
  • 网络crest
冠饰 [guān shì]
  • [cymatium] 古典建筑中一种顶部线脚

  1. 没认出他的冠饰?冠饰?

    Didn 't recognize his crest ? Crest ?

  2. 头戴着特里斯坦.德布阿的冠饰。

    He bears the crest of Tristan Dubois .

  3. 用CT扫描副栉龙的冠饰,我们会发现这种动物会发出低频音,可以传向浓密的丛林深处。

    CT scans of Parasaurolophus'crest reveals the animal likely trumpeted low-frequency sounds that traveled well within a dense forest environment .

  4. 这是特里斯坦.德布阿的冠饰。

    It is the crest of Tristan Dubois .

  5. 副栉龙的冠饰可能由于蛋白质而富于颜色,但它还有另一个用处,那就是音频部件。

    The crest of Parasaurolophus would likely have been brightly colored by these proteins , but it had another use too * as an audio component .

  6. 有许多例子成功地将现代和传统的时装要素融合在一起,其中有现代化的新娘冠饰,它采用了宋朝的设计和湖南风格的刺绣饰带,并且色调使用了传统的大红色、蓝色以及绿色。

    Some successful examples of combinations of modern and traditional fashion elements are the modern bridal tiara , based on a Sung Dynasty design and the Hunan Province style of embroidered sash made in the traditional colors of pure red , blue , and green .

  7. 贵族女子主要戴四瓣莲蕾形金珠冠和桃形冠饰,是由回鹘妇女的桃形冠改制而来。

    The noble woman mainly wear lotus bud-shaped four-petal crown and peach-shaped crest , which is from restructuring of the peach-shaped crown of Uighur women .