
  • 【人名】Carina Lau
  1. 他将自己的设计风格归结为“奢华的简约”(extravagantsimplicity),张曼玉、杨紫琼、巩俐、梅艳芳、李嘉欣、刘嘉玲和舒淇等众多明星都是他的客户。

    With a design style that he calls " extravagant simplicy ," Cheng boasts customers such as Maggie Cheung , Michelle Yeoh , Gong Li , Anita Mui , Michelle Reis , Carina Lau and Shu Qi .

  2. 但是吕萍认为刘嘉玲同样应该受到处罚。

    But Lu believes that Carina Lau is also culpable .

  3. 该片阵容豪华,卡司包括刘嘉玲、刘德华、张学友以及张家辉。

    Its cast includes Carina Lau , Andy Lau , Jacky Cheung and Nick Cheung .

  4. 刘嘉玲一部隽永的美丽传说

    Liu jialing : a meaningful legend

  5. 但是从最新的情况看来,似乎刘嘉玲并没有怀孕。

    However , from the latest case , it seems that there is no pregnancy Carina Lau .

  6. 由于此事件,有人称刘嘉玲很坚强,是个自信的美丽女人。

    Because of this incident , there are very strong person Carina Lau , is a beautiful self-confident woman .

  7. 刘嘉玲昨日在微博上发布了一张与陈冠希的合影,并在照片旁边写下了一句鼓励陈冠希的话。

    Carina Lau yesterday released a micro-blog with Edison Chen 's photo , and wrote an encouraging picture next to Edison 's words .

  8. 有媒体称,自从跟刘嘉玲闹分手以来,伟仔的情绪就极其低落,一直借酒消愁。

    Some media reports have it that since breaking up with Carina Lau , Tony has been extremely depressed and is finding his solace in alcohol .

  9. 王菲的好友、香港女星刘嘉玲表示对此并不惊讶,她已经知道王菲的决定有一段时间了。

    Hong Kong-based Chinese actress Lau Kar-ling , one of Wong 's close friends , said she was not surprised because she has been aware of Wong 's decision for a while .

  10. 酒吧在开业后更是推出了刘嘉玲最喜欢吃的两款甜点,还有她和梁朝伟最喜欢吃的两款菜肴。

    After the bar is launched at the opening of the Carina Lau favorite to eat two desserts , as well as she and Tony Leung 's two favorite dishes to eat .

  11. 本文将从以下几方面对广告代言人的民事责任进行论述:首先通过介绍刘嘉玲代言SK-Ⅱ产品质量纠纷一案,提出我国虚假广告代言存在的问题。

    This article from the following aspects of civil liability to spokespersons for discussion : First , by introducing the SK - ⅱ product quality dispute case puts forward the problem of false endorsements .