
xiàng quān
  • necklace;necklet;collar;choker
项圈 [xiàng quān]
  • [collar;necklace] 戴在颈部的环形饰物

项圈[xiàng quān]
  1. 那小孩带着金珠穿的一条小项圈。

    The child had a little necklace on of gold beads .

  2. 李拉住了狗的项圈。

    Lee got hold of the dog by its collar .

  3. 母亲拉住了那几只吠叫的狗的项圈。

    Mother took hold of the barking dogs by their collars .

  4. 狗项圈上系着一条布。

    There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog 's collar

  5. 我们的狗的项圈上有它的名字。

    Our dog has its name on its collar .

  6. 狗的项圈和链子哪儿去了?

    Where are the dog 's collar and lead ?

  7. 聚光灯GPS每套售价200美元,带一个防水项圈标签。

    The Spotlight GPS sells for $ 200 and features a water-resistant collar tag .

  8. 一次脂肪海藻瘦身,一个钻石狗项圈,和一台卡拉OK机怎样?

    A cellulite seaweed wrap , a diamond dog collar , and a karaoke machine .

  9. 曾经有个人在安全简报会上向他展示了一个发射信号定位宠物GPS的项圈,布兰斯菲尔德就是那时候冒出用猫进行无线探测想法的。

    Bransfield came up with the idea offeline-powered WiFi reconnaissance when someone attending one of his securitybriefings showed him a GPS collar designed to let people locate their pets bysending a text message .

  10. 由于Brian并没有佩戴项圈或植入芯片可提供身份信息,收容所的工作人员花了些时间才找到它的主人。

    Since Brian did not have a collar or embedded microchip , it took some time for the rescue shelter to locate its owners .

  11. 尽管这回DEFCON黑客大会的主题是——“如何让宠物变成武器”,但布兰斯菲尔德坚信,智能宠物项圈不构成巨大安全威胁。

    Despite the title of his DEF CON talk - " How To Weaponize YourPets " - Bransfield admits WarKitteh doesn 't represent a substantial securitythreat .

  12. 从以智能手机监控的肉类温度计到配备Wi-Fi的犬只项圈,家用和商用的设备与服务越来越多地与互联网相连,这一人们期待已久的趋势正引发科技行业汹涌的乐观情绪。

    From meat thermometers monitored with a smartphone to Wi-Fi-equipped dog collars , devices and services in homes and businesses are increasingly being connected to the Internet , a long-awaited trend that is causing a surge of optimism in the tech sector .

  13. 这款猫语项圈是由伦敦adam&eveDDB广告公司给猫零食品牌Temptations研发的,里面预置了猫语词典,包括呜呜叫、喵喵叫和其它一些语音,使翻译尽可能准确。

    Developed by London ad agency adam & eveDDB , for Temptations cat treats , the invention comes preloaded with a dictionary of cat purrs , meows , and several other sounds to make the interpretation as accurate as possible .

  14. 不过另外还称那名司机是出于安全担忧。公交公司还告诉Maltby以后别带狗项圈皮带。

    It added , however , that the driver was worried about safety and the company told Maltby to take the leash off in the future .

  15. 本周末,在拉斯维加斯DEFCON黑客大会上,Bransfield将推介一款逻辑运算新产品:“智能宠物项圈”。他设计的这个装置价格不到100美金,却能够让任何一只室外活动的猫变身WiFi探测器成为黑客帮凶。猫咪Skitzy

    This weekend at the DEF CON hacker conference in Las Vegas , Bransfield will debut the next logical step : The " WarKitteh " collar , adevice he built for less than $ 100 that turns any outdoor cat into aWiFi-sniffing hacker accomplice .

  16. 伞上的链子可以系在狗狗的项圈或背带上。

    A chain connects the umbrella to a collar or harness .

  17. 古奇在设计狗项圈方面生意兴隆。

    Gucci is doing a lively trade in designer dog collars .

  18. 但他紧紧的抓住了龙的项圈。

    But he held tightly onto the dragon 's leash anyway .

  19. 狗项圈上的金属牌,上面标着登记号码。

    Metal plate on a dog collar bearing its registration number .

  20. 他拿了它的项圈戴到另一只猫上。

    He took his collar and put it on an impostor .

  21. 他为什么不松开项圈?

    Why didn 't he just let go of the leash ?

  22. 溴氰菊酯项圈防制家犬&白蛉接触的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Prevention of Dog - Sandfly Contact by Deltamethrin Collar

  23. 唯一的出入口就要用到狗项圈。

    The only way in or out was with the dog collar .

  24. 我们用无线电项圈来研究它们的活动范围。

    We use radio collars to study their home range .

  25. 对他来说,我找到的最小的项圈也过大。

    Even the smallest collar I found was too big for him .

  26. 市场上有很多分量轻的项圈供你选择。

    There are a variety of lightweight collars available for your puppy .

  27. 发现狗狗项圈上留有我的电话号码,又给我打了电话

    and called me after noting my phone number on his collar .

  28. 我一般给小狗用尼龙的项圈。

    I always start puppies with a thin nylon collar .

  29. 是否照狗脖子上项圈的电话号码打过电话了?

    You tried calling the number on the collar ?

  30. 我经常带它到海边散步,但它把项圈吃下去了

    I used to walk him by the sea.But he ate his collar .