
  • 网络Kowalski;Michael Kowalski
  1. 科瓦尔斯基近期到访中国,为蒂芙尼传奇黄钻石展示会造势。他在北京接受了《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)的采访,谈到了在亚洲打造蒂芙尼品牌的计划。

    Mr. Kowalski recently traveled to China to show off Tiffany 's yellow diamond collection and spoke to The Wall Street Journal in Beijing about plans to build its brand in Asia .

  2. 他只能见科瓦尔斯基,而不能见其他的人。

    He could see only kowalski , no one else .

  3. 科瓦尔斯基:我们相信蒂芙尼会有很好的地域扩张机会。

    Mr. Kowalski : We do believe there are wonderful geographic expansion opportunities for us .

  4. 科瓦尔斯基:在中国,我们需要更加直白地呈现品牌。

    Mr. Kowalski : We learned we need to be more overt about how we present our brand .

  5. 科瓦尔斯基:我们的经验之一是亚洲人对高标准服务和门店体验的要求。

    Mr. Kowalski : One thing we 've learned is the need for high standards of service and store experience .

  6. 科瓦尔斯基:钻石在中国被视为贵重商品,而贵重也是钻石吸引力的核心所在。

    Mr. Kowalski : Diamonds are seen as value items here , which is at the core of their attraction .

  7. 科瓦尔斯基:业绩表现主要受到了消费者情绪以及他们对经济形势看法(例如经济是真正改善还是一时的好转)的影响。

    Mr. Kowalski : It 's driven largely by consumer sentiment and reaction to economic conditions perceived-real or of the moment .

  8. 科瓦尔斯基:我们还在有大量中国消费者光顾的市场增加专卖店数量。

    Mr. Kowalski : It has caused us to increase our store presence in markets that are heavily visited by Chinese customers .

  9. 科瓦尔斯基:亚洲消费者和旅游业的崛起促使我们调整了一些店铺运营方式。

    Mr. Kowalski : [ The ] rise of the Asian consumers and tourism has caused us to change some of our store practices .

  10. 科瓦尔斯基:其中一点是,我们开始在专卖店和店面外观上大量使用蒂芙尼的蓝色。

    Mr. Kowalski : One thing we 've started to do is use Tiffany blue far more aggressively in the stores and in the facade .

  11. 科瓦尔斯基:从增长率曲线上升斜率来看,蒂芙尼在中国的业绩表现将令我们满意,但波动也比较大。

    Mr. Kowalski : We think the growth curve in China will be something we 'll love in terms of slope . But it 'll also be volatile .