
duì chōnɡ
  • hedge;offset
  1. 典型的“对冲城市”是安全无害的,拥有稳定的社会和政治环境,人们的隐私会受到保护,能够在城市中安静地生活。

    The typical hedge city is innocuous , offering privacy and seclusion3 as well as social and political stability .

  2. “对冲城市”是那些安全、稳定、房价高的城市,外国投资者会选择在这种城市购买房产,以避免自己国家投资不稳定造成的损失。

    Hedge city is a safe , stable city with extremely high real estate values caused by foreign investors1 buying properties as a hedge against instability in their own countries .

  3. 但它和最近的几次区别不大,因为火星所有的近日对冲都很壮观。

    That 's fine because all perihelic oppositions of Mars are spectacular .

  4. 繁荣发展但不稳定的国家的富人们会大量涌入“对冲城市”的房地产市场,从而催高房价。

    A hedge city is a place where wealthy people in booming but unstable2 societies pile into local real-estate markets , driving up values .

  5. 甲烷-湿空气对冲扩散火焰中CO的生成特性

    The characteristics of CO emission in METHANE-HUMID air counterflow diffusion flame

  6. 他似乎暗示,vertical的目的,是帮助美国银行对冲其抵押贷款风险。

    He seemed to suggest that the purpose of vertical was to help bank of America hedge its mortgage risks .

  7. 希尔德布兰德夫妇均曾为美国对冲基金摩尔资本(moorecapital)工作,在此期间相识,他俩至今保持着一种国际化的生活方式。

    The hildebrands met while both worked for Moore capital , the US hedge fund , and maintain an international lifestyle .

  8. 基于CAPM的风险对冲方法

    Method of Stock Index Futures Hedging Portfolio Risk Based on CAPM

  9. 上月,两个BearStearns投资银行发行的对冲基金由于债务问题几乎崩溃。

    Last month , 2 hedge funds operated by the investment bank Bear Stearns nearly collapsed under debt .

  10. 结论迟发性脑肿胀好发于对冲性额、颞叶挫裂伤伴明显蛛网膜下腔出血、硬膜下薄层血肿及早期CT有脑肿胀者。

    Conclusion Delayed traumatic brain swelling is inclined to occur in contrecoup brain injury , and especially accompanied with SAH , thin subdural hematoma and brain swelling showed in early CT scanning .

  11. 然而,一家基于Twitter上流露的市场情绪信息进行交易的对冲基金,在成立仅一个月之后就关闭了。

    However , a hedge fund set up to trade on information about market sentiment revealed on Twitter closed after only a month .

  12. 过去一个季度,富时对冲基金指数(ftsehedgefundindex)下跌5%,而富时全类股指数(ftseallshare)则下跌11%。

    The FTSE hedge fund index has dropped 5 per cent over the past quarter , compared with an 11 per cent fall on the FTSE all share .

  13. 对冲基金再也无法从银行手中获得廉价的信用额度,许多特别殊投资机构工具和管道(conduit)投资者实际上已破产经崩溃。

    Hedge funds can no longer get cheap credit lines from banks , and many special investment vehicles and conduits have virtually collapsed .

  14. 贝尔斯登(BearStearns)上月透露,它旗下两只对冲基金蒙受了巨大损失&它们持有与次级抵押贷款相关的CDO证券,,但却难以判断损失的数量。

    Bear Stearns last month revealed large losses at two hedge funds that owned subprime-related CDOs - but had trouble quantifying the losses .

  15. 被认为具有系统重要性的金融机构将面对最严格的要求,这些机构将包括大型银行、保险公司、gecapital之类的金融集团,可能还有规模较大的对冲基金。

    The heaviest demands would be placed on institutions deemed to be systemically important ranging from large banks to insurance companies , financial groups such GE Capital and , potentially , hedge funds of sufficient size .

  16. 依据量纲分析理论,对水翅现象的影响因素进行了分析,可知水翅现象与泄洪洞有压段出口Fr0、水流对冲长度Ld和水面下凹深度H(cs)有关。

    The works included : ( 1 ) Based on dimensional analysis , the influencing factors of the height and length of the water-wings were obtained .

  17. 冲裁件的工艺性良好与否对冲裁件的质量、制造成本以及模具寿命有很大影响。本文利用VBA编程语言,实现了冲裁件的预处理和逻辑约束分析以及结构工艺性分析;

    VBA programme language has been adopted to realize the pretreatment and the logic constraint analysis and the structural technologic analysis of the blanking part .

  18. 所用的数据挖掘软件在一定程度上是基于SEC开发的一种模型,该模型用于筛查对冲基金回报率,以探测马多夫(Madoff)式欺诈的迹象。

    The data mining software is partly based on a model the SEC developed to trawl through hedge fund returns for signs of Madoff-style chicanery .

  19. 2004年,公司推出了名为SearchAlternativeInvestments(缩写为Sail)的基金,从事对冲基金的专业投资,旗下资产近20亿美元,其中大部分是米勒家族的资金。

    In 2004 , the firm launched Search Alternative Investments ( Sail ), a fund of hedge funds specialist that manages nearly $ 2bn of assets , a big part of which consists of Miller family money .

  20. 但是,该基金同时也对一些贪婪无情的股东负责,比如英国对冲基金tci。

    But it is also answerable to some shareholders that are red in tooth and claw , including UK hedge fund TCI .

  21. 高层次综合中通过对冲突围着色方式把操作、变量值、数据传输映射到共享资源中,然而寻找图着色所需的最小颜色数目是个NP难题。

    Coloring of conflict graphs has been used in high level synthesis to map operators , values and data transfers onto shared resources , however , finding a minimum sized coloring is NP hard problem .

  22. 几乎在同一时间,Paulson&Co与高盛接洽,让其设计一只可通过做空让该对冲基金赚钱的CDO产品。

    At exactly the same time , it was approached by Paulson & Co to structure a CDO that the hedge fund could make money by shorting .

  23. 这种意见分歧让伦敦金属交易所(LME)在最近几周变成了战场,交易双方都汇集了一些著名的对冲基金。

    The disagreement has made the London Metal Exchange a battleground in recent weeks , with prominent hedge funds on either side of the trade .

  24. 监察机构与联邦调查局(fbi)和美国证交会合作,已宣布对几名前对冲基金交易员、公司内部人士以及一家专业网络公司的咨询顾问提起刑事指控。

    Prosecutors , working with the Federal Bureau of investigation and the SEC , have announced criminal charges against former hedge fund traders , company insiders and consultants at an expert network firm .

  25. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)的课程重点在于投资问题,关注主要资产类别,比如债券、股票、衍生品等,同时也在对冲基金、房地产、风险投资信托和慈善事业等方面花一些时间。

    Credit Suisse runs courses that focus on investment issues . Its courses look at major asset classes – bonds , equities , derivatives – and also spend time on hedge funds , real estate , venture capital trusts and philanthropy .

  26. 敦豪与澳大利亚贸易委员会(dhl/austrade)近期对300家澳大利亚企业的调查显示,只有5%的小型出口商在使用货币对冲。

    A recent DHL / Austrade survey of 300 Australian companies showed only 5 per cent of small exporters were using currency hedging .

  27. 他曾在知名投行LazardFreres和DresdnerKleinwortWasserstein就职,并曾服务于对冲基金Ramius。

    He has worked at investment banks Lazard Freres and Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein , as well as at hedge fund Ramius .

  28. 对冲基金SynapseInvestmentManagement的投资组合经理加里•詹金斯(GaryJenkins)补充道:如今,在意大利托斯卡纳休假的银行家,可以在地中海岸的别墅里获取信息报告,如同他在办公室的情况一样。

    Gary Jenkins , a portfolio manager at Synapse Investment Management , a hedge fund , added : Now the banker who is holidaying in Tuscany can be just as clued in from his villa on the Mediterranean as he can by being in the office .

  29. 据ChannelCapitalGroup旗下跟踪对冲基金的网站HedgeFund.net统计,截至7月底,英国基金公司管理的资产总额为2957.7亿美元,较去年12月底增长约12%。不过,目前的资产总额仍然较2007年底时的4481亿美元减少了34%。

    Assets managed by U.K. - based managers stood at $ 295.77 billion as of the end of July , up about 12 % from the end of December , according to HedgeFund.net , owned by Channel Capital Group Inc. However , they are still 34 % lower than their $ 448.1 billion levels at the end of 2007 .

  30. paramax还表示,瑞银向它保证过,如果需要“真正的”对冲,它可以撕毁协议。

    Paramax also claims that UBS assured it that if it needed a " real " hedge , it would tear up the agreement .