
yī qī duō fū zhì
  • polyandry
一妻多夫制[yī qī duō fū zhì]
  1. 麦克伦南只知道三种婚姻形式:一夫多妻制,一妻多夫制和个体婚制。

    McLennan knew only three forms of marriage : polygyny , polyandry and monogamy .

  2. 在一妻多夫制的情况下,女人一般也会嫁给她原本丈夫的兄弟。

    In fraternal polyandry the woman is expected to marry each of her original husband 's brothers .

  3. 一夫多妻,一妻多夫制被许多国家禁止。

    A plural marriage is forbidden by many countries .

  4. 就算假如它是正常的,那为什么没有一妻多夫制呢?为什么女人就偏偏要跟着男人才算得到照顾呢?女人自己也有两只手两条腿嘛!

    Well , even if it is normal , then why is there no system of " ONE WIFE , MORE HUSBANDS "? Why can the lady have care only after marrying a man ? The lady herself has two hands and two legs as well !

  5. 对于国内男女比例越来越不均衡,浙江大学国际经济贸易学院的谢作诗在他的博客中说道这个问题可以通过允许一妻多夫制解决。

    As the population imbalance in China between men and women has become intensive , Xie Zuoshi , a professor with the School of Economics and International Trade at Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics , said in his blog that the problem can be solved by allowing polyandry .