
qī qī shì biàn
  • The July 7th Incident;the July 7 Incident of 1937
七七事变 [qī qī shì biàn]
  • [the July 7 Incident of 1937] 日本帝国主义向中国发动大规模侵略战争的开始。1937年6月起,日本侵略军在北平(今北京)西南宛平附近连续举行挑衅性军事演习。7月7日晚10时,日军在北平近郊芦沟桥附近进行军事演习,诡称一名士兵失踪,要求进入宛平县城搜索。当地驻军拒绝了这一无理要求。正交涉间,日军竟炮轰宛平县城,并向芦沟桥进攻

七七事变[qī qī shì biàn]
  1. 七七事变后,日本帝国主义发动了全面的侵华战争,占领了中国大片领土。

    After the July 7 Incident of 1937 , Japanese imperialism began all-out attack on China and captured vast stretches of fertile land of China .

  2. 温度计上是摄氏七十度。七七事变前蒋介石对抗战前途的矛盾态度评析

    Chiang Kai-shek 's Contradictory Attitude for the Future of Anti-Japanese War before the July 7 Incident of 1937

  3. 这本书是关于“七七事变”的。

    The book is about the July7th Incident .

  4. 七七事变以前苏联对华实行不干涉政策,是消极的,应予否定。

    The policy of the Soviet Union before 1937 is negative , and should be denied .

  5. 1937年七七事变之后,杨刚被迫离开了北平。

    After the " Seventh July Event " in 1937 , Yang Gang had to leave Peking .

  6. 摘要七七事变爆发后,以银行业为代表的上海金融业支持国民政府的对日抵抗政策。

    After the incident on may71937 , the financial circles in Shanghai supported the Anti-Japanese policy of national government .

  7. 从七七事变到淞沪抗战时期中国外交政策浅论

    Study on Foreign Policy of China from the July 7 ~ ( th ) Incident to the Battle of Shanghai

  8. 七七事变前后抗日救亡运动特点之比较到西安事变以后、七七抗战以前,才实现了。

    A Comparison of the Characteristics of Anti-Japanese and National Salvation Movement before and after July 7 Incident of 1937 ;

  9. 七七事变后,抗日战争全面爆发,陕西处于抗日大后方第一线的重要地位,战略地位日益突出。

    Shaanxi is in the essential place of the frontline of the Rear Area , increasingly prominent in its strategic position .

  10. 卢沟桥还是“七七事变”的见证者。从那时起,中国人民开始奋起反抗日本侵略者。

    The Lugouqiao Bridge was also a witness to the July7th Incident , when the Chinese people rose against the Japanese aggressors .

  11. 中国抗日战争应以七七事变为开端&兼与郭德宏先生商榷

    The Chinese War of Resistance Against Japan should Start to the July 7 Incident of 1937 & And Discussion with Mr. GUO De-hong

  12. 1937年七七事变爆发,日本帝国主义发动了全面的侵华战争,中华民族开始了全面抗战。

    1937 Marco Polo Bridge Incident broke out , the Japanese imperialists launched a full invasion of China , the Chinese Anti-Japanese War began .

  13. 第四章介绍了1937-1942年七七事变到延安文艺座谈会期间东北地区抗战歌曲主要代表作品。

    In the fourth chapter of the 1937-1942 " July " during the incident to the Yan ' an Forum on behalf of the Anti work songs .

  14. 七七事变后,日军侵占天津并实行殖民统治,残酷地掠夺天津经济,导致天津经济凋零衰败,大大加深了天津殖民地化的程度。

    After the incident of Lu Gou Bridge , the Japanese Army seized Tianjin and practised the colonial rule , brutally looted Tianjin 's economy , thus result in Tianjin 's economy withered and waned , and greatly deepened the degree of Tianjin 's colonization .

  15. 1937年,由于“七七事变”的发生,香港抗日气氛高昂,因此电影工作者也纷纷开拍抗日爱国片,在1937年出产的85部故事片之中就有25部抗日爱国片。

    In 1937 , " July 7 Incident " happened , which resulted in Hong Kong 's high spirit of resistance against Japan and film workers started to make anti-Japanese andpatriotic films one after another.Among 85 feature films in 1937 , there were 25 anti-Japanese and patriotic films ,

  16. 抗战时期国民政府为纪念七七卢沟桥事变而开展了一系列的纪念活动,这些纪念活动在战时共开展了八次,每次活动前后持续约一个月之久。

    During the Anti-Japanese War , in order to commemorate the Marco Polo Bridge incident , the national government has carried out a series of commemorative activities which were totally eight times during the War , and each lasted about a month .