
  • 网络One-time Password;one time password;OTP
  1. 这涉及客户机登录模块和基于GSS-API的一次性密码应用服务器的握手过程。

    This involves a handshake between the client login module and the GSS-API-based one-time password application server .

  2. 步骤13、14&使用前面建立的GSS-API上下文对用户名和一次性密码进行加密,并把加密的信息发送给服务器。

    Steps 13 , 14 - Encrypt the Username and One-Time Password using the securely established GSS-API context and send across the encrypted information to the server .

  3. WLAN中的一次性密码认证

    OTP Authentication for WLAN

  4. OTP系统通常采用客户机-服务器模型,在给定的时刻对于给定的用户,在客户端生成相同的一次性密码。

    OTP systems are typically built on a client-server model , where at a given time , for a given user , the same one-time passwords are generated on the client side .

  5. 根据服务器数据库检查用户名和一次性密码,把检查结果(成功或失败)传递回基于GSS-API的OTP服务器应用程序。

    The Username and One Time Password are verified against the server database and the result of the verification ( either success or failure ) is passed back to the GSS-API-based OTP server application .

  6. 使用手机一次性密码更安全的验证身份

    The Use of Mobile Phone More Secure One-time Password to Verify Identity

  7. 基于一次性密码的数据安全认证机制

    Data Identity Authentication Mechanism Base On One Time Password

  8. 步骤12&输入一次性密码。

    Step 12 - Enter the One-Time Password .

  9. 突发式收发报机,一次性密码本、密写工具;

    Burst transceiver , one shot pad for cipher code , or secret writing devices ;

  10. 一次性密码验证系统

    One-time password authentication system

  11. 摘要简单介绍一次性密码系统机理,并与现有密码机制进行比较。

    The paper mainly introduces the mechanism of one time password system and compares it with the current password system .

  12. 一次性密码体现出诸多优势,其算法设计灵活、复杂度适中、计算量较小且安全性较高,这里给出了应用该算法设计的登陆系统的实现和工作原理。

    The algorithm of One Time Password is proposed , the realization and the working principle of the login system designed according to this algorithm are also given .

  13. 一般来说,我们不需要这种结果;但是,如果希望选择要手工输入的一次性密码,这种输出是有用的。

    Generally you would not want this ; however , this could be useful if you or a user wishes to choose a password for a one-time use that is entered manually .

  14. 苏顿还建议用户尽可能地开启双因素认证。在进行双因素认证时,用户需要输入另一个一次性密码,而该密码会通过短信发送到用户的手机上。

    Mr. Sutton also advised users to turn on two-factor authentication whenever possible , a procedure in which a user is prompted to enter a second one-time password that has been texted to the user 's phone .

  15. 只要密钥是随机的,或者说没有能被识别的规律,那么这套语音加密系统就会像维尔南一次性密码一样安全。

    If the key were truly ' random ' , or without any discernible pattern , such a speech cipher system would be as secure as the Vernam one-time cipher for telegraph tape , and on exactly the same argument .

  16. 通过这些排除,艾伦的想法渐渐成形,主要有两点:X系统能够及时地在连续时间内对语音进行采样,而且使用了模加技术以及一次性的密码本。

    By jettisoning these he reduced the number of ideas involved to two : the fact that it sampled the speech at a succession of moments in time , and the fact that it used modular addition , like a one-time pad .

  17. 报告还建议,把关键系统,比如店内支付系统,与企业的网络隔离,让“双重认证”程序成为常态,“双重认证”指的是除了通常需要的登录密码外,员工必须另外输入第二个、一次性的密码。

    The report also suggests segregating crucial systems like in-store payment systems from the corporate network and making " two factor authentication " - a process by which employees must enter a second , one-time password in addition to their usual credentials - the status quo .

  18. 洛克凯斯机代表了维尔南一次性电传打字密码系统的最新进展。

    The Rockex represented a technical improvement to the Vernam one-time teleprinter cipher system .

  19. 理论上说,黛丽拉可以像X系统一样,使用录制在留声机中的一次性密钥,就像电报使用的一次性密码本。

    In principle the Delilah could have used a one-time key recorded on gramophone records as the X-system did , analogous to the ' one-time pad ' for telegraph transmissions .