
sàn rè
  • radiating;heat radiation;thermolysis;abstract heat
散热[sàn rè]
  1. 拓扑优化方法在连续体结构、MEMS机构和散热结构等结构优化设计方面得到了广泛应用。

    Topology optimization has been widely used in continuum structures , MEMS and heat radiation structures design .

  2. 指出:自锁式V型联结,砧模与基座间始终保持紧密接触,具有自锁作用,故模的导电性及散热性良好,使用寿命明显提高,可取得较好的经济效益。

    Among them the " V " type joining can get the contact close-connected with auto-lock effect , which results in good conductibility and heat radiation of anvil , greatly improving the life of utensil system .

  3. 他摇下窗子来散热。

    He wound down the windows to dissipate the heat .

  4. 我们的身体能出汗,由此可以蒸发散热。

    Our bodies can sweat , thereby losing heat by evaporation

  5. 婴儿散热比成年人快得多,在出生后的头一个月特别容易感冒。

    Babies lose heat much faster than adults , and are especially vulnerable to the cold in their first month .

  6. 你应装双层玻璃以免散热。

    You should ensure against loss of heat by having double glazing .

  7. 备注:进气管为钢管设计,耐用、散热快

    Note Inner Tube material is copper , radiates quickly and durably .

  8. 大功率LED灯具散热系统的设计和研究

    The Study and Design of LED Thermal System

  9. 该封装结构无论是应用于单芯片还是多芯片阵列封装,都可以满足LED的散热要求。

    The packaging both for single-chip and multi-chips could meet the heat-release requirement for high-power LEDs .

  10. 目前,散热问题和出光效率低限制大功率LED的发展。

    Currently , the radiating problem and the low light efficiency limit the development of high-power LED .

  11. GaN基功率型LED芯片散热性能测试与分析

    Thermal Dispersion of GaN - base d Power LEDs

  12. 采暖散热器装饰罩对室内散热影响的CFD分析

    CFD Analysis of Influences of Radiator 's Decorative Cover on Indoor Heat Emission

  13. 目前,制约LED照明系统推广应用的关键因素之一是散热。

    At present , removal of heat is one of the key factors that restrict the large-scale applications of tunnel LED illumination .

  14. 研究人员往往通过改变热沉材料、改进封装结构和散热结构等方式来解决大功率LED的散热问题。

    Usually , the heat of large power LED is eliminated by changing heat sink materials , improving packaging and heat dissipation structures .

  15. 逆变焊机中IGBT散热及过热保护技术的研究

    Research on the Techniques for IGBT Radiating and Overheat Protection of Inverter Welder

  16. 针对高功率二极管激光器(DL)的散热需求,对不同结构的微通道冷却器进行了模拟散热计算,优化了冷却器的结构参数。

    Structural parameter of micro-channel heatsink is optimized through numerical calculation .

  17. 设计了IGBT器件驱动电路、缓冲电路和散热装置。

    The driver circuit , buffer circuit and cooling equipment of IGBT device are designed .

  18. TBM施工中的通风和散热问题研究

    Study on Ventilation and Heat Elimination in TBM Construction

  19. 将压电陶瓷泵应用于国内液冷散热器的研究,进一步扩大了国内CPU液冷散热问题的研究领域。

    It makes piezoelectric ceramic pump really apply to domestic liquid-cooling radiator research , extending the fields of the domestic CPU liquid-cooling system .

  20. 在加速器驱动的次临界核能系统(简称ADS)的研究中,中子散裂靶的散热是一个重要的课题。

    For the study of Accelerator Driven sub critical System ( ADS ), the heat transfer of spallation neutron target is an important issue .

  21. 然而,此PCM调温服却在很大程度上增加了服装湿阻,降低了汗液蒸发散热。

    This type of PCM clothing , however , increased clothing evaporative resistance to a large extent and deteriorate evaporative cooling .

  22. SCSI设备安装在机箱内,由机箱对其提供电源,散热和保护等功能。

    SCSI devices reside in enclosures can provide power , cooling , and protection for the devices as well .

  23. 我认为它还有一点不足是因为在使用Apple的大量创新不兼容组件时还有一些困难,例如声卡和散热管理系统。

    I think it gets a bad rap because of the difficulty in keeping up with Apple 's vast array of innovatively incompatible components , such as sound cards and thermal management systems .

  24. 本文运用APDL(AnsysParameterDesignLanguage)语言,在ANSYS开发环境中对平板式散热片进行结构优化设计,并给出实例验证本文提出的方法。

    A method of designing and optimizing the plate-fin heat sinks using ANSYS parameter Design Language ( APDL ) was intro-duced in this paper , and an example was given to verify this method .

  25. SF6是一种无色、无嗅、无毒、不易燃的惰性气体,具有良好的绝缘性、灭弧性和散热性。

    SF6 is a colorless , odorless , nontoxic , and nonflammable inert gas with excellent electric insulating and arc-quenching properties .

  26. 风冷柴油机散热片Nusselt数的数学模型研究

    A mathematic model study on Nusselt number of fins of a high speed aircooled diesel engine

  27. 然而随着发光二极管功率的不断增大,热流密度也不断增大,散热问题已经成为制约其发展和应用的瓶颈,因此必须不断改善LED器件及应用过程的热设计。

    However , with the increase of power and heat flux , high die temperature has become the main bottleneck for its further application . Consequently , thermal design should be indispensable in design and application of LED .

  28. 以此为基础,利用合理的散热设计和过热保护电路,设计并实现了一套UHF宽带固态大功率放大器。

    On this basis , by using logical cooling means and superheat protect means , we design and implement a UHF broadband solid-state high power amplifier .

  29. 鉴于PIN开关有承受更大的射频功率倾向和梁式引线PIN二极管散热较差的事实,本文提出了一种替代法进行功率验证。

    Being the fact that PIN switch tends to handle higher power and beam lead PIN diode has bad thermo diffuse properties , a power substitution method is proposed to verify PIN switch designs .

  30. 通过分析当前主动型CPU散热器存在的问题,提出利用热管技术解决CPU散热问题的新方案。

    According to watching the problems of the active type CPU 's radiator , I suggest a new project using heat pipe technology to solve the problems of CPU 's thermal dissipation . thermal dissipation .