
  • 网络Colgate University
  1. 她的父亲1993年去世了,姐姐在纽约的科尔盖特大学(ColgateUniversity)念书。

    Her father passed away in1993.Her older sister attends New York 's Colgate University .

  2. 科尔盖特大学(ColgateUniversity)的腐败问题专家迈克尔•约翰斯顿指出,17世纪的英国、19世纪的瑞典都极其腐败。

    England was deeply corrupt in the 17th century , Sweden in the 19th , notes Professor Michael Johnston of Colgate University , a corruption expert .

  3. 按照这种方法,文科院校——比如科尔盖特大学和卡尔顿学院——在排行榜上的名次快速上升。

    Under this methodology , liberal arts schools like Colgate and Carleton shot up the rankings .

  4. 研究合著者、科尔盖特大学天文学兼人类学教授安东尼-艾凡尼表示,在2012年结束的只是其中一个历法周期。

    All that ended in 2012 was one of its calendar cycles , said co-author Anthony Aveni , professor of astronomy and anthropology at Colgate University .

  5. 科尔盖特大学负责一年级学生的教务长贝弗利回忆道,曾经有一对父母在新生入学第一天前往女儿的教室,还到注册办公室要求修改女儿的课程表。

    At Colgate University , a mother and father once went to their daughter 's classes on the first day of the semester and trouped to the registrar 's office to change her schedule , recalled Beverly Low , the dean of first-year students .