
  • 网络tennessee valley authority;tVA
  1. 今夏,田纳西河流域管理局(TennesseeValleyAuthority)与核能承包商Babcock&Wilcox签署了一项协议,在田纳西州克林奇河上建造六个小型模块式反应堆,标志着这种设计首次被用于商业发电。

    This summer , the Tennessee Valley Authority signed an agreement with nuclear contractor Babcock & Wilcox to build six small , modular reactors on the Clinch River in Tennessee , marking the first such developments for commercial power generation .

  2. 人们很少能看见核电站内部是怎样工作的,这座核电站隶属于田纳西河流域管理局(TVA)。

    This is a rare look at the inner workings of a nuclear plant , this one owned by TVA , the Tennessee Valley Authority , at Browns Ferry .