
ɡuān lián xìnɡ
  • relevance;relevancy;cognation
  1. 它们仅是以关联性渐减的粗略次序排列。

    They are rough order of decreasing relevance .

  2. 为了讨论IT治理以及它与您的企业的关联性,我们需要定义治理(governance)。

    In order to discuss IT governance and its relevance to your business , we need to define governance .

  3. 不同的养育方式会将孩子置于不同的发展路径,并加深社会经济的差距,尤其是考虑到教育与收入的较强关联性。

    Different upbringings set children on different paths and can deepen socioeconomic divisions , especially because education is strongly linked to earnings .

  4. 谷歌曾通过关联性来调整搜索页面的排序算法,以此来控制谷歌炸弹的出现。

    Google moved to curb2 Google bombs by tweaking their formula for ranking pages by relevancy .

  5. 两处地震没有关联性中国地震台网中心等部门的专家经过会商指出,两次地震地处我国不同断裂带,不做关联性分析。中国地震台网中心研究员孙士鋐表示,云南和青海地震没有关联。

    There was no causal relationship between the Yunnan and Qinghai quakes , but they shared the same root cause , Sun Shihong , a researcher at the China Earthquake Networks Center , said .

  6. 事实上,象Google这样的搜索引擎找到了其它更高级的度量来评定页面关联性。

    Instead , search engines such as Google found other more sophisticated metrics to rank page relevance .

  7. 5-HT基因多态性与暴力攻击行为的关联性分析

    Analysis of association between violent behavior and polymorphism of 5-HT Gene

  8. 并在对资产泡沫界定的基础上,分别采用马歇尔K值系数和金融相关比率作为资产泡沫的衡量指标,对资产泡沫与动态效率之间的关联性进行了实证分析。

    The part on the basis of defining asset bubbles , respectively use K-Coefficient of Marshall and FIR as the measure of asset bubbles .

  9. 如果Web服务器的唯一用途是根据会话关联性进行路由和负责进行负载平衡工作,则完全可以使用代理服务器替代Web服务器。

    If the only purpose of the Web server was routing with session affinity and load balancing , then the proxy server can easily take the place of the Web server .

  10. SLE患者外周血Tc1/Tc2与CD4/CD(25)双阳性细胞关联性分析

    Relationship between levels of Tc1 / Tc2 , CD_4 / CD_ ( 25 ) double positive T cells and SLE

  11. 介绍了ISO9000标准的作用以及集成质量系统的概念,从管理理念的相似性、管理职能的互补性和实施的关联性3方面说明ISO9000标准与集成质量系统结合的可能性和必要性;

    The functions of ISO9000 standards and the conception of integrates quality management was introduced .

  12. 目的:探讨冠心病(CoronaryHeartDisease,CHD)患者颈动脉粥样硬化情况与中医证型的关联性。

    Objective : Study to the coronary heart disease ( coronary heart diseases , CHD ) in patients with carotid atherosclerosis and the correlation of syndrome types of TCM .

  13. 在这个月前,他们在自然遗传杂志上发表了一篇文章,这篇文章报道了除了阿朴脂蛋白E基因外的13个基因,这些基因与老年痴呆症有明显的统计关联性。

    In an article in Nature Genetics earlier this month , they presented a group of13 genes besides apolipoprotein E that have a statistically significant association with Alzheimer 's.

  14. 结果:MRI所示的脑膜瘤瘤周水肿程度与肿瘤的良恶性程度有关联性,而与发生部位、大小无显著关联性。

    Results The degree of peritumoral edema on MRI scans was related to the malignant degree of meningioma , not the location and the size of tumor .

  15. 运用Granger因果检验及向量自回归模型(VAR)对A、B股价指数的关联性进行检验和分析。

    This paper tests and analyzes the linkage between A-share and B-share indices using Granger causal test and vector autoregression model ( VAR ) .

  16. 交感性眼炎患者具有一定的遗传倾向,与宿主的HLA状态存在某种关联性。

    Sympathetic ophthalmia patients have a genetic predisposition . There is an association between sympathetic ophthalmia and the HLA status of the host .

  17. 统计分析表明,Dm、D1、D2及St与磨损状态间均存在较好的关联性。

    The statistic analysis indicated that Dm , D1 , D2 , St all correlated well with wear rate and wear state .

  18. 目的探讨广东地区Alzheimer病(AD)患者与apoEε4之间的关联性及性别的影响。

    Objective To discuss the association of Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) in Guangdong with apoE ε 4 and its influence by sex .

  19. 在通过APACHEII,多器官衰竭评分或与硬化,脓毒血症,少尿和机械通气协同变异校正后,这种关联性仍持续存在。

    This association persisted after adjustment for APACHE II , Multiple Organ Failure score , or the combined covariates cirrhosis , sepsis , oliguria , and mechanical ventilation .

  20. 该文介绍了近年来使用DRM范式对关联性记忆错觉神经机制的研究。

    This paper reviewed recent researches on the neural mechanisms of relatedness effects in memory illusion with DRM paradigm .

  21. E.coli和Yeast基因起始与终止密码子邻近序列碱基保守性、关联性的对比研究

    The Contrast Study of Base ′ s Conservative Character and Correlative Character between E.coli and Yeast Gene for Adjacent Sequence of Initiation Codon or Termination Codon

  22. PN分数与其他CSA组分分数的中度关联性提示出,被测量的品质当中,有些重叠,或相互关联。

    The moderate correlations between PN scores and various other CSA component scores suggest some overlap in , or interrelationships amongst , the traits being measured .

  23. 以SIB参数为判决条件,对业务之间的关联性加以判决。

    The correlation between the services was judged by the using of the SIB parameters as judged conditions .

  24. 因此,近几年探讨SNPs作为复杂性疾病的遗传标记的关联性研究大量涌现。

    Therefore , a large number of association studies with SNPs as genetic markers is coming into being for complex disease .

  25. 该模型在引入VaR约束的同时兼顾资产和负债两个方面的业务和管理,体现了高度重视资产和负债的内在关联性的基本要求。

    The characteristic is that the constrain on VaR and asset-liability management are simultaneously considered at the same time , attaching importance to the internal relations of asset and liability .

  26. 载脂蛋白B四核苷酸串联重复序列基因多态性与冠心病的关联性研究结果:汉族人群中,共检出载脂蛋白B四核苷酸串联重复序列(TTTA)n有3种等位基因和6种基因型。

    Study on the relationship between the gene polymorphism of apolipoprotein B ( TTTA ) n and coronary heart disease Result : there were three alleles and six genotypes at the locus .

  27. 中国汉族人群ApoE及β2-AR基因多态性与阿尔茨海默病的关联性研究

    The Association Study of ApoE and β 2-AR Polymorphisms with Alzheimer 's Disease in Chinese Han Population

  28. 控制社会心理因素后,T182C和G1287A多态性各基因型及等位基因的OR值均发生了不同程度的变化,提示社会心理因素影响了NET基因多态性与MD的关联性研究。

    After controlling the social psychic factors , the OR values of the two polymorphism were all proceed some change , which hint that social psychic factors influenced relevance between NET gene polymorphism and MD.

  29. 中国北方汉族人群强直性脊柱炎与白细胞抗原B27亚型关联性研究

    A study on the association of HLA-B27 subtype with ankylosing spondylitis in Chinese Northern Han population

  30. 目的:研究中国北方汉族人寻常型银屑病(PV)患者血清瘦素(leptin)水平与HLA等位基因的关联性。

    Objective : To investigate the association between HLA class ⅰ and ⅱ alleles and variations in serum leptin levels in Northern Chinese Han patients with psoriasis vulgaris ( PV ) .