
  • 网络holme;Holm
  1. 格兰霍尔姆的预算不会触及密歇根每包2美元的卷烟税。

    Granholm 's budget wouldn 't touch Michigan 's $ 2-per-pack cigarette tax .

  2. 赛莱斯特•霍尔姆说,这一点让梦露一辈子都害怕怀孕。

    This , according to Celeste Holm , gave Marilyn a lifelong terror of pregnancy .

  3. 我们来到巴尔的摩,切斯霍尔姆医生热情地接待了我们,但是他并没有对我做任何治疗。

    When we arrived in Baltimore , Dr. Chisholm received us kindly : but he could do nothing .

  4. 霍尔姆列举了旨在开放两国间货运和客运航班服务限制的民航谈判为例。

    Mr Holmer cites as an example civil aviation talks aimed at liberalising cargo and passenger flights between the two countries .

  5. 再以萨拉·特伦霍尔姆和阿瑟·詹森对于人际传播能力的解析为蓝本,对组织传播能力的构成进行研究和分析。

    Then based on the analysis for interpersonal communication competence of Sarah Trenholm and Arthur Jenson , to research and analyze the organizational communication capability .

  6. 霍尔姆表示,这是个“有益的步骤”,但他告诫称,美国将“不得不观察一下其效果如何”。

    Mr Holmer said it was a " useful step " but cautioned that the US would " have to see how it plays out " .

  7. 硬件平台设计采用了霍尔姆茨结构,这种平行的机械结构解决了电机互为负载的问题。

    The design of the hardware platform adopts the Helmholtz configuration , this parallel mechanical architecture solves the problem that motors is the load for each other .

  8. 《公社》故事发生在20世纪70年代的哥本哈根,讲述的是埃里克从他父亲那里继承下一幢别墅,埃里克(乌尔里奇•汤姆森饰)和安娜(翠娜•迪斯霍尔姆饰)夫妇试着与其他人共同生活在这个房子里。

    Set in 1970s Copenhagen , the Commune follows married couple Anna ( Trine Dyrholm ) and Erik ( Ulrich Thomsen ) as they experiment with collective living in the house Erik inherited from his father .

  9. 和梦露合作过的一位女星赛莱斯特•霍尔姆于上周日去世,她曾和梦露一同出演影片《彗星美人》。她说:“梦露性取向问题的根源在于她饱受创伤的童年。”

    Another of those who worked with Monroe , actress Celeste Holm , who appeared with her in ' All About Eve ' , and who died last Sunday , said that Marilyn 's sexual problems were rooted in her traumatic childhood .

  10. 有一次,图灵和罗宾互相比较他们的上学经历,罗宾在阿博茨霍尔姆学校度过了相对比较快乐的生活,那里的思想颇受爱德华·卡本特的影响,《亲爱的伙伴》是这所学校的校歌。

    By this time Alan had compared his school experience with Robin , who had had a much happier time at Abbotsholme , the progressive boys ' boarding school where Edward Carpenter 's ideas had enjoyed an influence , and ' Dear Love of Comrades ' was the school song .