
sǎn huò
  • bulk-cargo;bulkload
散货[sǎn huò]
  1. 为此,本文在最后提出了长江散货运输与沿江社会经济和谐发展的对策与建议。

    Therefore , the paper gives some countermeasures and suggestions to the harmonious development of the Yangtse River bulk-cargo transportation and riparian social economy .

  2. 为了进一步说明问题,继而对长江散货运输与沿江社会经济的发展做回归分析。

    In order to explain the problem in a further step , the paper makes regression analysis to the Yangtse River bulk-cargo transportation and the development of the riparian social economy .

  3. 波罗的海干散货指数(drybulkindex)最近出现回落,这显示运输船舶排放量监管规则的收紧不可能导致近期出现成本扭曲。

    The recent decline in the dry bulk index suggests that tighter emissions regulations on shipping vessel is unlikley to result in near-term cost distortions .

  4. 基于CSR的散货船主要支撑构件设计分析

    Design Analysis of Primary Supporting Members of Bulk Carriers Designed Based on CSR

  5. 作为衡量大宗商品航运成本的关键指标,波罗的海干散货运价指数(balticdryindex)在过去一年里已上涨了一倍多。

    The Baltic Dry Index , a key measure of commodity shipping costs , has more than doubled in the past year .

  6. 基于CSR中热点应力的散货船疲劳强度分析

    Fatigue Strength Analysis of Bulk Carriers Based on Hot Spot Stress Method in CSR

  7. 过去一年,Su一直押注干散货市场会下跌,而油轮费率会上升。

    He has bet for the past year that the dry bulk market would fall while rates for oil tankers would rise .

  8. 至于全球贸易,波罗的海干散货运价指数(balticdryindex)较2008年最高水平下跌了三分之二,但仍高于过去10年的普遍水平。

    As for world trade , the Baltic Dry Index is two-thirds lower than its 2008 peak but higher than where it has generally traded over the past 10 years .

  9. 鉴于干散货运价指数的非线性特征,本文提出了结合混沌时间序列分析的相空间重构和支持向量机(SVM)的混合预测模型,探讨并阐述了混合模型的预测原理及建模思路。

    Secondly , this paper discusses the modeling idea and develops a hybrid forecasting model based on Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) and chaotic time series theory .

  10. 但是,在波罗的海干散货指数(balticdryindex)平均逾7000点以上达成的合约,在运费大跌后就显得很不明智了。

    But contracts struck when the Baltic Dry Index averaged over 7000 points looked a lot less clever after freight rates plunged , and the BDI touched 663 in early December .

  11. Duchenne型肌营养不良,假肥大型肌营养不良万吨级江海直达肥大型散货船线型优化设计

    Duchenne muscular dystrophy Optimum Design for Line Form of River-to-sea Chubby Bulk Carrier Above 10,000 Tons Level

  12. 47500t散货船的D.C型总段建造技术

    D.C type block & building technology for 47500 DWT bulk carrier

  13. IACS散货船和油船共同结构规范及其影响分析

    Analysis on Influence of IACS Common Structure Rules

  14. 但是,近年来,也发生了不少企业参与干散货FFA交易导致的巨额亏损甚至是破产的事例。

    However , in recent years , there are some enterprises to participate in the FFA transaction resulted in huge losses and even bankruptcy .

  15. LCC在散货码头机械选型及报废更新时机选择上的应用研究

    LCC Application in the Decision of Optimal Time for Selection , Renewal and Rejection of Bulk Cargo Terminal Equipment Studies

  16. CAPE型船舶以承运矿石、煤炭等大宗散货为主,具有载货多、运货稳、费用省等特点。

    CAPE type of ship mainly carries solid bulk cargoes such as ores and coals , it characters with heavy loading , stable freight and charge saving .

  17. 本论文分为八个章节来讨论,第一章节为绪论部分。回顾了不确定多属性决策方法、层次分析法(AHP)以及江海直达干散货船(队)研究进展和发展趋势。

    The first chapter is an introduction . In this section , the research development and develop trend of uncertain multi-attribute decision making , AHP and sea-river dry bulk carriers ( barges ) are introduced .

  18. 本文基于IACS的散货船共同结构规范,对目前存在的几种船体结构极限强度计算方法进行了研究。

    The article studied some methods for ship structure ultimate strength base on IACS common structure rules .

  19. 尽管如此,Su仍将一些较旧的干散货船报废,而不是延长它们的使用寿命。他相信这是管理船队最有效的途径。

    In spite of this , Mr Su has scrapped some older dry bulk vessels , rather than extending their lifespan , believing this is the most efficient route to managing his fleet .

  20. 二十一世纪以来在干散货航运市场运费率研究中包含FFA也渐渐成为趋势,论述了这种趋势与主要成果。

    It has been a trend to include FFA in the dry bulk shipping model in the new century , and this trend and main productions are stated .

  21. 与此同时,反映船运成本的波罗的海干散货指数(balticdryindex)在不到两个月的时间内大跌60%。该指数在2008年出现暴跌,当时被一些人视为全球经济的晴雨表。

    At the same time , the Baltic Dry Index of freight costs , regarded by some as a barometer of the global economy when it plunged in 2008 , has fallen 60 per cent in less than two months .

  22. 直到2008年初反应国际干散货海运价格的波罗的海干散货综合运价指数(BDI),从2004年的3000多点一路上涨到接近12000点。

    Until the beginning of 2008 , Baltic Dry Index ( BDI ) has risen to nearly 1,2000 points from more than 3000 points in 2004 .

  23. 根据FSA的内涵,本文对散货船事故原因做了分析,并围绕船舶破舱进水状态,进行安全性分析和应急决策研究。

    According to the connotation of FSA ( Formal Safety Assessment ), the thesis centers on the damaged ship from the point of view of safety analysis and emergency response .

  24. 航运相关参与者可以通过把握国际干散货FFA市场与即期市场的相关性及波动性的相关规律,为制定套期保值与市场交易策略提供-定的参考。

    Through the relevant laws to grasp the correlation and volatility of bulk FFA market and the spot market , the international dry , help participants to provide certain reference for shipping .

  25. 30000t大湖型散货船有害振动的诊断及治理

    Diagnosis and treatment for harmful vibration of 30000t great lake bulk carrier

  26. 然而干散货航运FFA市场作为一种航运衍生品,一种特殊的金融市场产品,和一般的金融市场产品一样,也具有波动溢出效应。

    However dry bulk shipping FFA market as a shipping derivatives , a special kind of financial market products , comparing with general financial market products , also has the fluctuation spillover effect .

  27. 结合内河大宗散货电子数据交换(EDI)系统,介绍了平面文件与电子数据交换(EDI)报文的制定和转换程序的开发。

    Finally , connected with the EDI system of freshwater bulk cargo , it describes how to develop the flat file , EDI message and the converting program and how to config it for AMTrix .

  28. 全球大宗商品航运成本基准指数波罗的海干散货运价指数(bdi)已跌至4个月前水平的四分之一。

    The Baltic Dry Index ( BDI ) , the global benchmark for the cost of shipping commodities , has slumped to a quarter of its level four months ago .

  29. 本文的研究成果为国内企业参与FFA市场的应用提供了理论支持和决策依据,对干散货航运企业的风险管理具有一定的参考价值。

    In this paper , the results of research provide a theoretical basis for domestic enterprises to participate in forward freight market and have a certain reference value in risk management in shipping-related industries .

  30. 27000t散货船轴系校中问题处理

    Shaft calibration for 27000t bulk carrier