
  • 网络relevance;relevance principle;principle of relativity
  1. 摘要现行有关会计报表附注的规定,部分背离了会计的重要性、相关性原则,且操作性不强。

    The current regulations concerning the notes of accounting report contradict the principles of accounting importance and relevance let alone the difficulty of operation .

  2. 对平等就业权的界定应遵循相关性原则,即用人单位提出的要求要与工作岗位的客观要求相关。

    The definition of equal right of employment should follow the principle of relevance , the request of employers to laborer should be the objective requirement of the related jobs .

  3. 本文按照相关性原则和交易最频繁、成交量最大原则进行了数据选择,找到了瞬时利率的最佳替代利率R007。

    According to the correlation principle and selecting the most frequently traded , largest traded volume item , this article finds that R007 is the best proxy for instantaneous interest rate .

  4. 因为,如果我不在我回答中暗含这些东西,我的回答就违背了相关性原则。

    Because if I won 't implying those things , my response would not be relevant .

  5. 在此基础上,文章以系统性、取向性、主题性以及相关性原则为指导,提出了神农架旅游产品开发的具体构想。

    Further on , this essay , under the principleof systematism , tropism , and relativity , displays the concrete conceives of tourism development in shennongjia .

  6. 这便是被称为搜索引擎第一定律的相关性原则,排序算法的效果直接影响了搜索引擎的使用效率。

    This is a principle of dependence known as " first law " of search engine . The effect of the algorithm influences the efficiency of a search engine .

  7. 在知识经济环境下不再确认自创无形资产,会违背会计核算的一致性、重要性、相关性原则,并导致会计信息的真实性大大下降;

    But in the age of intelligence economy , the principles of consistency , materiality , reliability and relevance may be violated if the self-created intangible assets are not confirmed .

  8. 简要分析引言中参考文献引用和著录的作用,并提出论文引言写作和编辑中有关参考文献引用和著录的原则,即时效性原则、相关性原则、全面性原则和权威性原则。

    The roles of references in the introduction part of scientific papers are analyzed briefly , and the citing principles such as timeliness principle , relevance principle , totality principle and authority principle are proposed .

  9. 文章提出期刊信息开发利用的四个原则:针对性原则、时效性原则、系统性原则、相关性原则,并根据这些原则提出了期刊信息开发利用的三个层次。

    This article puts forward four principles of the exploitation and utilization of journal information : the principle of relevance , timeliness , systematization and relativity . Based on these principles , the author proposes three levels for the exploitation and utilization of journal information .

  10. 最佳麻醉方案的确定等方面,阐明了麻醉学的整个发展过程离不开系统科学方法的指导,特别是其三大基本原则,即整体性原则、动态相关性原则、最优化原则的指导。

    The best anesthesia regime have to be chosen . All of this clarified that in the developing process , current anesthesiology can not apart from system scientific methods , specially their three basic principle : the wholeness , the development correlation , the most optimization .

  11. 合并会计原则:相关性、可靠性兼备原则;

    Principle of combination accounting : both the relevance and reliability ;

  12. 培养该能力的教学原则是语法原则、交际原则、文化原则、认知原则、情感原则、相关性和实用性原则等。

    The principles of developing it are those of grammar , communication , cognition , emotion , relation , practice and so on .