
  1. 服装租赁曾被认为是替代快时尚的可持续又省钱的选择,在租衣平台RenttheRunway和凯莉·西蒙兹等公众人物的推广下走近了百姓的生活。凯莉·西蒙兹曾穿着租来的衣服举行婚礼和出席七国集团峰会。

    Renting clothes has been thought of the sustainable and frugal4 alternative to fast fashion , popularised by companies such as Rent the Runway and public figures like Carrie Symonds , who rented her wedding dress and her outfits5 for the G7 conference .

  2. 后来,在七国集团峰会公报中,明确提到了人民币问题。

    The renminbi was subsequently explicitly mentioned in the G7 summit communiqu é .

  3. 安全和经济似乎是七国集团峰会最引人关注的议题。

    Issues of security and economics tend to attract the most attention at Group of 7 meetings .

  4. 拜登将出席6月11日至13日在英国举行的七国集团峰会,并与七国集会领导人举行双边会晤。

    Biden will attend the Group of Seven Summit in the U.K. from June 11 to 13 , and hold bilateral meetings with G7 leaders .

  5. 白宫称七国集团峰会因新冠病毒取消,各国领导人将以视频形式举行会议。

    The White House has said the Group of Seven Summit will be canceled due to the coronavirus , and leaders will have a videoconference instead .

  6. 促使供应链问题被提上七国集团峰会议事日程的主要是德国——它是仅次于中国和美国的世界第三大出口国。

    The push to put supply chains on the Group of 7 agenda comes largely from Germany , the world 's third-largest exporter after China and the United States .

  7. 一名财务省的高级官员今年2月参加完了七国集团峰会之后,他的耳边还回响起(与会人士)对希腊的担心,以及进一步,对日本的债务状况也表示忧虑。

    One senior bureaucrat in the finance ministry returned from a G7 meeting in Canada in February , his ears ringing with worries about Greece & and , by extension , Japan .

  8. 上周末在埃森举行的七国集团(G7)峰会上,保尔森向中国央行行长周小川谈到加快汇率改革进程的必要性。

    He spoke to Zhou Xiaochuan , governor of the People 's Bank of China , at last weekend 's Group of Seven summit in Essen of the need for faster progress .

  9. 拉托是在接受采访时发表上述言论的。在采访中,他似乎接受了欧洲对美元贬值的担忧。美元贬值可能会在本月的七国集团(G7)峰会和IMF年会上引发意见分歧。

    His comments came during an interview in which he appeared to endorse European concerns about the decline in the dollar ; a subject that threatens to inspire dissent at the Group of Seven summit and the IMF 's annual meeting this month .