
guān xi xíng shù jù kù
  • relational database
关系型数据库[guān xi xíng shù jù kù]
  1. 基于(t,n)门限的关系型数据库水印算法

    Relational database watermarking algorithm based on ( t , n ) threshold

  2. BOM的关系型数据库设计及算法研究

    Design of Relational Database and Research on Algorithm for BOM

  3. 为何SystemR被选中作为第一个关系型数据库?

    Why was System R chosen as the model for IBM 's first relational database ?

  4. 首先,我们现有的关系型数据库产品可以存储XML。

    First , our existing relational database products can store XML .

  5. 关系型数据库与XML文档相互映射模型的实现

    Implementation of the Correspondence between Relational Databases and XML File

  6. 关系型数据库与XML数据映射研究

    A Research on Data Mapping Between XML and Relationship Database

  7. 基于XML和关系型数据库的分布式通用工作流引擎

    XML and Relation DB-Based Distributed Common Workflow Engine

  8. 基于XML实现Java内容仓库和关系型数据库的双向映射

    Technology of bidirectional mapping between Java content repository and relation database based on XML

  9. 方法以智能建筑设备管理信息流为主线,讨论基于关系型数据库和Web技术的智能建筑设备管理信息系统集成;

    Based on relational database and Web technology , the integration of intelligent building services management information system was discussed .

  10. 采用Office自带的关系型数据库Access操作简单,便于VISUALBASIC编程;

    Used relations database Access which Office brings to operate simply , that is convenient for Visual Basic programming ;

  11. 基于关系型数据库带时间维GIS的一种数据模型

    Study on Model of Data Structure for GIS with Timing Dimension Based on Relationship Database

  12. 在Lotusnotes中通过LS:DO访问关系型数据库

    Using LS : DO to Access Relational Database in Lotus Notes

  13. NET作为开发平台,采用关系型数据库进行设备属性数据和拓扑连接关系数据的存储。

    NET , and the devices ' basic parameters and topological connection relations are stored in relational database .

  14. LotusDomino/Notes与关系型数据库连接的一种方法

    A Method of Connecting Lotus Domino / Notes to Relational Database

  15. 2)利用ActiveDataObjects(ADO)数据库接口技术,实现关系型数据库与面向对象设计方法的集成。

    2 ) Integration of relational data base and object-oriented design by using Active Data Objects ( ADO ) .

  16. ORACLE关系型数据库管理系统在公路桥梁数据库开发中的应用

    The Development of the Highway Bridge Data Base Employing Oracle System

  17. 运用GIS数据结构原理和关系型数据库理论,分别建立了公共交通信息系统的空间数据库和属性数据库;

    Exerting GIS data structure principle and relation data-base theory , built spacial data-base and property data-base respectively .

  18. 关系型数据库的表并非像XML一样的分级结构,只是一个简单的二维列表。

    The tables of a relational database are not hierarchical ( like XML ), but are simply a flat list .

  19. 非过程化的查询语言:关系型数据库包括一种称作结构化查询语言(StructuredQueryLanguage,SQL)的数据操作语言。

    Non-Procedural Query Language : Relational-type database include a data manipulation language called SQL ( Structured Query Language ) .

  20. SQL被作为关系型数据库管理系统的标准语言。

    And the SQl is considered as standardized language of Relational Data Base Management System .

  21. 本研究提出一种依据关系型数据库管理下带有时间维数据结构的GIS模型。

    This paper puts forward to a model of data structure for GIS with timing dimension based on the relationship database .

  22. 当缓存XML信息时,可以选择将转换输出存储到本机文件或某个关系型数据库中。

    When you cache the XML transformation , you store the transformation output to a local file or to some relational database of choice .

  23. 本文论述、分析和比较了基于关系型数据库的XML数据的文档存储模式和元素存储模式。

    The paper discusses , analyzes , compares two kind of XML data storage patterns based on relational database document pattern and element pattern .

  24. 基于关系型数据库的BOM设计及查询策略

    The design and query policy of BOM based on the relation database

  25. 一个数据源可以四像关系型数据库管理体统这样的数据库,可以是面向对象型的数据库管理系统,可以是XML文档,也可以是简单文件等等。

    A data source could be a database such as an RDBMS , OODBMS , XML repository , flat file system , and so forth .

  26. 探讨了基于网络和本体的家电产品知识模型获取框架、所获取知识的语义有效性保证机制及产品配置过程中对XML文档和关系型数据库的知识查询方法。

    Based on network and ontology technologies , the product knowledge model acquisition frame is constructed , and assurance mechanism of semantic validity is proposed .

  27. 因为我们使用Hibernate作为我们的提供者,我们不能选择非关系型数据库,比如GoogleAppEngine。

    Because we are using Hibernate as our provider , we cannot choose a non-relational database like Google App Engine .

  28. Web应用服务器自产生以来,得到工业界和学术界的普遍关注,已成为最近几年最热门的软件类型,被认为是自从关系型数据库以来最令人激动的企业应用技术。

    It is considered to be one of the most exciting milestones of enterprise software technology since the relational database and has become very popular in the last few years .

  29. 基于关系型数据库的BOM的设计

    The design of BOM based on the relation database

  30. 作为一种大型的对象关系型数据库管理系统,OSCAR采用了基于锁的调度器。

    OSCAR uses the dispatcher based on lock .