
  • 网络Return of Macao;Macao's Return to China
  1. 本文提出了实际工程结构的非线性理论设计和分析方法(NIDA),并以澳门回归纪念馆的设计为例,展示了本方法的优越性。

    A non-linear integrated design and analysis ( NIDA ) method lor practical structures is proposed and applied to the Macau Return Memorial Hall . In the complete design approach , the effective length factor .

  2. 澳门回归的重大历史意义和现实意义。

    The historical and realistic significance of the return of Macao .

  3. 试论中国社会主义现代化与澳门回归

    China 's Socialism Modernisation and the Return of Macao to the Motherland

  4. 澳门回归在祖国统一大业中的地位

    The Status of Macao 's Return in the Motherland Reunification

  5. 澳门回归与粤澳经济和空间一体化

    A study on the economic and spatial integration of Guangdong and Macao

  6. 澳门回归以来学校教育优质化的策略评析

    Strategies of Enhancing Quality of Schooling in Macao since 1999

  7. 澳门回归后制度改革的评价与建议

    Comments on Macau 's System Reforms After Its Return

  8. 论澳门回归后其与内地经贸关系的发展

    Macao 's Return and Its Trade Relations with Inland

  9. 澳门回归与一国两制

    The Return of Macao and the Policy of One Country , Two Systems

  10. 澳门回归后,将享有独立的司法权。

    Macao will enjoy independent judicial power for Macao return to the motherland .

  11. 他们载歌载舞,歌颂澳门回归中国。

    They sang and danced in praise of macao 's returning to china .

  12. 澳门回归对于中国各阶层人士和各民族人民来说,必定是一件大快人心的事情。

    The Macao 's return must greatly satisfy all ranks and races in China .

  13. 勿忘告慰一个东方的灵魂&写在澳门回归与闻一多先生百年诞辰之际

    Do Not Forget to Comfort an Eastern Soul

  14. 澳门回归后交通运输业发展路向

    The Development Orientation of Communications and Transportation in Macao after Its Return to China

  15. 论电视新闻的期待式现场报道&以中央电视台澳门回归特别节目为案例而展开

    On the Expecting pattern of On-the-Spot TV Report

  16. 澳门回归后,其语言状况必将发生明显的变化与发展。

    The present situation will greatly changed and develop after Macao returning to China .

  17. 扣人心扉的澳门回归脚步声

    The nearing footsteps of Macau 's return

  18. 1999年的今天,澳门回归祖国。

    1999-Macao 's return to the motherland .

  19. 随著澳门回归中国,澳门的教育已有明显改善,总的来说,整体教育水平逐年提升。

    Macao 's education system has been improving after the return from Portugal to China .

  20. 澳门回归在中华民族复兴史上具有特殊的意义。

    The return of Macao is of special significance in the Chinese history of rejuvenation .

  21. 绝大部分篇幅是关于改革和澳门回归。

    Most of the space is given to the reform and the returning of Macau .

  22. 澳门回归与中葡关系

    Macao 's Return and Sino-Portuguese Relations

  23. 澳门回归十周年的宏观经济回顾与展望

    The Review and Prospect of the Macao 's Macroeconomy on the Return of the Tenth Anniversary

  24. 1999年澳门回归,成为我国继香港之后的第二个特别行政区。

    In 1999 Macau was returned to China , to be its second Special Administrative Region after Hong Kong .

  25. 澳门回归为佛山与澳门的经贸合作提供了新的机遇。

    The return of Macao provides a new opportunity for the economy and trade cooperation between Foshan and Macao .

  26. 升旗仪式的举行是为了纪念澳门回归祖国八周年。

    The flag-raising ceremony was held to mark the eighth anniversary of the region 's return to the Chinese motherland .

  27. 澳门回归祖国及2005年东亚运动会的举办为澳门体育发展提供了良好的契机。

    The return to the Motherland and the organization of the East Asian Games in 2005 will provide sports in Macao with proper opportunities to develop .

  28. 澳门回归初期特区政府修改教育制度之管理路向研究

    A Research on the Managerial Direction under the Revision of the Education System by the MSAR Government during the Initial Stages after the Handover of Macao

  29. 香港、澳门回归祖国以来,“一国两制”方针和基本法得到全面贯彻执行。

    Since the return of HK and Macao , the policy of " One country , two systems " and the Basic Law have been implemented comprehensively .

  30. 香港和澳门回归祖国,丰富了“一国两制”的理论和实践。

    The return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland has enriched the concept of " one country , two systems " in both theory and practice .