想不但需要制度性的方式而且还需要各种教育要素在其理念导引下相互连接构成系统的教育形态。

    Fulfilling the study freedom not only needs institutional way but also need various educational elements join and form the systematic education shape each other under their idea guide .

  8. 第三部分是分析八套小学《语文》教科书中的科学教育要素是通过什么方式呈现的以及如何呈现的。

    The third part is to analyze the elements of science education in the eight sets of primary Chinese textbooks were presented by what means and how to present .

  9. 思想政治教育要素论也就是思想政治教育系统论,它包括静态要素和动态机制考察两种方法。

    Theory of fundamentals for ideological education amounts to a theory of system for ideological education . It consists of two approaches respectively named as static factor and dynamic mechanism .

  10. 第六章:基于系统与要素的哲学分析,借助于对人类教育要素构成的研究成果,筛选出了网络教育的要素以及基本要素。这一章是对网络教育的解剖。

    In chapter six , based on the philosophy analysis of system and element , the author disintegrates the elements and the basic elements of IBE , with the help of the theories of the education science .

  11. 本文试从应用语言文化学即外语语言文化教学论视角来探讨交际及交际教育要素,以为跨文化交际和外语教学之理论研究提供新的平台。

    This paper studies communication and communicational education from the applied cultural linguistic perspective , the perspective of foreign language and culture teaching , aiming at throwing new light on the theoretical study of cross-cultural communication and foreign language teaching .

  12. 所谓办学效益评估,就是依据办学效益评估的标准,运用科学可行的方法,对学校的教育要素、过程和效果进行价值判断,从而提高学校自主发展的过程。

    Evaluating the effect of the related schools ' management means scientific and practical methods are used to judge the schools ' education factors , processes and results , according to the evaluating standards , so as to improve the schools ' automatic developing .

  13. 文章首先阐述了网络思想政治教育要素的概念、特点,并提出网络思想政治教育五要素的观点,即教育者、教育对象、教育内容、教育方法和教育环境。

    The paper , firstly , expounds the concepts and characters of the factors of network ideological political education , and , put forward the idea of Five Factors of network ideological political education , i.e. pedagogue , education object , education content , education measures and education environment .

  14. 据此提出应该调整科学教育要素四个维度的比例;增加科学技术与社会方面的内容;增加开拓创新方面的内容以及优化科学教育因素的呈现方式等建议。

    Thus , the recommendations are as follows : adjust the ratio of the four dimensions of the elements of science education ; increase science and technology and social aspects contents ; increase the " pioneering and innovative " aspects contents and optimize the presentation of science educational factors .

  15. 基于SEM视角的教育投入要素对研究生质量作用机理分析

    Study on the Action Mechanism of the Educational Inputs to the Quality of Post-Graduate based on the SEM

  16. 教师继续教育的要素融合观初探

    On Merging of the Essential Factors of Further Education for Teachers

  17. 糖尿病健康教育实施要素

    HEALTH The Review of Practical Factor in Diabetic Education

  18. 现代思想政治教育基本要素视域下的苏联解体

    Soviet Union Collapse Under the Sight of Modern Ideological and Political Education Fundamental Elements

  19. 通过运用系统科学的相关理论,系统分析了高校思想政治教育的要素、结构、环境及其功能的关系。

    They are the elements of ideological and political education , structure , environment and their functional relationship .

  20. 思想政治教育的要素是思想政治教育发挥应有的功能或效果所必不可少的元素或条件,它们是思想政治教育理论研究和实践操作的基础。

    Elements of the ideological and political education are ideological and political education of theoretical research and practical operation of the foundation .

  21. 然后,指出提高高校思想政治教育系统要素的质量是促使系统功能充分发挥的前提。

    Then , this chapter points out that the quality of the elements of the system function is to promote full premise .

  22. 科学、客观的评价,对提高科学管理水平、调动体育教育各要素的积极性起着重要的作用。

    The scientific , objective evaluation , to improve the scientific management level , arouses the enthusiasm of sports education factors play an important role .

  23. 要从普及法律常识向全面提高公民统计法律素质转变,增强教育目的要素的有效性;

    Popularization of legal knowledge from the citizens to comprehensively improve the quality of statistical changes in laws , and enhance the effectiveness of elements of educational purposes .

  24. 在我国,由于办学管制阻碍了教育生产要素的顺利流动,教育成本难以对教育价格进行调节,这是造成我国高等教育学费不断上涨的根本原因。

    In our country , governments education control blocks the flowing of education productive factors greatly , thus the law of education production cost pricing is interrupted , and this has led quick in .

  25. 现代远程教育系统构成要素分析

    The Analysis of System Forming Elements in Modern Distance Education

  26. 试论目前高等教育缺失的要素

    On Elements of Current Higher - Education Lacks

  27. 从交往的视角看教育过程:要素分析

    An Analysis on the Structural Elements for Educational Process of the Vision of Intercourse

  28. 关于教育测量的要素分析

    An Analysis of the Elements of Education Measurement

  29. 高职教育引进企业要素模式研究

    Study of Higher Vocational Education Bringing in the Pattern of Enterprises ' Main Factors

  30. 家庭人格教育的核心要素:儿童自我价值感的培养

    The Key Element of Family Character Education : Fostering in Children the Sense of Self-value