
  • 网络field experiment;field trial
  1. 田间试验以处理E和处理A在提高小白菜、莴苣的光合作用、叶绿素含量、根系活力、产量和品质等方面的作用更明显。

    In field trials , the A and E treatment had the best effect on improving photosynthesis , chlorophyll content , root activity , yield and quality of cabbage and lettuce .

  2. 田间试验表明B25株与A32株在防治苹果霉心病方面比多菌灵更有效。

    The results in field trials showed that B_ ( 25 ) and A_ ( 32 ) were more effective than Carbendazol on the control of moldy core of apple .

  3. 通过田间试验研究了长期定位施用不同有机肥种类对土壤各粒级复合体组成及其中C、N、P含量与分配的影响。

    A field experiment was conducted to study the contents and distribution of organic C , total N and P in soil particle sizes under long term application of manure .

  4. 通过田间试验和室内分析相结合的方法,研究了皖中岗地花生配合施用B、Cu、Mo、Zn等不同微量元素肥料的效果及其对花生生长发育与产量形成的影响。

    The effect of cooperation fertilizing B , Cu , Mo and Zn microelements were studied and on growth and yield on peanut in Anhui hilly regions .

  5. 通过田间试验、室内分析测试,系统研究不同N、P水平冬小麦叶片的反射率、叶绿素含量,及其相互关系。

    Based on field test and laboratory experiment , this article analyzed the correlation between the spectrum reflectivity and chlorophyll content of wheat leaf under different N and P levels in guanzhong area .

  6. 田间试验研究打顶时不同追K对云南烤烟含K量的影响结果表明,打顶时追施K肥可提高烤烟叶片含K量和烟株吸K量。

    Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of different application measures of potassium fertilizer by topping on K contents and K absorption in flue-cured tobacco in Yunnan Province .

  7. 本论文通过田间试验,研究了稀土、微肥和硝化抑制剂对叶菜类蔬菜硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量、产量和养分吸收以及维生素C和可溶性糖含量等品质指标的影响。

    So the effects of applying rare earth element , 5 micronutrient fertilizers and 3 nitrification inhibitors on nitrate , nitrite contents and other qualities in pakchoi were studied with plot experiment at 2 sites .

  8. 通过不同N肥处理的田间试验,研究N素营养对油菜成熟期地上部各部位生物产量的调节作用。

    S : The trials were carried out through the treatment of different N application to research the regulation of N nutrition to biomass of different parts of rape plant in ripening stage .

  9. 采用田间试验研究了稻草还田环境下施N模式对稻田生态系统N素吸收量及N肥利用率的影响。

    Field studies were conducted to investigate effects of rice straw incorporation and nitrogen application models on process of nitrogen uptake by rice paddy ecosystem and fertilizer-N use efficiency in the double rice cropping system .

  10. 枯草芽孢杆菌G3菌剂防治番茄叶霉病田间试验

    Biological Control of Tomato Leaf Mold Disease with Bacillus subtilis Strain G3 in Greenhouse

  11. 在田间试验中水杨酸显著提高了Put和Spd含量,但是水杨酸对Spm含量无显著影响。

    The salicylic acid obviously enhanced Put and the Spd content in the field test , but the salicylic acid is not remarkable to the Spm content . 5 .

  12. 应该在大量田间试验的基础上,从曲势面拟合法、样条函数法、距离权重反比法、Kriging插值法等数理统计方法中筛选比较适合当地条件的空间插值方法。

    Spatial interpolation method should be chosen from trend surface analysis , spline , inverse distance weighting and Kriging based on soil survey ;

  13. 采用田间试验方法,研究了在自然紫外光强基础上人工增加紫外线UV-B强度照射对小麦开花及结实的影响。

    Effects of enhanced ultraviolet radiation ( UV-B radiation , broad band with 280 ~ 400 nm ) on the flowering process and seeding were investigated .

  14. 田间试验表明,对6批7~15日龄,3万多只不同品种的雏鸡免疫,未发生一起IBD;

    The result based on the field experiment was indicated that there was no IBD in the immune to thirty thousands chickens of different kinds from 7-day to 15-day .

  15. 田间试验和室内分析表明,沿黄稻区石灰性土壤常因pH值偏高、含锌量低而导致水稻缺锌,诱发赤枯病;

    Results from field test and lab. analysis in 1993 ~ 1994 showed that in rice-growing area of Yellow River Basin the rice plants , grown in limy soil with higher pH value and low zinc content , were induced stifle because of lacking zinc .

  16. 本研究分为盆栽试验和田间试验两部分,通过测定大豆的株高、叶面积,叶绿素含量、根系活力、GSH含量、GST活性、SOD活性以及产量来评价其缓解效果。

    The paper consists of pot trial and field trial , we appraise the efficacy of curing soybean injury by height , leaf area , chlorophyll contents , root vigor , GSH contents , GST activity , SOD activity and the yield of soybean .

  17. 通过田间试验,研究了膜下滴灌棉花的作物产量、品质和作物缺水指标(CWSI)定量关系。

    A field study was conducted to determine the relationships between Crop Water Stress Index ( CWSI ), yield , and quality of cotton under drip irrigation with mulch .

  18. 通过模拟试验、田间试验和15N示踪技术,研究了干旱条件下小麦根系的再生能力及CCC(氯化氯代胆碱)处理对根系再生能力的影响。

    This paper dealt with the wheat root regeneration ability and effects of application of CCC ( chlorocholine chloride ) on root regeneration under dry conditions through the simulation , field experiments and 15 N track technique .

  19. 对田间试验结果进行频谱分析和滤波处理后,分析表明土壤机械阻力是低频随机信号,主频集中在2Hz以内;

    After spectrum analysis and filtering , the results showed that soil mechanical resistance is lower frequency signal and the lower spectrum density occurs at 2Hz ;

  20. 通过2002~2003年夏玉米田间试验研究了不同耕作措施对土壤结构和养分的影响。结果表明:耕作后B2容重减少较多;

    This paper investigated the effects of various tillage measures on soil structure and nutrient of summer maize through field experiments in 2002-2003.Results showed that : Through the measurement , the soil bulk density of B2 decreased much than that of check after tillage ;

  21. 本文通过田间试验、人工气室模拟试验、历史资料统计分析及采用CERES冬小麦模式,分析高温对小麦(春小麦、冬小麦)发育历期、产量结构及经济产量的影响。

    Using field experiments , artificial chamber simulated experiments , historic data statistic analysis and CERES winter wheat models , the impacts of " higher-temperature " on both winter wheat and spring wheat development stage , production structure and economic yield are analysed .

  22. 田间试验表明Gavel75%水分散粒剂对黄瓜霜霉病有良好的防效,每667m2用制剂量100g为宜,视病情发展情况,可连续喷施2~4次药,间隔期为7~10d。

    The result of field trials indicated that Gavel 75 % WG has good performance to control cucumber downy mildew , the suitable use rate is 100g / 667m2 , use times are 2 ~ 4 according to the disease situation and PHI is 7 ~ 10 days .

  23. 采用田间试验,在常规氮素管理下,以氮素吸收效率(NAE)、利用效率(NUE)和收获指数(NHI)为衡量指标,分析了国内外607份不同类型水稻种质氮素营养效率的变异状况。

    Field experiment was conducted to investigate the variations of nitrogen absorption efficiency ( NAE ), nitrogen utilization efficiency ( NUE ) and nitrogen harvest index ( NHI ) in 607 rice germplasms ( including conventional indica , japonica and hybrid indica combination rice ) .

  24. 采用田间试验并结合45Ca示踪及植株分析等方法研究苹果幼果钙素吸收特性及激素对其过程的调控方式。

    Field trial , pot experiment with 45 Ca tracer , and plant analysis were used to investigate the characteristics of calcium uptake by young fruit of apple and its regulation by IAA , GA and NAA .

  25. 在田间试验和前人研究的基础上,以比较成熟的CERES-WHEAT模型为研究工具,以我国的主要作物小麦为研究材料,探讨了作物模型在区域试验和良种评价方面的潜在应用。

    Based on the field trial and ancestor 's research and with winter wheat as study material and CERES-WHEAT model as study tool , the potential application of crop simulation model in new wheat cultivars extension was studied in this research .

  26. 1981至1982年,在辽宁省绥申县白梨产区用合成梨小食心虫性信息素诱捕法进行了大面积防治梨小食心虫Grapholithamolesta(Busck)的田间试验。防治面积分别为4000公顷和5400公顷。

    Sex pheromone mass trapping trials for the control of the oriental fruit moth , Grapholitha molesta Busck , were conducted in pear orchards of Suizhong County of Liaoning Province from 1981-1982 . The mass-trapped areas were about 4,000 and 5,400 hectares in 1981 and 1982 , respectively .

  27. 运用摘穗收获方式,研制了与小四轮拖拉机配套的背负式谷物摘穗联合收获机,并对其作业质量进行田间试验,其喂入量达1.94kg/s,总损失率小于3.00%。

    A kind of knapsack grain combine is designed , which is installed on little four wheel tractor by picking up grain heads . And field test showed that feed rate is 1.94kg/s and total loss rate less than 3 00 % .

  28. 田间试验结果表明,Z40菌株代谢产物对稗、狗尾草、铁苋菜的防治效果均在80%以上,抑制率分别为80.30%,81.59%和88.71%。

    The results of field trail indicated that inhibition rate of the metabolite of Z_40 strain against barnyard grass ( Echinochloa crusgalli ), green bristlegrass ( Setaria viridis ), and copperleaf ( Acalypha australis ) were 80.30 % , 81.59 % , and 88.71 % respectively .

  29. 防治番木瓜根结线虫病的田间试验示范

    Study of nematicides for controlling to papaya root - knot nematodiasis

  30. 本文通过田间试验的方法,对壮根素的系列产品在各种作物上使用技术进行初步研究。

    This paper studied on NEA application technique in different crops .