
Liú Bānɡ
  • Liu Bang; founder of Han Dynasty, reigned as Gaozu
刘邦 [liú bāng]
  • [Liu Bang] (前256-前195)字季。西汉(前206-23)王朝的建立者。字季。沛县(今属江苏)人,故人亦称沛公。刘邦排行第三,所以有时也叫他刘三

  1. 该曲歌颂了胜利者刘邦

    The work lauds the victor , Liu Bang .

  2. 楚汉之争指项羽和刘邦之间的战争。

    It refers to the war between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang .

  3. 刘邦从匈奴包围圈中脱出的必然与偶然因素

    On The Inevitability and Accidental of Liu Bang 's Escape from the Surrounding

  4. 司马迁与微时刘邦2250个时隙构成一帧。

    Sima Qian and Plebeian Liu Bang 2 250 time intervals compose a frame .

  5. 三是刘邦对项羽分封的不满。

    Third , Liu Bang are not satisfied with the feudality from Shiang Yu .

  6. 刘邦,祖籍也是今天的江苏省。

    The other was Liu Bang , who was also from present Jiangsu Province .

  7. 这时,项羽有士卒40万人,刘邦只有10万人,刘邦被迫求和。

    Only having 100 000 men , Liu Bang was forced to sue for peace .

  8. 楚汉相争中的宣传战&汉高祖刘邦传播活动研究

    The Propaganda War of Chu and Han : Research on Liu Bang 's Propaganda Activities

  9. 但刘邦被迫将咸阳和子婴拱手让给项羽。

    But Liu Bang was forced to hand over Xianyang and Ziying to Xiang Yu .

  10. 司马迁与微时刘邦

    Sima Qian and Plebeian Liu Bang

  11. 然而,刘邦意识到自己的军事力量远不及项羽,

    However , Liu Bang realized that he was inferior lo Xiang Yu in military force .

  12. 刘邦社会控制思想的形成方式初探

    The Forming Way that LIU Bang Society Controls the Thought is Visited for the First Time

  13. 刘邦视天下为产业,希望子孙后代能够继承其开创的产业。

    Liu Bang regarded the world as the industry , hope children can inherit its pioneering industry .

  14. 刘邦宣布,这就是二老的坟,并在此建了一座巨大的墓碑。

    The emperor declared this to be the correct grave , and ordered a large monument erected .

  15. 然而,刘邦的行为与名气招致了项羽的嫉妒。

    However , Liu Bang 's actions and fame were the source of Xiang Yu 's envy .

  16. 不禁非常吃惊地说:“刘邦已经得到了禁地了吗?为什么他的部队里面楚人这么多呢?”

    Terribly shocked , he murmured , " Has Han troops occupied all the lands of Chu ? "

  17. 刘盈是西汉开国皇帝刘邦的皇子。

    Liu Yin was the son of the Emperor Liu Bang who had founded the state of West Han .

  18. 刘邦集团在群雄逐鹿中最终胜出,创建了汉王朝。

    Liu Bang group in the feudal lords vying for the throne of the winner , founded the Han dynasty .

  19. 刘邦出生于一个农民家庭,起初是秦朝的亭长。

    Born of a peasant family , Liu Pang began his career as a police officer under the Qin Dynasty .

  20. 在角逐统治中国的权力的时候,项羽是汉朝开国皇帝刘邦的主要竞争对手。

    He was the principal contestant for control of China with Liu Bang , the founder of the Han Dynasty .

  21. 刘邦于公元前256年出生在一个农民家庭。儿时的刘邦调皮捣蛋,十分懒散。

    Born in 256 BC to a peasant family , Liu was a troublemaker and a truant as a child .

  22. 当项羽宣称自己是楚国的君主时,刘邦意识到自己的身份比项羽低微,

    When Xiang Yu proclaimed himself the King of Chu , Liu Bang realized that he was inferior to Xiang Yu

  23. 尽管处理国内事务刘邦是非常仁慈的,但是他对任何威胁到他统治的外部力量决不手软。

    Though generally humane in civil matters , he dealt harshly with those who threatened his reign from within China .

  24. 公元前206年至前202年,刘邦与项羽多次交战。

    From 206 B. C. to 202 B. C. , Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were at war for many times .

  25. 刘邦是一个粗鄙的人,曾经往儒冠里撒尿以示对知识的轻蔑。

    Liu was a coarse man who once urinated into the formal hat of a court scholar to show his disdain for education .

  26. 刘邦是农民出身,虽然粗鲁但是知道如何获得人心。

    Of peasant origin , Liu was a blunt , crude man but one who knew how to win the hearts of the people .

  27. 虽然刘邦已成为一国之君,但他依旧保持儿时的顽皮——他曾为了表示对教育的不屑,朝夫子的帽子里撒尿呢!

    He never did lose his childish ways , though , once urinating into a scholar 's hat to show his disdain for education .

  28. 可是项羽败后,刘邦与这些人的矛盾迅速暴露,韩信、英布等相继被诛除。

    However , the contradiction emerged with the failure of Xiang Yu , and Han Xin and Ying Bu were killed one after another .

  29. 西汉初期,刘邦在建立了皇帝制度后便建立了皇太子继承制。

    The early Western Han Dynasty , Liu Bang set up at the emperor system after system set up to inherit the crown prince .

  30. 楚王项羽被汉王刘邦的军队紧紧地围困在垓下这个地方。

    Xiang Yu , the king of Chu , was besieged at a place called Caixia by the Han army led by Liu Bang .