
  • 网络Holly;Hawley;holley;Horley;Robert Horry
  1. 对不起,我是剑桥来的布罗德霍利。

    Excuse me . I 'm broad Hawley from cambridge .

  2. 斯姆特和霍利的这些晚辈应当意识到,现在不是讲“胡佛经济学”的时候。

    These modern day heirs to smoot and Hawley should realise that now is not a time for hoovernomics .

  3. 霍利恍惚地笑了笑。

    Holly smiled distantly .

  4. 戴维非常感激地把霍利送进那个女人张开的双臂中。

    David delivered Holly gratefully into the woman 's outstretched arms

  5. 德博拉巴尔的奥顿维尔,由她的哥哥,丹尼尔Doule美国海军羟色胺在周四,2010年11月11日在大湖国家公墓在霍利,密歇根州密歇根跪墓碑。

    Deborah Barr , of Ortonville , Michigan kneels by the gravestone of her brother , US Navy HT1 Daniel Doule on Thursday , Nov.11,2010 at the Great Lakes National Cemetery in Holly , Michigan .

  6. 印第安纳波利斯(Indianapolis)的网络商务经理霍利?凯尔(HollyKile)说:“我很喜欢把耳朵掏干净。”她说,她每天用棉签掏耳朵,每隔几个月用耳烛吸一次耳垢,她12岁的儿子也是如此。

    I absolutely love to have my ears cleaned , ' says Holly Kile , an online business manager from Indianapolis who says she uses cotton swabs daily and has her ears candled every couple of months , as does her 12-year-old son . '

  7. 霍利,这就是你所说的“未来的回声”?

    Holly , is this what you call a future echo ?

  8. 可能会跑进通风管,或者跑进霍利里面。

    It could get into the air ducts or into holly .

  9. 公司说霍利是继任者将在稍晚被任命。

    The company said Holley 's successor will be named later .

  10. 霍利可以把你关掉,我们出来时再打开。

    Holly 'll switch you off till we come out .

  11. 霍利之所以成功是因为她补充了公司创始人的能力结构。

    Castillo Holley succeeded because she complemented the founders'skill sets .

  12. 众所周知,霍利只能维持一个全息人。

    As you know , holly 's only capable of sustaining one hologram .

  13. 霍利探测到舰上有一个非人类生命形态。

    Holly has sensed a non-human life form aboard .

  14. 杜克也突出霍利在公司是国际的扩展先锋的强大角色。

    Duke also highlighted Holley 's strong role in pioneering the company 's international expansion .

  15. 1930年,国会批准了胡夫总统签署的《斯姆特-霍利》关税政策。

    In1930 , Congress passed and President Hoover signed into law the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act .

  16. 这是霍利夜的明天。

    It is Holly Night tomorrow .

  17. 现在霍利在维珍全职工作。

    Holly works full-time at virgin .

  18. 在霍利约克辅导儿童使用数位说故事在斯普林菲尔德开展健康问题谈话

    Tutoring children in Holyoke and using digital storytelling to start conversations about health issues in Springfield

  19. 我不喜欢霍利。亨特,就是那个因《钢琴课》而获得最佳女主角。

    I don 't like holly hunter , the best actress winner for " the piano " .

  20. 霍利,54岁,在1994年加入沃尔玛并且现在是财政与会计的执行副总裁。

    Holley , 54 , joined Wal-Mart in1994 and is currently executive vice president of finance and treasurer .

  21. 霍利不曾怀疑他对自己的爱,但却不能确定他是否会觉得与她在一起浪费了宝贵的时间。

    Holly never doubted that he loved her , but feared he felt he had wasted precious time .

  22. 霍利说,当她与创新者合作时,她首先努力弄清他们的激情所在。

    Castillo Holley says that when she works with innovators , she first tries to identify what they are passionate about .

  23. 她将与霍利。亨特及安妮。班克罗夫特一道为自己的公司执导家庭剧全家度假去。

    She will be directing the family drama home for the holidays for her company with Holly Hunter and Anne bancroft .

  24. 在田纳西州,调查者已经找到了霍利.波波的遗骨,这名妇女在3年前失踪。

    In Tennessee , investigators have found the remains of Holly Bobo , a woman who 's been missing for three years .

  25. 这也许是个一个警示性的故事,但如今被人们所熟知的是斯穆特发起的斯姆特-霍利关税法,而不是他个人信仰的教派。

    There may be a cautionary tale there . Today Smoot is remembered for his support for tariffs rather than his religion .

  26. 霍利冲了下厕所,冰冷的瓷砖地让她直打哆嗦,她颤颤巍巍地勉强站起来。

    Holly flushed the toilet and , shivering from the coldness of the tiled floor , she shakily steadied herself to her feet .

  27. 不料,这时杰克却被霍利以偷窃钻石之名栽赃陷害,并被关在下层船舱。

    Unexpectedly , when Jack Hawley been planted in the name of the theft of diamonds framed and kept in the lower cabin .

  28. 她在影片中扮演一位从农村来到纽约寻找理想的姑娘霍利。

    She played a role of a naive young girl named Holly who comes to New York to find dreams from the rural area .

  29. 财务总监汤姆舍韦退休,零售商在星期三宣布,而它已晋升查尔斯霍利,作为他的代替者。

    Chief Financial Officer Tom Schoewe is retiring , the retailer announced Wednesday , and it has promoted Charles Holley to be his replacement .

  30. 企业受益于面孔,我认为,如果霍利或者萨姆愿意更多地露面,维珍肯定会受益。

    Companies benefit from faces [ and ] I think Virgin would definitely benefit if Holly or Sam were willing to be more of a face of it .