
chénɡ bāo fānɡ
  • contractor;subcontractor
  1. 承包方应准备一份验收测试的测试报告。

    The Contractor shall prepare a test-report of the taking-over tests .

  2. 客户在承包方未提交发票的情况下付款。

    The customer effects payments without the contractor submitting invoices .

  3. 发包方和承包方应当订立承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。

    The contractees and contractors should sign land use contracts to define each other 's rights and obligations .

  4. 根据《reach法规》的规定,义务的转让在法律方面是不可行的,承包方应及时通知并最大限度地支持客户履行该客户义务。

    If according to the reach regulation the transfer of obligations is legally not feasible , the Contractor shall promptly notify and support the cus-tomer in complying with such obligations of the customer to the maximum extent possible .

  5. 但这里所定义的是传统意义的HSE管理体系,仅限于强调承包方的全员、全方位、全过程管理。

    However , the above definition of the HSE management system is in the traditional sense which is for the management of contracted parties .

  6. EHS工程师或相关部门负责对适当的承包方及其驻厂人员,进行&公司关于承包方环境安全健康、用工及场所使用规定的培训。

    EHS engineer or involved department associate is responsible for providing contractors and its personnel on site with " Contractor EHS , Labor & Use of Premises Rules " training .

  7. 2013年,作为普拉斯基高架桥重修计划承包方之一的中建美国公司(CCA)开始施工替换高架桥南向及北向接口的桥面。

    In 2013 , as one of the contractors in Pulaski Skyway rehabilitation program , China Construction American , also called CCA , started to replace the deck on northbound and southbound roads of skyway .

  8. 为了搞清不良上升的原因,从PR和SE双方质量管理架构、质量管理模式进行比较,同时详细的对PR的研发质量控制、制造质量控制进行分析,搞清楚承包方PR质量管理的能力。

    In order to find out the reasons for the increasing , we begin with SE and PR quality management structure , quality management model in comparison . We detailed quality control on PR development quality , manufacturing quality to understand where PR quality management is .

  9. 对于合同履行中发生的每一索赔事件,关于索赔费用的争议是目前在承包方和建设方之间经常发生的。

    The disputes about claim are usually between owners and contractors .

  10. 并将有关的程序与要求通报供方和承包方。

    And communicating relevant procedures and requirements to suppliers and contractors .

  11. 浅谈承包方在建设工程中的签证与索赔策略

    Brief Discussion on Visa and Compensation Strategies for Contractors in Construction Engineering

  12. 与主要承包方保持良好的关系,提供备件的相关信息。

    Keep good relationship with key contractors , provide information on spare parts .

  13. 建筑工程项目施工承包方的风险管理研究

    The Study on Construction Project Risk Management for Contractors

  14. 总承包方对安装工程的质量控制

    Quality Control of Installation works by General Contractor

  15. 承包方有组织服务提供、制定活动计划的自由。

    The contractor is free to organize the service provision and schedule its activities .

  16. 供方术语供方取代术语分承包方。

    Also , the term " supplier " now replaces the term " subcontractor " .

  17. 而且承包方也向他们保证通气口和管道会隐敝得很好,几乎看不到。

    And contractors convinced them that vents and ducts and such would be barely noticeable .

  18. 而承包方也将被免除进行验收测试的义务。

    The Contractor shall then be relieved of his duty to carry out taking-over tests .

  19. 如果买方要求,承包方也应为设备进行投保。

    The Contractor shall also , if the Purchaser so requires , insure the Plant .

  20. 承包方必须在存储和提供宝贵的拆卸材料保持适当的控制。

    The Contractor must keep proper control over their storage and delivery of valuable demolished material .

  21. 承包方应书面通知买方工程的验收测试已准备就绪。

    The Contractor shall notify the Purchaser In Writing that the Works are ready for taking-over .

  22. 分承包方评价初探

    An Inquiry into the Sub-Contractors Evaluation

  23. 这已经不是中建美国公司第一次作为建设承包方引起公众的注意了;

    It is not the first time that CCA garnered public attention as a construction contractor ;

  24. 承包方应承担在制造地测试的所有成本。

    The Contractor shall bear all costs for tests carried out at the place of manufacture .

  25. 一旦有这种要求,贝洱公司应把保证期情况通知承包方。

    When requested to do so , Behr shall inform the contracting party about these periods .

  26. 聘用第三方为分承包方需要客户的书面同意。

    The written consent of the customer is required prior to engaging third parties as subcontractors .

  27. 一旦有任何瑕疵出现,买方应立即书面通知承包方。

    The Purchaser shall without undue delay notify the Contractor In Writing of any defect which appears .

  28. 应客户的请求,承包方应归还或销毁该文献及其所有复本。

    Upon the customer 's request Contractor shall return or destroy the documentation together with all copies .

  29. 切实保护承包方,主要是农民的合法权益的原则;

    The principle of really protecting the contractors ' , primarily peasants ' legal rights and interests ;

  30. 要避免此类风险,就要正确确定建设工程承包方的权益。

    To avoid this risk , we must correctly determine the rights and interests of construction contractors .