
  • 网络Liu Xiang;Olympic gold medalist
  1. 刘翔说:"你太棒了!"

    Liu Xiang said , " You are great ! "

  2. 全国政协委员/110米栏奥运冠军,刘翔

    Liu Xiang , member of the CPPCC National Committee and 110 m hurdle3 Olympic champion

  3. 刘翔青少年时期主要专项素质与成绩的GM(1,N)模型研究

    Study on the Main Special Quality and the Result GM ( 1 , N ) Model in Liu Xiang 's Youth

  4. NBA明星姚明,飞人刘翔,东方神鹿王军霞。

    A.NBA star Yaoming , Flying Man Liuxiang and the Oriental Reindeer Wang Junxia .

  5. 刘翔110m栏第五栏下栏着地技术的运动学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis of Liu Xiang 's hurdle clearance technique of fifth hurdle

  6. 我国男子110m栏优秀运动员刘翔成绩分析

    Analysis on Chinese Excellent Athlete Liu Xiang 's Score of 110m Men Hurdle

  7. 在中国版的Twitter——新浪微博(SinaWeibo)上,刘翔迅速成为热门讨论话题。

    On Sina Weibo , a Chinese version of Twitter , Liu Xiang quickly shot up the ranks of the hottest topics under discussion .

  8. 刘翔110m栏运动成绩的思考:训练方法与心理优势

    Thoughts of Liu Xiang 's achievement in 110-meter hurdle race : Training methods and psychological superiority

  9. 刘翔110m栏第5栏跨栏步技术的依据研究

    Study Basis of Clearance Technique in the Fifth Hurdle on Man 's 110m Hurdle of Liu Xiang

  10. 现代运动训练新理念&以刘翔的110m栏训练为例

    New concept of modern training

  11. 作为第一位赢得奥运田径项目金牌的中国男选手,同NBA休斯顿火箭队主力选手姚明一样,刘翔是国民最喜爱的运动明星之一。

    As the first Chinese male athlete to win an Olympic track gold , Liu is one of the nation ` s favorite sports stars like NBA Houston Rockets ` center Yao Ming .

  12. 中国运动员在传统上由西方人把持的体育项目中取得成就的话,会获得特别的景仰:看看跨栏运动的刘翔、NBA里的姚明,以及如今纵横奥运会泳池的孙杨。

    Chinese athletes who excel in sports that the West traditionally dominates have a special place in the pantheon : See Liu Xiang in the high hurdles , Yao Ming in the N.B.A. and now Sun Yang in the Olympic swimming pool .

  13. 南京的报纸《东方卫报》(OrientalGuardian)周四头版头条标题说:刘翔知道、央视知道、领导知道&只有观众在傻等见证奇迹的时刻。

    ' Liu Xiang Knew , CCTV Knew , the Leaders Knew Only the Masses Waited Stupidly for a Miracle to Happen , ' blared the top headline on the front page of the Thursday edition of the Oriental Guardian , a commercial tabloid based in Nanjing .

  14. 刘翔栏间的3步平均速度快(9.20m/s),在第4~5栏栏间达到最高速度(9.63m/s);

    His average speed is 9.20m/s and reaches the highest ( 9.63m/ s ) between the hurdles of No. 4-No.

  15. 这些年离开赛场的中国世界级体育选手中,刘翔是距今最近的一位。2011年前NBA中锋姚明退役。去年9月,中国首位网球大满贯得主李娜也宣布挂拍。

    Liu 's retirement makes him the latest world class Chinese athlete to sign off from competition in recent years , after the country 's first grand slam tennis champion Li Na retired in September and former NBA basketball centre Yao Ming walked away from the sport in 2011 .

  16. 刘翔110米跨栏跑技术特征的分析

    Technical Characteristics Analysis of 110 m Hurdles Race of Liu Xiang

  17. 刘翔是世界上跑的最快的人之一。

    Liuxiang is one of the fastest men in the world .

  18. 突然,我觉得刘翔像是这里的皇帝。

    Suddenly , I feel Liu xiang 's an emperor here .

  19. 这句话的意思是世界上所有的人被刘翔所熟知。

    All the people around the world were familiar to him .

  20. 试析刘翔肖像权案的相关法律问题

    Analysis on the Case of Liu Xiang 's Right to Portrait

  21. 刘翔在这个项目的个人最好成绩是7秒42。

    Liu Xiang 's personal best in the event is7.42 seconds .

  22. 刘翔是110米跨栏赛跑的世界纪录保持者。

    Liu Xiang holds the world record for the110 metre hurdles .

  23. 我希望我能和刘翔跑得一样快。

    I hope I can run as fast as Liu Xiang .

  24. 刘翔和姚明两名运动员,你崇拜哪一个?

    Which athlete do you adore , Liu Xiang or Yao Ming ?

  25. 看到体育明星刘翔,他们激动万分。

    Seeing the sports star Liu xiang , they got very excited .

  26. 刘翔是所有中国人的骄傲。

    Liu Xiang is the Pride of all the Chinese .

  27. 飞翔正是中国期待刘翔做到的。

    Soaring is just what China expects Liu to do .

  28. 刘翔的同胞史冬鹏以13秒56的成绩完成比赛。

    Liu 's compatriot Shi Dongpeng finished second in13.56 seconds .

  29. 在奥林匹克运动会上刘翔这个人跑得多快呀!

    What a runner Liu Xiang run in Olympic Games !

  30. 在接下来的数年中,刘翔继续面对伤病困扰。

    He continued to face injuries in the following years .