
  • 网络valday;valdai
  1. 从他对瓦尔代成员的话中可以看出,普京相当的乐观自信,他认为俄罗斯的经济增长并不会受到全球经济危机的影响。

    Throughout his remarks to the Valdai group , Mr Putin seemed blithely confident that Russia 's economic growth would not be affected by the global crisis .

  2. 其中包括一架安装了一个价值7.5万美元马桶的飞机,以及普京在瓦尔代湖畔的寓所,那里配备了教堂、游泳池、餐馆、电影院及保龄球馆。

    They included an aeroplane fitted with a $ 75,000 toilet and a Lake Valdai home complete with church , swimming pool , restaurants , cinema and bowling alley .

  3. 但问题是,普金能够照俄罗斯原方案给乌克兰卖天然气,参考数据走向来赚小钱钱,却对构建复杂的意识形态没有兴趣。普京在瓦尔代近三个小时的演讲主要内容是西方。

    The problem is that Putin can reel off from memory Russia'sformula for selling gas to Ukraine , quoting the figure right down to the penny , but has no interest in complex ideological constructs . Putin 's three-hour speech at Valdai was aimed primarily at the West .