
  • 【人名】Lucy Liu
  1. 不管下个月怎么样,刘玉玲下个季度都能在ABC得到一份工作。

    Regardless of what happens over the next month , Lucy Liu has a job next season at ABC .

  2. 据好莱坞记者新闻报道,《女人帮》被砍,刘玉玲正在商谈作为常规配角加入《黑金家族》&另一部ABC电视台的剧目。

    Conditional on Cashmere 's cancellation , Liu is in talks to join Dirty Sexy Money another new ABC show as a series regular , according to The Hollywood Reporter .

  3. 要想在百老汇引起轰动,你需要请刘玉玲出演,张瑜说。她在1977年成立了泛亚剧场(PanAsianRepertoryTheater),为亚裔美国演员增加了很多表演机会。

    You need Lucy Liu to have a hit on Broadway , said Tisa Chang , who in 1977 founded the Pan Asian Repertory Theater , which significantly expanded opportunities for Asian-American performers .

  4. 美版福尔摩斯剧集根据阿瑟·柯南·道尔的小说改编,44岁的刘玉玲在里面饰演福尔摩斯的助手JoanWatson,她做客《吉米晚间脱口秀》节目来推广自己最新的电视剧。

    The star , 44 - who plays Joan Watson , Sherlock Holmes " sidekick in the US adaptation of the Arthur Conan Doyle books - was promoting her latest telly gig on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon .

  5. 刘玉玲穿着夺人眼球的MaryKatrantzou鱼缸图案裙子,以及裸色NicholasKirkwood高跟鞋做客节目,好莱坞明星范儿十足。

    Lucy , who wore a stunning Mary Katrantzou fish tank dress and nude-coloured Nicholas Kirkwood heels , arrived for her guest appearance looking every inch the perfect Hollywood star .

  6. 迷你版演员刘玉玲身穿和刘玉玲的CarolinaHerrera礼服极为相似的服装,辫子梳到侧边,与礼服相配,将刘玉玲的金球奖造型演绎得恰到好处。

    Wearing a nearly identical version of Lucy Liu 's Carolina Herrera gown , the actress ' little mini-me nailed the presenter 's Golden Globes look right down to her matching side braid .

  7. 【新闻快讯】艾美奖(EmmysAwards)主办方于北京时间8月15日公布了第二批颁奖嘉宾的名单,华裔女星刘玉玲也在名单之列。

    The organizers of Emmys Awards has announced the second batch GetWord (" batch "); of the presenters list on August 15 ( Beijing time ), and the Chinese actress Lucy Liu was also in the list .

  8. CBS版本的《福尔摩斯》更新了演员阵容,刘玉玲(LucyLiu)将成为第一位扮演华生的女性!

    CBS ' Sherlock Holmes pilot , Elementary , will indeed be a modern take on the famed story . For the first time , Holmes ' famed sidekick , Watson , will be played by a woman with Lucy Liu nabbing the part , The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed .

  9. 观众非常喜爱刘玉玲所饰演的搞笑角色艾里克斯曼迪。

    Audiences loved liu 's funny character , Alex munday .

  10. 刘玉玲饰演一个律师,但是详细情况还不得而知。

    Liu would play a lawyer , but exact details haven 't been disclosed .

  11. 女演员刘玉玲在密西根大学的专业是亚洲语言。

    Lucy Liu , actress , studied Asian Languages at the University of Michigan .

  12. 刘玉玲的确是一位多才多艺的美人!

    Lucy Liu is really an accomplished beauty !

  13. 刘玉玲金球奖造型

    Lucy Liu at the Golden Globes

  14. 本部电影的英文配音包括杰克·布莱克,安吉丽娜·朱莉,达斯丁·霍夫曼,成龙和刘玉玲。

    The English voices include Jack Black , Angelina Jolie , Dustin Hoffman , Jackie Chan and Lucy Liu .

  15. 最好的例子就是刘玉玲和白灵在中国凡是被以为很丑。

    Fine example are actresses like Lucy Liu & Bai Ling that are considered more than ugly back in China .

  16. 年她在一档周末系列电视剧《珍珠》中扮演一名心怀抱负的女大学生,这使刘玉玲的知名度大大提高。

    In1996 , she was cast as an ambitious college student in the sitcom " Pearl ", which made her popular .

  17. 节目主持人还对刘玉玲特别关照,确保她脸上的每一个角落都涂满了黏黏的奶油。

    And at one point the show host took extra care to make sure the goo had covered every part of Lucy 's face .

  18. 刘玉玲还酷爱运动,经常攀岩、滑雪和骑马,以丰富自己的生活。

    Lucy is also very athletic , and she enjoys rock climbing , skiing , horseback riding , in order to enrich her life .

  19. 他说:我看过一点点,在艾美奖的时候见过刘玉玲。她魅力四射,但是很丑。

    He said , Ive seen bits of it , I met lucy liu at the Emmys , who was charming but very ugly .

  20. 刘玉玲现在出演《女人帮》一片的女主角,该片是和《欲望城市》风格相似的一部句,讲述纽约的四个职业女性。

    The actress 's current gig is as lead on Cashmere Mafia , a Sex and the City-style program about four professional women in New York City .

  21. 出演了《基本演绎法》的华裔女演员刘玉玲做客了《吉米晚间脱口秀》节目,虽然她在节目过程中展现出自己是百里挑一的精英,但最后却以满脸的奶油收场。

    ELEMENTARY actress Lucy Liu showed she 's still cream of the crop - but ended up splattered with PIE during an appearance on Jimmy Fallon 's chat show .

  22. 她指出刘玉玲在美剧《黑金诱惑》中扮演一位有权势的律师,穿的衣服有大量的性暗示。

    She points to a recent episode of the TV drama Dirty Sexy Money in which the actress Lucy Liu ( no relation ), who depicts a powerful attorney , wears a spate of overtly suggestive suits .

  23. 他说:“我看过一点点,在艾美奖的时候见过刘玉玲。她魅力四射,但是很丑。拜托,她就是个恐龙啊,完全没有吸引力……我才是原汁原味最迷人的华生。”

    He said , " I 've seen bits of it , I met lucy liu at the Emmys , who was charming but very ugly . She 's a dog , come on . She 's a very unattractive women . And I wish them all the best ... I 'm the original glamour of watson . "