
  • 网络STIA;State Technological Invention Award;National Award for Technological Invention
  1. 2006年,学校荣获了体现我国重大原始创新能力的全国唯一的一个国家技术发明奖一等奖。

    In2006 , the school received a major manifestation of the original innovation capacity of China 's the only one of the State Technological Invention Award first prize .

  2. 国家技术发明奖的候选人必须是该项技术发明的部分或者全部创造性技术内容的独立完成人。

    A candidate for the STIA must be the person who created part of , or the whole of the technological aspect of the invention .

  3. 国家技术发明奖;

    State Technological Invention Prize ;

  4. 2009年,数十项成果获得国家技术发明奖和国家科技进步奖。

    In2009 , dozens of innovations won National Technology Invention Awards or National Science and Technology Progress Awards .

  5. 从2004年度国家技术发明奖一等奖看材料科学基础研究的重要性

    Thinking the importance of basic research on materials science according the first awards of national technical invention in 2004

  6. 国家技术发明奖的授奖范围不包括仅依赖个人的经验和技能、技巧不可重复实施的技术。

    The STIA will not be awarded if the invention includes a technology that merely relies on personal experience and skills that cannot be realized repeatedly .

  7. 香港特区政府创新科技署负责统筹国家技术发明奖和国家科学技术进步奖两个奖项的香港特区推荐工作。

    The Innovation and Technology Commission ( ITC ) of the HKSAR Government is responsible for the nomination of the STIA and SSTPA in the HKSAR .

  8. 中国国家技术发明奖一等奖自创立以来连续6年空缺,突破性创新匮乏。

    China 's national technological invention award first prize have been vacancy for 6 years in succession since it is created , radical innovation is deficient .

  9. 推荐参加国家技术发明奖评审的技术发明,应当具备有关知识产权证明,经过三年以上较大规模的实施应用,取得良好实用效果。

    The nominated invention under STIA should have relevant intellectual property evidence , demonstrated its extensive application for more than three years and have achieved significant results .

  10. 然而,国家技术发明奖及国家科学技术进步奖下各等级奖项均制定其单项授奖人数限额。

    However , the number of award winners for a single project under the STIA and the SSTPA is restricted according to the quota set for the respective categories of Awards .

  11. 清华大学的“时域同步正交频分复用数字传输技术”项目在2005年获得国家技术发明二等奖。

    The " time-domainsynchronousorthogonal frequency division multiplexing digital transmission technology " project of Tsinghua University won the second prize of national technological innovation in2005 .